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  • JustanAuthor

    If your elders forbid you from doing something listen

    All of them entered the old library of the Monastery and walked towards the deeper sections of the library. Gongamtei asked, "Why do I not know about this library?" Kenchi said, "Because only the demons and members of the Monastery can enter or know about this library. The thing is that this place is not very good for beginners as many ancient and untouchable books and scrolls are stored here. I have tried to enter the library for many centuries but Bacca and Xao Chang never allowed me to come here.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Typical Aliyah

    Alice said, "I don't know what to say right now. If you cannot trust Hilda, then she will have trust issues too. I don't know what grudges you two had earlier in your lives, but right now you two are kind of dependent on each other and if there is no trust between you two then with time this union will break." Aliyah said in annoyed tone, "I don't care about her small union with me. We started our journey together and if she doesn't want to help us then I will happily tell her to fuck off." Alice smiled, "Companionship doesn't work like that." Aliyah said angrily, "To hell with her and her companionship. If she doesn't follow my orders then she can happily go her own way." Alice said, "Okay. Quarreling with you won't prove any good, so I better go and look for my friends." Alice rose and quickly sprinted away. Aliyah looked at her going and sighed in despair, "Poor innocent moron. Only Mother Manaca can give her some wisdom."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    It was the first kingdom to surrender before the allied forces of orcs and spirit demons. My brief period as the queen is the only good and joyous moment in this whole story." King Jamalus rose and said, "The dinner is ready. Better eat it before we move." Alice said, "Tell me something about this orcs." Aliyah smiled, "They are just some green people who knows magic and have inhuman strength and brilliant minds. In fact, our royal palace was made by an artitect who was apparently trained by the kind Supreme Builder, Vanas Le Croft who was an orc by birth, but decided to break all ties with his savage nature and learned architecture and craft by residing in the kingdom in the disguise of an orphan." Alice said, "See, there's always a silver lining in the clouds." Aliyah said grimly, "That silver lining has disappeared years ago and now what remains is the dark and thunderous clouds of Krymon." Alice said, "Maybe we can awaken the kindness in their hearts again and make them our friends." Aliyah said grimly, "They are already friends with the elves. Just the wrong ones." King Jamalus screamed, "Come fast. Time is matter of life and death in this forest, where wild and vicious predators lurk around." Aliyah and Alice quickly went towards the dinner spot, leaving behind the bonfire whose flames burned valiantly and attracted the attention of the forest's most lethal predators, the Fire lions.....
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    Alice was sitting near a bonfire, slowly kindling the fire so that it burns more blazingly. Aliyah came near her and sat beside her and said, "So, tomorrow we are going to unite the Shinigano and Shuken people with us and storm Tammy's palace and release Elgin from their clutches. Are you nervous?" Alice smiled, "Why should I be nervous? It is your war, your people and your struggle. I will just a part of the audience along with Elena and Trisha, won't I?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    The figure slowly put Sophia on the bed and mumbled, "Damn. The pregnancy has made her, way more heavier than before." He slowly opened her clothes and careful examined her whole body and then started massaging her whole body with a oily green liquid on her belly. He tightly tied her hands to the parallel sides of the bed and put a big cloth in her mouth and tied it tightly with a cloth. He also closed her eyes with a cloth and opened her legs and tied her legs to the opposite sides of the bed. He then chanted some words and then slowly pressed her belly with his thumbs and pushed it downwards. Sophia started moving in pain, but the ropes were too strong and she started shaking the bed. The green guy slowly inserted his hand inside her vagina and moved his hand forward till his fingers touched a head. He said, "I can feel one head." A female voice came, "Okay. Now, find another head." He moved his hand and felt another head, but it was not normal but with traces of two arising horns. He said, "The other one has horns." The female voice exclaimed, "Oh, Mother Manaca. It's an Orc baby."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    Aliyah pushed Verona out of the window and Verona screamed as she fell hundreds of feet down. Alice looked at Verona's dead body which was lying on the floor of the compound, blood coming out of her head. Alice said grimly, "You are an evil person, Aliyah." Aliyah said, "All heroes are evil before the victory." She disappeared in thin air and put a letter near Verona and went away.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Maester Taylor to Maester Cornwall

    Maester Cornwall smiled, "You have always been the man of rush decisions, Maester Taylor. You suggest that we should join hands with Aliyah and fight Xao Chang. But, have you ever considered how much wealth and men we will sacrifice for this cause? Years of wars has only snatched happiness from us and gave ruins and poverty to us. If you remember the cries of the families who lost soldiers than you may have also heard the cries of the people dying from starvation and thirst. I don't think going against an enemy who is stronger than us will be any wise decision." Aliyah said grimly, "We cannot sit idle thinking that we are weaker than our enemies. Remember what Mother Manaca taught us that we shouldn't be afraid to fight for justice even if we are in disadvantage. The enemy may be strong, but can't win against the good. Maester Taylor is right. If no one fights for his survival, what's the point of living in such prosperity?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Xao Lin's urine? They must be the stupidest to believe that.

