


Heavenly Pervert Sage

2018-04-27 JoinedIndonesia



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Fallen Hero Monsterization

She was always thinking of "you." If she saved the “world,” "you", who had to leave because of her, would also be saved. That was her atonement. That was her hope. Believing that, she donned the mask of a hero and fought. But the day she reunited with "you", her determination wavered. She was made aware of everything by a succubus who suddenly appeared one day. That which she truly desired. The world she truly wished for. In truth, she didn’t need anything else but “that” in her world. The immense world she was supposed to protect and save until then ended up changing into an extremely small one, where only "you" exist. After being assaulted by a lilim, which is a powerful succubus, Wilmarina’s body was thoroughly taught pleasure by the lilim’s hand, and infused with lewd mamono mana. She was reborn as one of the mamono lord’s kin, “Succubus Wilmarina.” The “heroic” falsehoods were torn away by devilish pleasure, and she stopped lying to herself. As far as she’s concerned now, "you" are everything in the world to her. She basically has no interest whatsoever in anything but "you". Even though she swore allegiance to the gods and the order, and tried so hard to protect their world and their believers, it had all been a lie from the beginning. It all completely vanished from her heart, as though pushed out by "you". She no longer cares at all about any of it. As for her heart after becoming a monster, it’s overflowing with a sense of freedom from having cast aside the hero’s mask, and a sense of exaltation knowing that she’s going to be getting what she truly desires. Her monstrous body burns hotly from many years of pent-up desire for "you", and because of the monster’s instinct which seeks the male body and essence. Her eyes carry a red, bewitching light, and in them the only thing reflected is "you". She would assault "you" while ruled by this devilish nature. As far as she’s concerned, living together with "you" and especially having sweet intercourse is what constitutes a time of happiness. The scent and warmth of "you", the pleasure she gets from "you", and the taste of "your" essence, etc. She experiences great joy and ecstasy from having her heart and body stained one color by all of it. Rather than decaying, the sword and sorcery skills she cultivated as “Wilmarina the hero” have been beautifully polished and strengthened. Should she receive orders from the lilim she adores, or, in the case that the enemy invades Lescatie (which has been changed into a mamono realm) and it becomes necessary to protect "you", she’ll use the full extent of that power to defeat the enemies of the mamono realm, and corrupt everyone into lewd monsters the same as herself. However, perhaps because she’d been separated from "you" for so long until then, she absolutely detests being apart from “you” for even the shortest time. Since even her power is actually "yours", she wouldn’t take the initiative to go off to battle except for the above written reasons, and in the midst of battle, her mind would probably be dominated by thoughts like “I want to hurry up and go home to be with darling.” She’s cast aside the heroic falsehoods of sacrificing herself for the sake of the gods and their believers, and she indulges in "you". She’s been reduced to a simple female who desires only to indulge in "you". Because of that, she’s able to finally achieve the form that she truly desires: merely that of the young girl “Wilmarina” who’s in love with "you".

Vanadhi_Lucia · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Gelora Gairah [R18+!]

Vivadhi Ranata (Umur 69 Tahun) adalah seorang Pemilik Perusahaan Game yg gila kerja. Sampai - sampai saking asyik dan sibuknya dia bekerja hingga dia pun akhirnya kurang memberikan perhatian kepada keluarganya sendiri. Hingga pada suatu hari saat dia pulang kerja lebih awal, dia mendapati istrinya yang lebih muda 10 tahun dari umurnya dan telah dinikahinya selama 39 tahun sedang berselingkuh dengan pria lain. Lalu karena kalap dan gelap mata, dia pun langsung mengamuk tanpa ampun, menghajar istri & selingkuhannya tersebut secara brutal. Hal ini pun kemudian berujung pada gugatan cerai dan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yg diajukan oleh istri dan anak - anaknya. Akhirnya karena depresi, dia pun kemudian mengambil pensiun dari tempat kerjanya dan pergi menyepi sendirian ke sebuah desa terpencil. Di suatu malam saat dia sedang merenungi nasibnya dan membulatkan tekad untuk membuka lembaran hidup baru yg lebih baik, Vivadhi Ranata melihat sebuah "bintang jatuh" yg jatuh di sebuah Gunung di belakang rumahnya. Dia pun langsung bergegas pergi kesana dan menemukan sebuah Dadu Dewa yg dijatuhkan oleh Tiga Orang Ranah Beyond True GOD saat sedang asyik bermain game.... Mulai dari saat itu lah, hidupnya pun mulai berubah ke arah yang tak pernah dia impikan sebelumnya. . . . . Tak hanya mengumpulkan kekuatan yang sangat besar hingga mampu menandingi para Dewa dan Makhluk Abadi, namun dia juga mengumpulkan Gadis - Gadis cantik muda belia sebagai selir - selir yang selalu dihujaninya dengan limpahan kasih sayang tiada batas dari Sang Lelaki! . . . [Spoiler] Penjelasan Cover Novel: Dari Bagian Tengah, Geser ke Atas, lalu Memutar Searah Jarum Jam adalah Para Wanita Kekasih Hati Vivadhi Ranata: 1. Faladhina Kiseki 2. Myradhia Chikane 3. Saladhina Olivia 4. Nadhine Aisyah 5. Nadhine Alisya 6. Renadhi Flavina 7. Anadhita Revati 8. Belladhina Sophia 9. Angelina Gladhis 10. Varissa Nadhilla 11. Melani Amadhius 12. Lynadhi Vindatri 13. Reysha Marradhi 14. Eleanord Bradhius 15. Sagradhi Emilia

Vanadhi_Lucia · Fantasy
126 Chs