of reading
Read books
uh sorry I'm not sure how I would shorten it really without losing the overall meaning. I've never been good at keeping things concise.
same, I've never found a novel or comic on this app that was good and solid yet I'm still here.
affairs in this context means concerns. worldly means nonspiritual. Fashion and clothes are worldly affairs.
choose what? from the description it looks like he instantly becomes a god and gets handed gift to become an even stronger god.
I can actually see that happening. He would probably cultivate and use any of the broken abilities he reads about.
I get all that but was I understand ithat I keep coming back to is as I understand it they would be helping necromancers build the equivalent of a nuke in their backyard that would almost certainly be used on their own home. I'm not sure it's reasonable to say desperation and greed would trump that. It would be a different story if the calamity could only be used in one place for some reason and they made sure the necromancer was definitely headed to some other kingdom because then they wouldn't be selling their own eventually destruction and misery or if they sold the stuff and immediately told the church "hey I noticed this suspicious guy hanging around butcher shops" so they got the money without having to worry about more than a low level mage that would immediately get destroyed but the author doesn't tell us anything like that.
but again we're back to why would regular criminals want to participate? They could make money off any other mage type and not risk destroying themselves eventually so why would they cooperate and not just tell the church about them?
I didn't think about it earlier but this would have been a nice place to show why weapon forging matters. Instead of promising powerful weapons to be used in seemingly peaceful times where they aren't needed the author could have had him teach his class about flying sword preparation which they could practically use and save money on transportation with.
I often see novels with premises that could easily be great with even just a decent writer but it's often squandered. This feels like it could be the reverse; a self-congratulatory praise fest that could easily become the worst I've seen unless a great writer makes it work.
they would still need parts from somewhere.