
vanilla Novel

  • My motto : Never owe anyone anything . Now I regret this motto so much cause it brought me a lot of troubles when I accidentally bumped into a demon , Helios . All enemies fear him ,his wealth is b

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  • VANILLA Vanilla Novel


    by darkness_everfalls
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    When war is waged on sirvia only one king will come through. Vincent is one of the Kings of sirvia there are 3 others Josh, Damien and Gabriel all Kings will have to face different hardships in this n

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  • Vanilla Vanilla Novel


    by Sparkr225
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    Ren is just a normal boy, but life gets tough after he's kicked out his dad's house and he has no where to go. Until he stumbles upon a house with "different" people who are cursed and turns into thei

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  • I Win You Vanilla Novel

    I Win You

    by Cherry Blossom
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    21+ sesuaikan usia kamu sebelum membaca tulisanku yang pasti bukan untuk anak remaja apa lagi anak kecil. "Vanilla, kau tahu apa yang kau lakukan?" "Tentu saja aku tahu." Ia menggesekkan area sensi

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  • My Bobrokk Boy Friend Vanilla Novel

    My Bobrokk Boy Friend

    by Girltheutic_ries
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    Kalau mentari ku pergi, Bumi ku pun hilang. -Vanilla Casellya Dion- Mentari mu takkan pernah pergi Karena mentari berjanji untuk selalu menjaga buminya. -Faeyza Gergio Nathan-

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    by Girltheutic_ries
    (Not enough ratings)

    Kalau mentari ku pergi, Bumi ku pun hilang. -Vanilla Casellya Dion- Mentari mu takkan pernah pergi Karena mentari berjanji untuk selalu menjaga buminya. -Faeyza Gergio Nathan-

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  • I Lost You Vanilla Novel

    I Lost You

    by cherry_blossom0311
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    Red Roses "Jadi, bodyguard-mu telah berganti?" tanya Stefano, ia menjauhkan lengannya dari puncak Vanilla. "Astaga, jangan pedulikan dia, aku baru saja menolaknya," ucap Vanilla setengah berbis

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  • EMPTIED MEMORY Vanilla Novel


    by Carmeleez
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    Decades ago, a set of astronauts were sent to observe a black hole that is imposing a threat to Earth. Deployed without the knowledge that they were sent to return no more, only few had survived the g

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  • Rise Again Vanilla Novel

    Rise Again

    by L.J. Hamlin
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    Arkady has dedicated his life to the world of ballet. He is known as the bad boy of the dance world, and is an ever rising star.

    Then he gets injured in what is at first thought to be a tragic

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  • Gabbie/ Mreah a teenage girl who runs out of her home since the family that had taken of her is treating her badly. she started to strive hard for herself.She has a best friend named Kathy.Kathy calle

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