Like to read, and a little writing myself.
of reading
Read books
A good sneak can use any distraction to their advantage.
A whip would be considered a melee weapon because the weapon does not exit his grip, and his body swings with the weapon. A wired harpoon, on the other hand, is a ranged weapon, whether thrown or shot from a harpoon gun.
Hello there, Mine Turtle!
Even though this is my third read through, I can't remember what this does once he acquires 50 humanoids scared shitless. (Would a Super Mutant technically count? What about a Synth?)
"Lord Death of Murder Mountain"
"Damn you, Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. The Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell. You there. You and me - we shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants."
'Cause ya can't say Starbucks.
This sounds kinda like Dark Souls stuff...
*Has Vietnam flashbacks of Sword Saint Isshin*