Forgetfulness can be a huge burden. Forgetting your friend's birthday, forgetting your phone, forgetting the day before you drank that bottle and especially forgetting the murderer of your best friend.
Regan, an 18-year-old girl in her final year of high school finally got the chance to reunite with her life-long best friend on a camping trip, and to sum it up, she was ecstatic. Heaven smiled down at her with unearthly warms rays of light, the grass glowed with a healthy vine green color and the sky was a wide expanse of blue. Everything was shrouded in absolute beauty and even the rocky terrain of the entrance to the camping site felt like clouds beneath her feet. It felt like a dream she never wanted to wake from.
Maybe because it was. It's a shame she was only a few hours away from being dragged back to earth by the sirens of an ambulance and police.
Days later, she walks the halls of her school with no recollection of what happened and no scars except for the chilling moment where the lights are switched off and she runs for her life, chased by a monster she didn't even know. In those moments, she's reminded that her blank memory must be rewritten and soon before her nightmares take over.
totalnoob · Teen