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Monster Hunter: Auros

His eyes snapped open. Sounds of wildlife were all around him, and they became rowdier as he felt his consciousness returning to his body. His back was propped on something hard and uneven. Reflexively, he sat up. His eyes were immediately scanning his surroundings in a slow motion, seeing only overgrown forest in every direction. His eyebrows raised majestically as he found that he was lying down in the middle of a clearing, vine-laden trees enclosing the space. A sudden premonition struck him. Patting his clothes and pockets, then his whole body, he sighed in relief. Nothing had happened to his body. His limbs were intact, as was his head. The thing he had stored in his pockets was nowhere to be found, but he was in one piece. Considering what he had gone through, it was a miracle that none of those things had eaten him yet. Checking his vicinity one more time and finding no immediate threats, he slowly stood up, eyes vigilant against movement among the trees and their branches that entwined the sky above. The air was full of the sounds of birds. The canopy swayed restlessly over him as those small creatures hopped from one branch to another. He recalled what they were: Anothraxes. They weren’t a threat when they were alone, but once they congregated on a single hunter, they became C-level dangers. He had to stay hidden as he moved if he wanted to avoid the critters. Fortunately the ground was endorsed full with lush undergrowth, some of the plants reaching heights that could hide his body even if he only slightly bent his knees. Deciding what he needed to do, he made to dive into the conevenient natural cover for hunters, when his feet struck something that was hidden under a bush. It made a dull cluttering noise, like metal striking against ground. As he looked at his feet, he saw a familiar handle-like object. It was only one part of an item, and the rest of it was gone. He crouched low to retrieve it but felt slight resistance. Comprehending, he used his free hand to break apart the bramble while the hand holding the broken item tugged on it. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

WebnovelCreator101 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

I Got Infinite Stats

We were overwhelmed by how vast the space behind the stage was, but what made our hearts cringe was the fact that all the slaves were imprisoned inside cages, some were in diminutive cages of their own, others were squashed together in huge prisons that were pounded to the walls. Guards and other people with surprisingly clean clothes were rushing around, tending to the slaves and polishing them to the point that they seem to be shining. Quite a large number of slaves were positioned outside the cages, still binded by shackles but with better clothes and better looks than the imprisoned ones, which indicated that they were the goods to be sold. I clenched my fists, I was determined to release every single one of them with the infinite cash that was bestowed upon my system. The stench waffling through the air was also surprisingly smelling of soap and perfume, with a slight whiff of something cooking. I was glad that the slaves weren't as badly treated as how the rumors had said, though of course it was still categorized as very bad treatment. The anger inside me was starting to flare up, but was then slightly diminished by the fact that I had noticed the slaves weren't skinny and seemed to be in good condition. We went past the soon-to-be-sold slaves and the guards tending them, who looked at us with frowning faces but went back to their work as soon as they saw the VIP passes that I stuck on our clothes. I looked at the face of the slave that the first guard was fussing about on, and I noticed her to be a species of adolescent juvenile female dark elf. Her gaze met mine, it had a hint of despair but also a sense of longing to be free. 

WebnovelCreator101 · Fantasy
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