I love fantasy, syfy & art. I can hate things to the degree that it's scary, I never new I had it in me till I read a few books.🤷😂😂 I am a weeb, atiny, army, stray, and many others
of reading
Read books
rapeseed is a plant. it's a yellow flower and has black seeds. it's in many foods and drinks if you look at the back of packaging. it's also related to cauliflower and cabbage
yes. you know when you get goosebumps and the hair on your arm stands up? your body does that so it can trap the air around your arm or legs, in turn when the air heats up from your body heat it acts as an insulator. it's also why a cold day and windy day of the exact same temperature, the windy day feels colder because it removes the warmed air around your body
yeah chinese swears are great another example would be Câonímā (hat accent on a should be upside down but my keyboard won't do it) which means grass mud horse but if you split it up as Cào Nî Mā (same again but for the 'i') means fuck your mother
it's still "acceptable" today just in different countries. many from other countries have tried to stop it from happening but can't became they followed their own countries law
yes, but he's poor rope tends to be quite expensive compare to thread attached to a stick. not only that but who randomly has the knowledge of making a net? and before you say use the thread to make a net think about how thin it is first and how much it'd take to make a decent net
why don't you reread that sentence again. if you still don't get it old li is the one in his forties not fl's grandfather.
for those that don't know in many chinese translation novels you will find that characters called uncle, brother, auntie etcetera while not actually being related. it can be someone they grew up with from childhood or a neighbour. it's used as a sign of respect and in chinese it's a different word but translates the same. so eg name gege is an unrelated person but gege translates brother when it is actually supposed to signify close friendship.
the description of the merge skill was that it fused the required materials together. hence even if he technically has ingredients he doesn't have blueprints/recipe gor the object