As the name suggests, a disappointed father.
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It's a strange comparison to make, between suffering and cold, given that cold isn't exactly a thing, it's an experience of low heat, a lack of thermal energy. Maybe that's the implication here? Like temperature, it's not "something gets cold to make something hot" it's "something moves from one place to another, and produces measurable effects." As another commenter said, it could be the energy of the soul, though it's still confusing how that would work for specters who do not feed directly on the suffering of another, the corpse eaters and plant scourers for example. It seems to me that it could tie in the the idea of the collective unconscious, and the values and experiences tied to things in our world, and taking some of that mental energy though the interaction of the physical medium, or even that it is the taking of opportunity, to bury a fellow soul, to enjoy a meal, to return nutrients to the soil, to spoil the simple pleasure of existing with pain, whatever form it takes.
Not going to go over how there are already plastic commodities in a rural nobels house when the capital is progressing in electricization still? Really, it should be cloth matted with tree sap, or some other waterproofing. This story was maintaining a decent sense of belivability, but something as out of place as a plastic raincoat really takes me out of this world you built. I even excused it when the journal in the illusion was effectively written in english with an replacement cipher, rather than a truly foreign laguage, as I had my doubts of the situations reality by that point, wheter it was a dream or somthing similar, but you don't get to pull that sort of thing twice in a row.
Re-reading this, and only now did I realize Ince's name is a pun, probably. Ince Zangwill = Inks and quill.
I'm going to recommend slightly clearer formatting here, like you've done with the attributes. For example {Affinity level: Fire Element - High; Darkness Element - Average} So you would separate other affinities with something other than a colon. Feel free to use my choice of contextual separators, or figure out your own, but the colon and semi-colon are great friends who work well together.
A bow is muscle powered, in the manner that stronger muscles mean you can use a heavier draw bow, but I believe it's not the optimal choice for Nick as: firstly the bowstring and fletching can generate a notable noise upon impact with the forearm, if not a compound bow, and simply traveling though the air for the fletching; and Secondly that a bow with heavy draw to make use of Nick's situational strength would be completely useless while his ability is inactive, as with pulling strength reduced, he'd simply be unable to draw the bowstring back. Throwing spears are at least still useful even if you can't throw them, it's a less good normal spear, a bow you can't shoot leaves you with a much shorter pointed stick, the arrows. The only other good muscle power ranged weapon I can think of (more advanced than just throwing whatever is at hand lol) would be a "spear-throwing lever" or atlatl, but that might have been something lost to time, or require too much practice to be useful. Or heck, it could be a ton of other reasons.
Hey! That's really neat, exactly the sort of weapon I thought'd work well for Nick.
I'm glad this got recommended to me, the story is engaging and well written. I hate pointless repetition, and the reminder of what makes Kugelblitz important is quite timely, given that it was first explained quite a while ago.
I hope at some point, this author learned that punctuation is followed by a space, and that paragraphs, and pauses... exist.
At-the-standard for world building, nothing exceptional. Has Gu, much like reverend insanity, but they are not at the center of the martial arts in this, as from the first 20 or so chapters, no one but the MC seems to have any. Importantly, whatever the update schedule for this, you may be best served if you only read 1 chapter per day, or space them out as needed so you forget what's going on in the story, because if you don't forget, the chapters will remind you of everything each chapter. It is excessively repetitive, and frequently will pull things like "he beat cultivators above his cultivation. he was able to contend with those stonger than himself. this meant he could beat people he normally could not." If that^ reads poorly to you, I really can't say the style of this story will treat you much better. TL;DR Entertaining, headache inducing repetitiveness (personal experience)
Okay, while I can excuse missiles haveing a randomized thruster algorithm to dodge lasers, no ship is going to actively dodge any laser, it doesn't matter if you really are engaging 186,000 miles away, if you see them firing the laser, pointed at you, they already hit, because by the time you see them shoot, all the light that is bouncing off them to let you see them has gotten to you, just like the laser. I get that mech stories are hardly realistic, but if you want the reader to ignore some basic physics, don't bring them up in earlier chapters. You absolutely get a pass with the magic elite mechs, whose main point is that they go beyond normal limits with the use of exotic materials, but that doesn't give you a pass for normal ships. they can't see faster than light.