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  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase3 years ago

    Spoilers I will start by saying great writing and the author really knows how to intrigue and hook readers. I enjoyed the book immensly up to the imposter arc. This is not saying the writing got worse or even less enjoyable, but that the main character seem to have gotten lost and replaced. I feel like the author wanted less action more social intrigue, but the main character was pretty flushed out and solid and instead of Having him and change as a person he focuses more on other characters which personally I felt hurt the overall story as a whole. I mean I would have preffered if Kuro unintenionally fell in love with Fuo during the imposter arc and you got rid of most of the Shiro content and wind sage content with Kuro exploring a group relationship dynamic that allowed him and Persia to grow while bringing fuo in.

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    As a reader I want to honestly tell the auther that their writing and World are phenomenal, but I am Dissatisfied in story progression. This is your story so you have to write what pleases you as an auther and as a reader I have to accept that. However, deending on if you are making a monetary means out of a book the story has to please readers. Saying this I want to tell why I am probably dropping this book instead of continuing to support you by purchasing privalage. I hated that I spent 50$ and almost 20 of the chapters I found meticulously boring. Meaning detail is great but so detailed I felt I would be reading and accounts leger is not great it is boring. You as an auther have a very detailed mind And if I was playing DnD or some other table top game I would love it, but as a reader I do not. So, writing and story great story progression fail. Sorry, not truing to offend or discourage from writing I am trying to honestly tell you why I am unsure if I willing to continue buying your work.

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    Kinda glad tHe phoenix is gone. It had an annoying character personality plus this will be a good growth moment for the MC to learn to let go of some things and people.

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    Why dis a kill and steal just become complicated? Can it not just be a simple mission instead of some complicated storyline that will likely involve people much stronger and he has to use the life saving tresure he JUST got insteas like a hundred chapters later?

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    Why is this even a thing I mean was participating in the tournament that big of a deal? Why not just Leave without joining the tournament at all? Most of these trouBles come because of what he wanted to be an exchange student which clearly will not be happening and this was known as soon as old drake made is attempt before. IS the main character that stupid or Everyone not to think just abandon the tournament and leave?

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    First, I want to say I truly did loBe and admire this story. The writing was fabulos and enticing Drawing me in and Keeping me hooked. However, I want to say mu one problem about this book because it makes me nervous to truly comit and your other books. This is halmUtt and kylon child. This affected me because one for jack later on would be him trusting durann to protect his wifes while he grows stronger, but that example already proves he wont as long as it means he is in danger affecting that whole dynamic. you kinda glossed over it and did not mention it in thIs novel, but I feel like this was one thing you took to far in a sense when just messing with her mind about her hating skyran would have been enough and Durann can see he knew if thEy lost it wouldnt matter cause they would all Die or she would healed and fine. With the child it Changes how the characters view that and since this is a series you will have to ignore it and just pretend it Did not happen or acknoldGe it and do what you want with it. This is your book and your world so it is all up to you but I am wondering how you will deal with This i The future. End note it was an amazing book and I hope the series is just as Good

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    Is he about to get crippled again. I am starting to feel tHis story has one main theme. Go to a event set for people around MC level, but by the end of event People 2-3 realms above are attacking him. like There is no great fight scene that is a fight it is either a slaughter that is detailed and drawn out or a running away because your MC is too weak at the moment. Good story but Serously is the MC stupid because acting Like a god when He is like a Child screaming at the top of his lunGs look at me I Got stuff ffor you to steal then running and hopping for the best

  • zachery_chase
    zachery_chase4 years ago

    Your writing is really good, and you can tell how much thought you place into your writing. However, in my opinion that is hurting your character devolpment and world understanding. I have read many cultivation novels and try to Understand the details of how they cultivate. You have made his cultivation eo complicted that I do not really understand hOw his strength grows or what he is supposed to be doing to get stonger. Ever since He has been figuring it out on his own it is like a ignorant child who is confusing and doesn’t know what he is doing. I am Starting to dislike the story because it is got too much going on with Unclear explanations. You have a good theme, character, and setting you have just overcomlicated it and are making hard to read. Sorry i am trying to be constructive in this comment and hope you acctually read it and get what I mean by it because at this rate I do not know if I will continue to read. P.S. I think most of my confusion comes from you have two different cultivation systems. 1 being the MC’s and 2 being everyone else. this is nice idea but I think Without the archaic demon to act as a omniscient teacher everything has blended and is not working.