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hahahaha that's crazy !!!!! oopsies!! lol
whoa it had been so long since we got a chapter thank you author
hahaha freeloader omg that had me rollin' lol poor turtle lol
this time it was side effects from the acupuncture and treatment she gave him lol
hey that is a natural reaction nothing to be ashamed of .....hahahahahaha poor guy lol
this is another replay of previous chapters 😠
from what I've read I was extremely satisfied with this read I still haven't been able to finish it but when I'm able to afford it I definitely will do 😊😁😘
Oh man thats really heart breaking.. Very good twist though woof man props to you Great author MiZa you are my favorite!
I absolutely love this book it drives me nuts that i cant get enough of it i cant handle waiting so long for another chapter i have to say your writing and drawing has officially hooked me in 👍👍😁😉❤💖
Im currently drooling over your other book but i cant get enough of it and im excited to start this one. You are a very good writer i really believe that you should publish your works 😁👍👍👍💗💗💗😉