I need to write this someday...
of reading
Read books
The school is named after a real herb: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croton_capitatus#:~:text=Croton%20capitatus%2C%20known%20as%20the,especially%20sandy%20and%20rocky%20soils.
Game on steam, you get one chance to beat it, if you fail you can never play it again (without file shenanigans)
Clearly they just mean the french word for climax being la petit mort or the little death xD
Getting thomas shelby vibes
Very late but to do that you need a golden page and even then it is very tough on the wielder’s mind
Was likely an autocorrect of dunderhead
Kazuma not useless?
Except he didnt? The moon was destroyed from a rat injected with the tentacle serum going unstable and blowing up, the reason the government wants koro-sensei dead is they thought the same would happen to him
Welp no need for merlin