    Verona looked at Elena and Trisha and said, "Don't mind them. They are just obeying the royal code. Here, meet the Queen of the Western Province, Queen Victoria and her sister, Princess Alexandria, who have especially came so far from their home to bless Sophia on her baby shower." Elena and Trisha bowed before them and Queen Victoria smiled, "So, you two are the foreign beauties who has been the gossip of the ladies lately. I heard that you are Elgin's wives and are sisters. Which kingdom does your father represent?" Elena said, "We are not Elgin's wives. He is our good friend and we are not princesses, but humans from the outer world." Queen Victoria said, "Humans? I had studied about your kind in my childhood. The old scholars described you people to be selfish, malevolent and dirty. That you have no large ears and you were made from Xao Lin's urine." Trisha said, "We all have our assumptions and descriptions. But, the reality can be quite different." Princess Alexandria said, "I heard that you see Aliyah's ghost and that she has possessed your friend's body. Is it true?" Elena said, "Apparently it looks that only."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Aliyah's ultimate persuasion

    Aliyah said grimly, "That is something that worries me more than anything." She looked outside and said, "If they still don't agree, then we will have to offer matrimonial alliance." Alice asked puzzled, "Who will marry them?" Aliyah said, "Elena, Trisha and if neccessary you too." Alice asked, "What?" Aliyah said grimly, "If you want your mother, then this is the best bet. I will try to avoid this proposal till the last, so that you can have time to think about it." Alice sighed and they looked at setting sun as it was slowly hiding behind the horizon....
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Everyone looking at them be like

    Elena and Trisha looked around with both awe and happiness. The whole place was gleaming with sunlight, the flowers were almost tall as a tree and the female elves are collecting honey from them with the help of a ladder and a long lines of male elves were churning water and spreading it all over the agricultural field, where large pumpkins, capsicums, oranges, apples and maizes were growing. Young elves of both gender are busy training in physical combats. Elgin landed the carpet in front of a beautiful palace where two elves, wearing bright red cloaks greeted them. Elgin said, "We are here to meet Tammy and his wife, Sophia. We are invited to join in Sophia's baby shower and also to discuss some important matters regarding the evil forces. One of the red cloaks said grimly, "Yes, we have heard about the recent attacks of Gongamtei in the mortal's city and we are deeply sympathetic towards the deceased ones and their families." Elgin said, "The guests are pretty much tired and I think that they should freshen up for the night's celebration."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Elgin never leaves a moment to impress girls

    Elgin looked at Elena and Trisha, who were tightly grasping the corners of the carpet. He said, "I told you earlier that it will be a little uncomfortable flying in the sky." Elena smiled, "No worries. We don't get to ride a flying carpet everyday." Trisha vomited mid air and said, "I am feeling just like Princess Jasmine, just a little sick." Elgin asked, "Who is Princess Jasmine?" Elena giggled, "Why should we tell you? You already have Cindy." Elgin smiled, "It's always good to know more girls." Elena and Trisha started laughing. Elgin said, "I don't know, but you may not like the boys out there. They are much more handsome than the boys of your species. Long silver hair, big pointy ears and a traditional goatee."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    I like how they swiftly insert absurdity with plain easiness

    Trisha said, "She is dead and now is a ghost." Verona smiled, "I still remember when she was a young girl in training. An angry little fireball she was. She broke my nose in one of the sparing fight." Elena asked, "You are Aliyah's friend?" Verona smiled, "Yeah. We had the many sweet moments together." She rose and said, "Wash these ladies. They shouldn't be late for tonight's celebration." The ladies slowly walked towards them and started bathing them.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Elgin when he gets triggered

