
shawshank redemption novel

  • shawshank redemption


    by Vanilla_Crown
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    It took Paul almost 5 years to move on from his lost love Emilia. During his first date with a old friend he managed to reconnect with, he randomly received a call from Emilia for the first time, sinc

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  • shawshank redemption

    The Legendary Actor

    by Shallowman
    4.85 (63 ratings)

    The world's most important thing is to have a good understanding of the world's history. The quietness and noise of the early morning hours spread like smoke in that warm hue, and the world's colors b

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  • shawshank redemption

    King of Hollywood

    by Mighty Ythgim
    4.33 (51 ratings)

    Dennis showed up on set because he had a role in 'The Shawshank Redemption'. This had to do with Roger Sadler, his agent who signed a contract with him recently. AC Media officially purchased MCM Age

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  • ● A Guy wearing a Kakashi costume looks at speeding truck(who was actually following the rules. who the fUck leaves their children unattended) about to hit a small girl. ● He gets exited at the possi

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  • shawshank redemption

    Chicago 1990

    by Tề Khả Hưu
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    "Không cần người cằm chẻ." Quả thật là một đám trai đẹp, đủ kiểu, có thể coi là trai đẹp vô biên rồi. Tống Á hoa mắt liệt kê toàn bộ một lượt, loại bỏ bốn người trong số đó, "Tướng mạo kiểu này tuyệt

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  • shawshank redemption

    A War Between Spies

    by John_Titor
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    Those who had never experienced solitary confinement wouldn't know the horror of it. It was also an experience which couldn't be easily described even by those who had experienced it. It was one of th

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  • shawshank redemption" . There was a prisoner who had been in prison for fifty years. One day, he would be released from prison, but every day and night, he would think of committing a crime again and

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  • As I mentioned before, I was a scientist in my previous life. Considered as one of the best in my craft and forever put in history books either as a hero or enemy. Despite all my accomplishments

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  • shawshank redemption

    Rebirth in Hollywood

    by Voldemortt
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    Down's expression, Brian Lord, all looked in his eyes and smiled. "It's nothing. Sony bought Columbia Pictures for $ 3.4 billion, and Panasonic bought Universal Pictures for $ 6.6 billion. That's what

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  • shawshank redemption

    improve football coach

    by Voldemortt
    4.4 (14 ratings)

    Down's expression, Brian Lord, all looked in his eyes and smiled. "It's nothing. Sony bought Columbia Pictures for $ 3.4 billion, and Panasonic bought Universal Pictures for $ 6.6 billion. That's what

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