

2020-08-01 JoinedUnited Kingdom

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  • Ein_Sof

    While I personally am not somebody who particularly enjoys reading stories with harems as I am monogamous, the content of the story more than makes up for that fact in my book, hope you are doing well irl and I am looking forward to the next chapter, have a good day👍

    Ch 62 Notes (It's a rant)
    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Ein_Sof

    Honestly I don't see much point in him changing his bloodline out for any others, he has already heard that bloodlines are a flawed path so for all he knows, performing a bloodline integration my bar him from future progress. In addition who knows what kind of risks may come with integrating another's bloodline into their own? I have always felt that bloodline power is stupid as it never really truly belongs to yourself and you are only riding the coattails of some bloodline progenitor, which may or may not be able to negatively influence you by imposing a hard-cap to prevent descendents from surpassing them, or to be able to exert literal control over your mind. Imo anyone in a such a situation should always look to make as much of their power belong to them as possible, for example if you are a martial artist then your power really only belongs to your body and is lost upon changing body and the composing matter belongs to he world you live in, if your power is that of energy like mana/qi then it really just belongs to the universe and/or whatever being made it come into being, upon leaving your home universe where the underlying quantum fields no longer exist and neither does your energy then your physical body no longer exists and nor does your power source. One novel i read called "A Wizard's Secret" takes this idea as an imposed fundamental limit of your universe to prevent surpassers, hence the main character instead turns to using his very own mind power generated from his very being and thoughts since no other being can take this away from him.

    Ch 105 Research on Bloodlines
    Immortal In The Magic World
    Eastern · Blue And White Ocean
  • Ein_Sof

    Honestly I genuinely enjoy this trial novel out of all the recent trash copypaste, there is no system aspect to the progression and it fits the theme of an immortal magus, the main character appears to have the ability to plan for the future and consider the sutainability of his actions, as of chapter 35 the main character also does not appear to be a simp for every woman that he sees nor is he an emotionless machine, he has friends but avoids letting them get too close since he is aware of the fact that he does not age and it will only hurt him in the future watching them grow old while he remains unaffected by the passage of time. In addition I enjoy the magic system of the novel, there exists quantitative mental strength for a magic weilder to be able to percieve their surroundings and manipulate the world through their will via basic telekinesis, however in addition there exists spells of levels 0,1,2,3,etc which are much more powerful for their worth but are more limited in applications, i can see a future power dynamic involving a mixture of pure mental manipulations coupled with spellcasting as a form of magic which may be interesting. Thus far we have not seen the qualitative change in a magic user's power after a breakthough, however I am hoping that the path of power in the novel does not replicate warlock of the magus world and other novels in which the main character is forced to choose a permanent spell that cannot be changed later since I dislike such things out of personal preference, though if executed well then it can still be interesting. I hope to see the main character playing more defensively like Han Jue since it makes sense to prioritise self protection when you an immortal with infinite lifespan fight a mortal with finite lifespan thus your losses upon death are infinitely greater than your foe's. Since the mc is untalented I can absolutely see a future where he is incredibly cautious avoiding conflict whereever possible. Top tier thus far

    Immortal In The Magic World
    Eastern · Blue And White Ocean
  • Ein_Sof

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 300 Year Novice Protection Period
    Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years
    Eastern · Sole Cloud Flying Cave
  • Ein_Sof

    Of the recent new novels this has to be among the best and I hope that it is continued, it is surprising that in the first 20 chapters alone the main character is able to undergo significant character development from his interactions with the handful of guests in his small plane, I am looking forward to seeing how this story continues.

    Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years
    Eastern · Sole Cloud Flying Cave
  • Ein_Sof

    I hate server announcements in novels, its always the main character who sets them off and never anyone else so it just feels weird and forced for the purpose of furthering the plot

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    MMORPG : Rise of the Interstellar God
    Games · Hamapo
  • Ein_Sof
    Replied to Sephtis_Azrael

    Can't forget the paragraphs of ket snorted on the daily as a part of british culture

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    HP: I Have "Pure" Magic
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • Ein_Sof
    Replied to TechnexGames

    Fr the soul system is actually really novel and cool, I can totally see how it could actually be a mechanic in a game and the abilty to change builds on the fly by swapping souls is really cool and i can totally imagine a player having different builds for different situations, for example a stat maxxing build with fewer souls like 1/2 as to inflate the level meanwhile also having a utility build with many souls since level may not be useful in certain situations such as being a historian where you may have up to 9 souls each providing a key skill, and then a build with a midding number of souls like in the original timeline with like 5. Either that or im not quite understanding the soul system and xp is lost when you change soul count which i feel wouldnt make as much sense. Super excited to see where it may go and be pushed to its limit then broken by a player with 30 years of stratsand secrets under his belt

