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Mayne is such a gutless snake. All the indignant pride of the true believers, none of the courage of convictions to back it up. He is completely aware that the witches are the source and backbone of the church's beginnings and current strength, yet he holds nothing but contempt for them and constantly thinks himself better. He literally knows the church is full of crap yet still acts as if he completely believes the church's lies as if he doesn't know the truth. I couldn't write a more apt personification of double-think from Orwell's works if I tried.
Mayne's attitude even after confirming that Witches started his "church" and are responsible for starting the crusade against the demons is sort of disgusting.
it seems to me the easiest explanation would be to say that both of his previous selves merged and to claim that he is, and is not her brother both. That the sum total of both sets of memories created a new person but that he is enough of her brother to still care deeply for her.
booksmart =\= socialsmart
Such a shame, this novel was great until around 2250ish then a new translator took over that is basically just MTL and completely ruined the novel, making it a pain to read. What is the point of reading the good part if you get stuck with crap at the end, so I can't recommend this awesome novel and that pains me. Shame on you webnovel for not getting a half decent translator for this story.
Yea the manga really had no respect for the source material. Really ruined it for me when first Grandpa was turned into a jade beauty and second grandpa was a kid. Not to mention cheapening the beasts turning to human thing. All over that thing is a mess.
It is really hard to follow any kind of logic when the numbers for the acreage and number of palm plants change so often. In one sentence they said they could get a barrel of oil from 16 plants, then in the next they said they could only get 1 barrel from 1 acre with 100 plants on it. At one point they were talking about 100 thousand acres, then a million acres of land and now they are only doing 100 acres... is this bad translation or is the author completely unable to keep up with numbers from sentence to sentence?
I didn't think the serfs were free yet? Why are they talking like that has already happened when I was under the impression they wouldn't get the chance to be freed until at least the first harvest?
Yea, I remember him specifically asking if he could get the spring of life water before and being told not yet, and at no point since then has it been mentioned that it had changed. This author is kind of bad about remembering things that were already written, they did the same thing about Elizabeth getting Miya's blood.