


I have a reading list with all recent trial reads. Hope it helps.

2019-10-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer2 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago
    Replied to MyriadChanges303

    There is no new site I'm going to AND I'm going to interact on. If there is anything this site did well then it was the comment system and interacting with other people. There is a plethora of great personalities here which I've had a pleasure of interacting with, both bad and good interactions. I'll still read here and there but the sites I'm using will be whichever is best suited for the books I want to read. Maybe very rarely will this site be the best for that. For the sake of that matter just see it as me having quit this site. Have a good future. From what I've seen of your dedication I am certain that if you are disciplined and skilled you will create a good and successful book (with a tiny smidgeon of luck as not every treasure will be recognized for what it truly is). This will be my last comment, nothing more. Goodbye, and good luck.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago
    Replied to MyriadChanges303

    Also you might find this interesting. https // www reddit com/r/writing/comments/ik9k3x/someone_from_webnovel_contacted_me_to_be_their/g3jc2e8/ Author of paragon of destruction comment about writing for webnovel. This was however 9 months ago so adjust for that.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago

    This reads so awkwardly. Just say half-elf or at the very least half-elf woman. At the start it was fine but if I say the entire name of a car instead of just ‘the car’ it makes for a bad read.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago

    This chapter is one of the best I've ever read in a novel. Even considering this arc. The concepts and how they are introduced and explained are the closest to perfection I've seen. Easily. 10/10. I wish chapter ratings were still a thing just so I could rate this chapter a 5/5.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago

    Defensive magic artifact inc. for the upcoming academy fight? Deja vu anyone else?

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago
    Replied to Nightmares

    The teachers literally skinned a student alive and hung them from the ship simply because he got angered. I am assured you can do such minor things with barely any pretext as long as you're stronger. They would probably appreciate it as they are getting close to someone stronger.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago

    Character progression and change towards evil possibly? Most likely not but would be interesting to see him getting affected by entering all these different worlds. Even if we consider waiting before going into new worlds he has experienced more years as another person than he has as himself, there is hardly a way for him to get out of that unscathed personality wise.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago
    Replied to MyriadChanges303

    I'm no writer but other characters are always essential in most stories. I haven't read Journey to the West but if I ever were going to become a Chinese styled writer that is an obligatory read. But I digress back on point. I remember reading this manga "Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki" a long time ago. Not the novel but the manga. The only reason I remembered it was because of what you mentioned, about side characters. The main character of that novel is a solo-player but it has a pretty diverse and returning cast of characters. You might find some inspiration in reading that manga. Or maybe not. It was the only specific work that came to mind regarding what you mentioned about side characters. Also if you have read it yet Renegade Immortal has an interesting way of dealing with side characters. The All-Seer specifically is an interesting way of writing a villain. The All-Seer and his rival with the Qilin were also an interesting relationship. That's what I can recommend for side characters. If it is what you're after that's great. If not then so be it. Good luck in your writings. I've seen you ask for a lot of advice here and there about specific points and I'd heavily recommend you to just start writing. There is no sin in returning and fixing your earlier writings if you haven't published it. Also making a roadmap like the creator of Reverend Insanity did for his new novel seems like a smart idea. I hope you succeed and have a good one.

  • Negative_Reviewer
    Negative_Reviewer4 years ago

    This arc would be pretty great had it not been for the characters being based off of superheroes and the like. If he made fleshed out characters from scratch I reckon this arc would have been as good a success as the earlier ones. If you manage to ignore the fanfic this is actually a pretty good arc. Sadly it is what it is. Anyone know how long left this arc is. I guess less than 10 chapters.