    Restarting From Genesis
    Fantasy · TechnexGames
  • Ein_Sof
    Replied to TechnexGames

    Fair enough, thanks for the reply, I can totally understand the time constraints involved with writing an ongoing webnovel, I spoke to the author of supreme magus on his discord server a while back and he described it as a kind of rat race to juggle getting 2 chapters out per day with quality and a cohesive story, as someone who has written a dissertation I cannot imagine having to write everything in a single draft and it being of good quality so the fact that as a first time writer you can put out something of such quality shows that you have a knack for it. though I really do feel the need to ask if Merlin will be at least a hybrid mage because I really am a lover of mage novels and am not a fan of cultivation/pure melee MCs

    Restarting From Genesis
    Fantasy · TechnexGames
  • Ein_Sof

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 The compass.
    Restarting From Genesis
    Fantasy · TechnexGames
  • Ein_Sof

    Im enjoying the novel so far, it feels realistic and the main character's motivations are realistic for the most part, however I feel that for a character with the name Merlin not to have become a mage, only being capable of 3 very basic spells that literally anyone can pick up by CH142 is somewhat strange, I came into the novel expecting something like the novel Mages are too OP with a mage main character in a "virtual reality" world that is suspiciously realistic, then to learn that he is capable of using some sort of magic in the real world hinted through his strange temporal ability that has triggered thrice and apparent link to the otherworldly rock that from the sound of it, is capable of manipulating spacetime and violating the laws of conservation of energy. Having read the entire novel in an entire sitting instead I can say that there are a handful of situations in which I feel as though the author came up with the idea partway through thus where it should have existed prior to that point in time only just becomes apparent, an example being the fact that the researchers are unable to see what is going on inside the game world and only recently did the main character suggest that he streams his perspective allowing them to see the very thing that they worked hard to create. I would have thought that they would at least during he beta period have a live feed for every player to ensure that there are no bugs as afterall they are acting as testpilots before the mass release aswell as a tech demo for important indivuduals such as investors. This is an example on the top of my head but has happened a couple of times prior, either for the sake of exposition or oversight, to which I believe lies with the fact that the author is a new writer and doesnt have the novel planned out enough. Honesly, I cant say much considering the fact that I am an awful writer, I genuinely have enjoyed reading the novel and am excited for more, keep it up😃

    Restarting From Genesis
    Fantasy · TechnexGames
  • Ein_Sof


    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
  • Ein_Sof

    So you can only use gravity fusion whilst naked? That seems like an author oversight ngl

    "Which means that the ladder of leaves trick wouldn't work while carrying even a bag." The Hydra said. "Start with small amounts of energy and try to mix them together. Anyone capable of using tier zero Gravity Magic understands when they are doing it right."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Ein_Sof


    Low Dimensional Game
    Fantasy · LSLCCF
  • Ein_Sof

    Man this explanation sucks😕

    "You are the cause of your reincarnation problem. With no one and nowhere to go, you wandered aimlessly. I came to put an end to your death and rebirth cycle. I'm here to take you home, big brother."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Ein_Sof
    Replied to Room

    The apple didnt fall on Netwon's head...

    "Huh, looks like this apple fell on my head and woke me up. That's strange though, this apple is still unripe; why did it fall?"
    Walker Of The Worlds
    Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist
  • Ein_Sof
    Replied to Classic_Balrog

    More like the electromagnetic spectrum

    When mana cores grow, they get brighter until they change color. The brightness and color of a mana core are determined by how big a mage's mana reserves are. The known stages are the following from weakest to strongest: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. It is said that the king and queen of each empire are the only known beings that currently possess purple mana cores.
    The Magnetic Mage
    Fantasy · naffan
  • Ein_Sof


    Such a price was completely within an acceptable range. If raising it by 1% required 100,000 Laws of Nature Origin Crystals, then 100% would require 1,000,000 Laws of Nature Origin Crystals!
    Picking Up Attributes From Today
    Eastern · Panda Reunion
  • Ein_Sof

    God I fucking love this novel, It has everything that I enjoy about real life and novels all packed together. The magical realism where the author will use real world physics in a magic setting is something that I heva never seen this well executed before. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! personally I really enjoyed the part of the novel where the MC makes the observer priniciple and the quantum eraser effect seem to be the secret of godhood in a way that conflicts with our world's understanding of these principles, causing me to think that the author would split off the mechanics of our world and the novel's to accomidate magic, which even had me kinda mad that the author was possibly misunderstanding the observer principle and quantum information in a way that pop culture science always gets wrong, however the MC uses this to pull a fastball on the main villain tricking him into **** up his ascension to godhood by revealing the truth after all.👏👏 masterpiece storytelling

    Throne of Magical Arcana
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Ein_Sof

    See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop

    Ch 1 The Burning Gallows
    Throne of Magical Arcana
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving