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First of all, I realise that harem is one of the tags and I can’t really complain since I knew that going into this. I just wanted to read something, and I thought there was a chance it could’ve been the one in a million novel where a harem is actually done well. It’s not. I’m quite annoyed actually, it had so much potential. I can deal with harems where the women are actual individuals and provide something to the story, and there’s only 2-3 of them. This was not the case here, they completely lack any sense of personality. They’re just there to add to the grandeur of the mc, displaying how women just fall to there knees around him. It completely ruins the story. As well as this, all the characters lack any sort of depth. The interactions fail to portray any deeper emotions than surface level, it seems almost mechanic. Finally, I hate how saint-like the mc is. It’s just completely unrealistic, given how much had been taken away from him you’d expect him to carry some resentment. He never gets angry, he’s constantly fixed in an emotional state of sunshine and rainbows and it’s frankly boring. I realise you can’t expect too much from Webnovel for quality but I genuinely had high hopes for this one.
How come it went from 2300->3700->5500->7500 ? Why is the difference in experience needed between levels not increasing at at least the same rate as lower levels? It went 1400->1800->2000, you’d expect 2200 or higher, no?
How does someone mess up on the first paragraph of their story? You’d think they’d take better care when they’re just starting
Roman goddess of luck
Where are you from? Most third world countries are racist if not all
Definitely not, countries like India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan are all extremely racist and some of the most racist countries on earth. Media likes to portray white people as the most racist due to the fact that they committed atrocities due to racism on a larger scale in the past since they were more technologically advanced. After all the UK was the first country to undergo its industrial revolution. The truth is Western Europe, especially to the north, is the least racist place in the world and has made the greatest strides in social reform.
This is a bit unrealistic, why is he so friendly with everyone? He has literally just been sold and been in unbearable agony
Sorry to rain on your parade bud, but when you are referring to multiple types of fish or booze the plural becomes fishes or boozes. We still use fish or booze as plural only if its the same type of fish or booze.