    Maester Cornwall smiled, "That is the problem with your tribe. You always believe in the impossible and this belief has now lead to the extinction of your whole tribe." Elgin said angrily, "I won't tolerate a single ill word about my tribe. They fought valiantly alongside the Manacan tribe whereas, the people of your tribe ran away when the tide of the war tilted a little against us. I still remember when your teacher, Maester Lorlys left the wounded soldiers and ran away on horseback. The whole platoon of poor injured soldiers were slaughtered like vegetables by those bloodthirsty demons. Yes, we believe in impossible because we know that we have the power to make the impossible possible." Maester Cornwall said, "Well, I'm getting late for the evening prayer. We will scuffle on it some other time." He hastily went away. Elgin angrily stormed away and soon exited the hall.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    And they say Aliyah is a good character

    Alice said angrily, "I don't want to waste my time between heartless people like you." Aliyah sighed, "You are a headache." She snapped her fingers and Alice fell on the ground unconscious and Aliyah took her on the shoulder and created a sphere ball and said, "Bring Elena and Trisha with you. They need some sharpening too." Elgin asked sheepishly, "Can I bring Cindy with me? We will have some time to bond." Aliyah said annoyed, "Definitely not." She disappeared leaving purple smoke behind her.
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    Alice woke up from her sleep, when Aliyah gently shaked her shoulder, "Wake up, dear. You will catch cold. The floor is not the place to sleep, go and sleep on your bed." Alice slowly rose and said, "I barely slept well last night. The tension and fear has startled me till my last nerve. Mother is missing from the last five days and we still don't know what to do and what to not do." Aliyah sighed, "I know what your feeling right now and I truly care about you, but I still need to advise you to focus on the training and get ready for the bigger challenges that are waiting for you." Alice asked angrily, "What do you mean to say, Aliyah? That I don't even lament my mother's loss. How can you be so cold hearted?" Aliyah said grimly, "You know what, you are right. I'm cold hearted and maybe unfriendly, but you would have been too if you had encountered the atrocities that my family, my people suffered at the hands of those monsters. Your mother maybe even dead and we are just wasting our time searching for her."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Unnecessary experiments were not welcome even in medieval times. Listen China

    Alice asked, "Why don't you let Elgin answer that question?" Aliyah sighed, "He returned to the forest to find some special herbs which he wants to use to make a special concoction which according to him will be the best remedy for making your body stronger." Alice asked irritated, "Don't you know anything about these magic and spells? Haven't you read anything about it? You're pretty useless." Aliyah said annoyed, "I'm telling you lady. There is no spell which can show us you mother's location. Unless.." Alice asked, "Unless what?" Aliyah said grimly, "Unless we use the dark magic." Alice asked puzzled, "You mean black magic?" Aliyah said annoyed, "No, you fool. Dark magic. It is something a bunch of curious and stupid wizards of our clan once tried. They succeeded at a large scale, but the final spell turned out to be way more chaotic than expected. Many people were injured and lots of property got damaged and our clan leader put a halt on the experiment and sentenced the accused wizards lifetime ban from using magic of any kind."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    Why isn't Kayuba believing Assayah's words?

    Kenchi asked, "What kind of unnatural rumors?" Assayah replied, "Not very clear. But, Mr. Watwell said that Alice beat her daughter in the hospital without getting into anyone's eyes and also beat down three men way stronger than her and disappeared miraculously." Kayuba waved his hand and said, "It's plain bullshit. A girl disappearing "miraculously" is clearly an overstatement. Anyone who possesses such power won't publicly put a show of it, again if that person knows that he or she should remain as incognito as possible." Assayah said grimly, "It was just a simple suspicion. I mean why would Mr. Watwell even say such thing which without any solid evidence is utter madness." Kayuba said, "I don't trust a politician's tongue. Truth is scarce in their mouth and they have awesome talent of cooking up stories. I'm sure it is just a random false." Assayah said angrily, "But his daughter was really beaten and she spend time in hospital. I'm just saying why don't we take a survey of that girl?" Kayuba replied angrily, "Because we don't have enough time in our hands to fulfill your desires. Bacca is going to lit our buttocks on fire if we disappoint him any further."
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    Bacca smiled, "That's why education is important. You solved half the problem already." He looked at Kenchi and Kayuba and said, "You two go with Nochi and meet Assayah. He will then give you the further information about this extraordinary mortal." Kenchi, Kayuba and Nochi bowed and slowly disappeared in red mist. Bacca opened his drawer and took out a porn magazine and sighed, "What is the point of having so much power if you can't fuck a fine lady?"
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor
    Knight In Dark Armour
    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan
  • JustanAuthor

    They are doing what Gongamtei wants them to do

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    Fantasy · Rakib_Hassan