
code geass Novel

  • Code Geass Re:Zero Code Geass Novel

    Code Geass Re:Zero

    by ZGearCecil
    4.76 (38 ratings)

    code before Charles has a chance to do it almost an entire year later. Though he believed that he would be able to get rid of his own Geass should he get V.V's code, he was unaware that if it wasn'

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  • H Mission Commencing!! Code Geass Novel

    H Mission Commencing!!

    by Kahel
    4.76 (393 ratings)

    geass?" [Perfect Geass is not the same "Perfect" Geass in the anime series, this Geass grants the Power of One True King, It can use all of the abilities of all known user without limitations or harm

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  • Berbicara tentang anime Code Geass, ini bisa disebut puncak dalam sejarah anime di Jepang di dunia sebelumnya. Bahkan pada tahun 2006, ketika mahakarya dunia sering diproduksi, itu juga merupakan maha

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  • Alright the voting is over and the votes have been tallied! It was a very close race between Harry Potter and Code Geass. But Code Geass managed to squeak out the win with only a vote higher, whic

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  • Marvel Super God Code Geass Novel

    Marvel Super God

    by GhostyZ
    4.65 (16 ratings)

    code' lasts on the person you use the Geass on. Interesting, this is a very powerful skill created by me and my God System, but should I really use it on my sister? This Eye Power is a taboo one, in

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  • Deleted Code Geass Novel


    by ILoveSimping
    4.52 (18 ratings)

    Seeing the message from Accelerator, both Light and Lelouch were surprised, if it is true that this is a chat group that invites people from other worlds, then this might benefit them, including the f

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  • This list will only cover important villains of the story and not just anyone who looks at our MC the wrong way. 1. Qianye Ying'er will look like General Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill 2. Qianye Fan

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  • 无限代理神 Code Geass Novel


    by 十六夜天
    (Not enough ratings)

    geass就要对我用?太过分了吧?”沐小小嘴角抽搐的看着鲁鲁修,“如果不是我早有准备,或许还真的被你得逞了呢......乖铃仙,做得很不错哦,”沐小小抱着怀里的铃仙在脸上蹭了蹭。   沐小小早就有过准备了,他之所以不学习能够抵抗geass方面的超能力,就是有铃仙在,这也是他为什么要带铃仙来,铃仙可是能够操控任何东西的波长,她的瞳孔更是强悍,可以使人发狂,什么geass在她面前不值一提,可以说在精

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  • Code Geass Continue Code Geass Novel

    Code Geass Continue

    by DeWorstPersonEver5
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    I love Code Geass mainly for my most favorite character , my ideal, Lelouch vi Britannia. I don't know why but I love Main characters from Royalty or Nobility. Code Geass really fits my tastes so well

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  • Shooting Star of Severing Fate Code Geass Novel

    Shooting Star of Severing Fate

    by Sakib_Islam_1718
    (Not enough ratings)

    code geass, don't worry it won't spoil much, you can take is as a think, in fact, it won't spoil at all. I am not a copy cat, so it's not gonna that similar to it. And no those aren't my only favourit

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  • 能穿越的我该怎么浪 Code Geass Novel


    by 末羽
    (Not enough ratings)

    卫宫和龙女仆进入新世界之后,出现的地点是一辆正在疾驰的货车车厢内部。   货车的车厢内除了一个球星的容器之外,什么都没有。说实话,光凭借着一点,卫宫完全无法判断自己来到了一个什么样的世界。   不过当他放开自己的见闻色霸气,扫过附近数公里的范围之后,却意外的发现了一些非常有趣的东西。   一个巨大的人型兵器,或者说是人型机动战士。   我去,这不就是高达么,自己居然真的来到了一个拥

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  • Paralel World Code Geass Code Geass Novel

    Paralel World Code Geass

    by 200000000000000011
    (Not enough ratings)

    I'm not an author! Only posting from this site. Credits to the author: kawaihana Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11618280/1/Paralel-World-Code-Geass

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  • code Geass, Sakuradite is known as the philosopher's stone), I also found the dates of the three stories to match quite well. To understand this crappy story, readers should have watched Fullmetal A

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  • 机战无限 Code Geass Novel


    by 亦醉
    (Not enough ratings)

    罗没来,雷纳德没来,尤泽斯他们更不可能会跟着来,原本萧然是有机会带上罗的,也是有机会带着雷纳德的,但是当初萧然忽然就觉得还是不要让罗跟着一起了,好心的也是想要让罗去参与其他的任务放松一下,谁知道最终局势会变成现在这个状况。   萧然其实也觉得很无奈啊,机体方面,单靠这个世界技术的话勉强能够制造出太阳炉那也得花费很多时间的,不过萧然内心里真的是觉得这个世界应该是不具备制造太阳炉的可能的,制

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  • Take Over Code Geass Novel

    Take Over

    by JesterOfGenocide
    (Not enough ratings)

    code. I guess I fulfilled the conditions when I died.' Looking down from my lightning mcqueen bed at the mirror on the bedroom wall, the light from the hallway is angled perfectly making me able to se

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  • the growing north Code Geass Novel

    the growing north

    by Senajit02
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    code geass 10 sir suzaku kurugi from code geass 11 sir daryn from arslan senki 12 sir gino weinberg from code geass 13 dame marrianne from code geass 14 claude from black butler 15 anne from bl

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  • Code Geass: The forgoten Code Geass Novel

    Code Geass: The forgoten

    by Worlds_Auto_Fix
    (Not enough ratings)

    code geass. (200 years later) He has watched all shows but they keep coming out with new ones like I am a dragon. like what is a dragon they don't explain what it is. But I guess I can tell you it i

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  • [Abandoned] Code Geass Novel


    by cmp_76
    (Not enough ratings)

    Hey everyone, hope you've all been doing great and have been enjoying this story so far. I'm posting this to ask you all if I should keep the character as Y/N. Or would it be easier for all of you if

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  • Dominating The Multiverse Code Geass Novel

    Dominating The Multiverse

    by DarkCrown
    (Not enough ratings)

    'Self-studying on manga 'Code Geass'. Art of Manipulating +1.' 'Self-studying on manga 'Code Geass'. Art of Manipulating +1.' 'Self-studying on manga 'Code Geass'. Art of Manipulating +1.' Sm

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  • Wilhelm of the Coin Code Geass Novel

    Wilhelm of the Coin

    by Duckman
    (Not enough ratings)

    geass?" I ask, as he nods. "I am going to grant a code to a random person in a Permanent coma. no one can't steal their code, however once you take a code they shall die." I nodded, before signing. We

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  • 伪欧皇的无限之旅 Code Geass Novel


    by 谎言中的真实
    (Not enough ratings)

    南海,距离海防港口五十海里处,货轮,午夜零点多。   在看到C.C.的身影如同迷雾般若隐若现的浮现出来后,玛莉安娜并没有在第一时间赶过去,毕竟眼前这一幕如此的诡异,还是小心些为妙。   玛莉安娜微微地使了个眼色,立刻就有守卫在其身旁的守卫人员出列,向C.C.所在的位置走去。   这名守卫对眼前诡异现象也有些发憷,不过其还是硬着头皮上前去拉对方伸出的双手。   说来也是奇怪,这名守卫

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  • Fate-Hopping Code Geass Novel


    by Shinobu23
    (Not enough ratings)

    geass". "That's quite busted but let's continue to roll for my second ability", said Haru. The arrow once again began to move in circles till it gradually stopped landing on the spot where the

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