


I'm a little crazy

2018-09-26 JoinedUnited Kingdom

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  • imgonnakillmyself4 months ago

    Hi Author! I have BIG expectations for you with the amazing synopsis you wrote. I pray you meet all your goals and finish this story with everyone (especially yourself!) being happy with it. Make sure not to let a small amount of haters get to you because everyone who does or doesn't do anything has them. Keep with the great work and update often!

  • imgonnakillmyselfa year ago

    pregnant after both of them losing their virginity? not impossible, but she showed signs in less then 12 hours? stupid! he got over Gaia's death way too easily to have actual seemed like he cared for her. so may loop holes in logic that I could never enjoy this novel myself

  • imgonnakillmyselfa year ago

    This is directly for the author of this book.If you can make sure to add at least 1 chapter a week then you will have my full interest! I occasionally search for novels that use military systems and have found so very few and almost none get past 200 chapters before they get dropped. I love work like this and will spend money on coins to buy chapters. But I also want you to work at your best and not feel pressured to make chapters of poorer quality or worse give up on other activities (family, friends or hobbies). I love the work you're doing and hope you and everyone of us can see this novel reach greatness!P.s. my personal view of greatness is this novel being over 1000 chapters but that's cuz I'm a book worm. You just do you tho

  • imgonnakillmyself2 years ago

    what's happened to the author of this beautiful of novel? I really loved to read this and have even reread it 4 to 5 times. really want to see more updates. Hope the author, their family and everything else is doing okay. love ya

  • imgonnakillmyself2 years ago

    I'll wait for 250 chapters to be out and read. I have really high hopes for your novel. stay in good health and release daily!

  • imgonnakillmyself3 years ago

    what kinda word God made this novel my guy??? He puts everything perfectly! makes em speak like proper nomads and stuff

  • imgonnakillmyself4 years ago

    See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

  • imgonnakillmyself4 years ago
    Replied to burntpotato

    what happened to the author? It's been 7 months since the start of his "break" is he ever going to come back and finish the story?

  • imgonnakillmyself4 years ago

    Yo boss! It's great that you are continuing this book because I absolutely love the way that you write. You have an amazing creativity and writing style that makes your books really interesting and leaves everyone waiting for more.