
1975 Novel

  • Retaknya Sayap Merpati 1975 Novel

    Retaknya Sayap Merpati

    by silvaaresta
    4.97 (15 ratings)

    1975 tentang Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan ("PP 9/1975") dan khusus yang beragama Islam mengacu kepada Kompilasi Hukum Islam ("KHI"). Menggugat Cerai Suami Berdasa

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  • 1975> VIT: 10.2 + 1 = 11.2 STR: 7.3 + 1 = 8.3 AGI: 7.1 + 1 = 8.1 INT: 8.7 SPT

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  • Nothing but Numbers 1975 Novel

    Nothing but Numbers

    by Tristan
    4.31 (49 ratings)

    1975 1158 1484 1221 1503 1491 1670 1255 1143 1449 1290 1699 1715 1170 1004 1081 1091 1443 1350 1910 1261 1092 1063 1860 1304 1346 1882 1938 1510 1863 1166 1144 1367 1126 1170 1235 1708 1580 1080 1

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  • 游走于记忆的时间 1975 Novel


    by 末流写手的歌
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    1975,珉豪和钟国欧巴也在这里,还有你们公司的几个人,你要来吗?】   嗯?陈幻生疑惑了下。1975咖啡馆是双子大楼B栋的一间咖啡馆,陈幻生自从入驻了双子大楼后,消费的咖啡有一半来自于那里。自家公司的人出现在那里实属正常,但是崔珉豪和金钟国怎么……   【好啊,我也正好要回公司了】   陈幻生短信答应道,然后抬起头看向郑宇哲。   “泰妍还有珉豪哥和钟国哥他们在1975,我想去看看。”

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  • Reach My Star Again 1975 Novel

    Reach My Star Again

    by cahya46
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    1975 ("PP 9/1975") sebagai peraturan pelaksanaannya. Selain itu, untuk yang beragama Islam berlaku pula ketentuan dalam Instruksi Presiden No.1 Tahun 1991 tentang Penyebarluasan Kompilasi Hukum Islam

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  • Asif Gazi 1975 Novel

    Asif Gazi

    by Asif_Gazi
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    1975 the MITS Altair 8800 based on Intel's 8080 CPU was released. Bill and Paul saw this as an opportunity to start their own software company. Microsoft Story In 1975 Gates read an article in the J

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  • You Have Pretty Eyes 1975 Novel

    You Have Pretty Eyes

    by Riley_Parrott
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    1975. She texted me again. "Are you not going to say it back :(?" "Katy, now she's sad because I didn't say it back." I frowned. I hated seeing her sad. A couple hours later, I get a tex

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  • for the author's badge 1975 Novel

    for the author's badge

    by silverstag
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    1975) Juza Unno (1897–1949) Shigeji Tsuboi (1897–1975) Chiyo Uno (1897–1996) Masuji Ibuse (1898–1993) Jun Ishikawa (1899–1987) Yasunari Kawabata (1899–1972) Yuriko Miyamoto (1899–1951) Sakae T

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  • 无限世界进化史 1975 Novel


    by 炎炎三七
    (Not enough ratings)

    换简介了,简介无能所以还是列一下写的世界算了:格林童话(?)、三体、西游(伪?)漫威(1940-1975)、HP…… 后面的还没写,写了再添。

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  • 回到过去当术士 1975 Novel


    by 竖子不可教
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975,算的我账上!”   齐公子用看小丑的眼神盯着王钟,一脸的嘲弄。   “好的,先生!”   侍者听闻,眼睛中充满了兴奋的神色,不管是谁买单,自己的服务费又要增加了!   王钟有些诧异的看了一眼齐公子,没想到在这里竟然有人点他酒堡产的红酒!   齐公子一脸挑衅的看着王钟!   仿佛在说,爷别的没有,就是有钱!   王钟有些好笑的看了一眼齐公子,没想到竟然有人要用自己的酒来炫富!

