


I read stuff over and over again for no good reason :(

2018-10-08 JoinedGlobal



of reading


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  • MrRereader
    Replied to Dechet

    Alright, I just wrote a couple of chapters so I'm nice and fresh, lets see. There is magic and it plays a major part in the story, he is able to use magic and I have plans to improve the magical lore as time goes on. As for the conning people and abusing the superpowers by using modern knowledge to his advantage. As of yet, no superpower has been introduced because the MC has nothing to do with them I'm talking as of chapter 60, still unreleased. Will he con people, yes, will he be a businessman of sorts yes, cause it's the easiest way to make a living. But as for will he use some sort of extreme abstract future knowledge called google to progress, that is a no. What the MC will abuse is the obsession people have with tradition, as you may know, traditional people only do things one way, the way tradition dictates. So he won't suddenly figure out how to make cars and go on his merry way, he will look at their traditions, call them stupid, and do things his own way which may not be ideal, because he is not perfect and the readers will probably be able to figure out ways to do it even better. So he won't have plot armor at least not an awfully obvious one just the ''You have to advance the plot'' type. He is not op as of right now, but he will probably become somewhat op in the future, depends on how things go. Hope this made sense.

    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to Dechet

    First thing first thanks for the comment. As for what you're saying I think you are correct, I could explain things better, I will try to do so in the future, but I won't change the already existing chapters. As for the ambiguity of it all, it is due to the story being written in the first person mostly, so if the MC does not know about something it won't be written, even if the Author does know. Then about the magic system, it is explained further into the story, in the first chapters I believe. Then will he be a monster hunter?. Well, you know, stuff happens, and it will be a secondary objective. And as for the title, I think it's self-explanatory, you apply logic to the unknown, MC will run into things he does not know about, he will get NO PLOT ARMOUR FROM ME, cause I'm a jerk like that, and hell deal with it logically. Anyway, have a nice day my man, hope you stick around.

    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader

    I will write the first comment and start by asking you guys the question of the century, harem or no harem. I myself am an advocate for one of those sides, do let me know your opinions.

    Ch -1 Q&A Corner, ask me anything, I will answer...maybe
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to Sander_Oniisan

    Yes and no, it is a filthy trick because he sold a plastic bead with at most several cents for what could be the equivalent of a fully grown, second-hand horse with a saddle, so, let's say a second-hand Volkswagen yeah?

    ''Please wait for a moment i need to retrieve your payment, it will just be a moment''. He leaves through the door, and I can't help but jump and flail my arms a bit in happiness, i just conned a man and I couldn't be happier.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to Ceaseless_Voices

    Alright, you got me, sick story, you should write an adventure book, something like The Life of a Sailing Sailor, you cant name it this tho, I just copyrighted it.

    The smell of saltwater is in the air and the screams of sailors trying to talk to each other over the sound of waves crashing against the rocks is something you could never see back home.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to hung_up_my_coat

    Well, a normal person feeling safe and protected would be indeed fascinated and wonder at what just happened. Someone that is lost scared and alone would soil his pants if someone clapped next to his ear.

    People fear the unknown for a reason, and magic is a total mystery to me therefore it is scary, easy as that.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to BattyGoody

    So I understand the dots but you should also understand that the price of buying a new item versus buying an already used one is different. Let me give you an example that could be applied to this situation. Do you know what the worst day in the life of a car is? The day it gets off the stand at the car dealership, that very day it loses about 15% to let's say 30% of its value due to one simple reason, it is no longer new, and if you attempt to sell it the next day people would assume something is wrong with the car and they would not want to pay full price for it. Now imagine you stick that car back inside the car dealership, and the dealer just says that there is nothing wrong with the car it's just that the last owner didn't want it anymore, then wouldn't it return to its base price. Anyway what I'm trying to say is that Caspian did, in fact, lose money, all he did is make it so the stablekeeper earned a bit less. Thanks for reading, have a good day.

    With a somewhat complicated look, he says ''in hopes of helping a fellow merchant and for me too to one day be given a hand in my times of need I will give you 200 coins for this stumpy, I hope you can return to your family''
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to Sander_Oniisan

    Great observation, didn't think about it, I shall use this in the later chapters, maybe Caspian will coincidentally fall down and the watch will coincidentally fly away from him, and then it would coincidentally hit the floor in such an angle that the jewels would pop out. Yes. Very coincidental

    I make an inventory of my items and the end result is this, clothes, an empty small water bottle, a pair of nice boots, a broken watch, a broken cellphone, my stupid sunglasses that are still fine for some reason, my earphones and finally a cheap bracelet, made of plastic colorful beads, I guess ill try and trade this for some food.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to OxyFlo

    Nooo, it's a big scary old thing, very old thing, read the next few chapters to know more.

    I let out a small chuckle at the thought only to start focusing on the actual situations, mainly am i dead and in some sort of purgatory, where my mettle gets tested against the unknown. Or did i run into a mutant that escaped from who knows where, or am I dreaming, although the burning pain that I feel quickly dismisses that idea.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to OxyFlo

    Is this a good or a bad thing, I am mildly confused, yes.

    ''I am never stepping into a forest again, ever''.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to BattyGoody

    I will make it spooky, yes.

    Riding a horse through a forested path that I never visited before is not easy and the phone does not work properly in this area. Thinking about it I guess my friends did mention it before, in passing, saying that they found an old hut in the forest that would be a perfect meeting place.
    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader
  • MrRereader
    Replied to hung_up_my_coat

    Yeah, so about that. I know it's around 6 months too late but the reason I stopped is because of work-related reasons. It was quite frantic at first and i also had to move to a new place so I didn't have the time to write anymore. And if anyone reads this I'm kinda back, I got comfy at my new job and I'm preparing to reread the little story I'm creating, edit some parts out, definitely change some chapters that were iffy by my standards, but enough about that. Have a good day and you're the man Mr. hung_up_my_coat

    Applying Logic to the Unknown
    Fantasy · MrRereader