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great story. love a bit of wish fulfilment and so far so good. also if anyone knows where I can find the mtl would be great.
I feel like their is a chapter missing from the previous one. loving the story is far thanks for translating this
im giving 3 starts because from what i read the writing and grammar are pretty good and the premise of the story sounded great however what completly ruined it for me is how much of a retard the main charecteris, it physically hurt my head i literally couldnt read any further then i got it was just too painfull. it is a shame because as i said i love these types of stories however only when the mc at least has some maturity and is not a complete idiot. however if you like this type of mc from what i have read so far then this story may just be for you but due to the stupidity of the main charecter i just cant enjoy this story.
please i need more. this is one of the best if not the best pokemon fanfick i have ever read. i thaught i had patience due to reading tdg but it seems i do not, forgive me brothers and sisters of the dao of patience i have failed thee.
remove the book from your library and then find it when you do dont sync the chapter and just go back to the chapter it should load thats what i did and it worked
i thaught i would enjoy this book due to how mc powers up being similar to a phew books i rather enjoy and also the added extra of maids caught my intrest however i have to say that the mindset of the mc is so bad a complete and uter beta which i do not enjoy reading. i could of potentially accepted this fact and continued reading the story for the 20 chapters however the inconsistencys with the mcs attributes just pushed me over the edge and as such i shall not read any further to save my sanity. however i can see that this will potenially be a good book however it is not for me.
so far ive really enjoyed it however i hve only made to chapter 20 and have had to stop because all i see are boxes when he gets the loot from quest or when he kills a mob if anyone knows how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated so that i may enjoy this book to its fullest.
wasent he already at the core forming realm in an early chapter why is it now syaing he has just brokenthrough. if this is an editing fault fix it plz cos it is so confusing
yeah seems like they just wanted to realease more trial reads but they haven't translated all 40 chapters yet so I bet they will update like all the other ones till they hit 40 hopefully.
See this! I just gifted the story: Sword