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  • Europe Over 100 Years 1975 Novel

    Europe Over 100 Years

    by Hornets_Mike_TV
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 before the first satellite of the effort, the Orbital Test Satellite, would be successfully launched in 1978. The four countries resubmitted their applications on 11 May 1967 and with Georges

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  • CRICKET IS LIFE 1975 Novel


    by SOURABH_Kumar
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996; Sachin Tendulkar, Former Indian Cricketer: 1975, 1979, 1983, 1987, 1992, 1996.

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  • HPRS [DROPPED] 1975 Novel


    by DivinityShiro
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 model, they are planning to use for the trip is being checked. As the mechanic wipes his sweat over his forehead, he looks toward Carlo and said, "Mister Carlo, the car is perfectly fine. It d

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  • QX 1975 Novel


    by Daoistq1ETn5
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975). Highly purified preparations of M. luteus UV endonuclease recognize sites altered by dimers only in native double-stranded DNA (Kaplan et al., 1969; Carrier and Setlow, 1970), whereas T4 endonu

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  • computer  history 1975 Novel

    computer history

    by Daoist457437
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975. The next major portables were Osborne's 24 pound CP/M-based Osborne 1 (1981) and Compaq's 28 pound 100% IBM PC compatible Compaq Portable(1983). These "luggable" computers lacked the next techno

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  • Celebrities 1975 Novel


    by snaar_aman
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 . She is about 46 years old . Her Height is 1.69 m. Her net worth is worth $120 million. she was one of Hollywood' s highest-paid actress. Her husband is Jonny Lee Miller.

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  • Scintilla 1975 Novel


    by Meijiera
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 Somebody else -- The 1975 Crush Culture -- Conan Gray Maybe The Night --  Ben&Ben Midnight Sky -- UNIQUE Narcissist -- No Rome, The 1975 Leaves --  Ben&ben I like me better 

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  • Erased Book 1975 Novel

    Erased Book

    by Moron
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 Previous Jobs: Janitor and a Marine. Current Job: Security Guard Likes: Marvel, Sushi, sweets, Fan-Fiction, Anime and, Novels. Dislikes: Loud noises, too much work(Author Too), and mints. Cu

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    by rikadiary85
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975', suara emasnya yang tak kalah dengan Broery Pesolima membuatku percaya, kalau dia telah mengabdi di kedai ini sejak tahun 1975. Sempurna. "Mahia Areta! Jika Kau butuh perempuan untuk meneman

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  • 1975) 2) Loh Chuan Li (M) Married: Jiang Ying Yue Children: Anston Loh Weiren (M 1985) Andrea Loh Cuifen (F 1986) Andrew Loh Weishang (M 1993) 3) Loh Ying Tai (F) Married: Lewis Koo Hong H

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  • 宰辅之唐相 1975 Novel


    by 宛裕子
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975年5月,第2466页。   [102][5]《龙城录》,【唐】柳宗元撰,曹中孚校点,《唐五代笔记小说大观》上,SH古籍出版社,2000年3月,第141页。   [103][6]见《旧唐书》,[后晋]刘昫等撰,中华书局,1975年5月,第2466页。   [104][7]见《旧唐书》卷六十六《列传第十六?房玄龄》,[后晋]刘昫等撰,中华书局,1975年5月,第2467页。   [10

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  • 1975): ​ ​La Guerra de Vietnam,llamada también Segunda Guerra de Indochina, fue un conflicto bélico que enfrentó entre 1964 y 1975 a la República de Vietnam, o Vietnam del Sur, apoyada principalment

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  • Sabbir Hossain 1975 Novel

    Sabbir Hossain

    by sabbir_hossain
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975, with the first ODI cricket match having been played only four years earlier. However, a separate Women's Cricket World Cup had been held two years before the first men's tournament, and a tourna

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  • 我是系统监管员 1975 Novel


    by 雨会飞
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975年完成他真正的最后一部作品。这是一部继往开来的大作,指明了武侠小说的发展方向,甚至可以说,开创了一个新的流派。”   “我就说嘛!”方清泽跳了起来:“金庸老爷子在《三十三剑客图》的序言中写道,他第二幅就写不下去了,我当时看到,就觉得难以置信。   那可是金庸!卡文一两天不奇怪,卡文一两周甚至一两个月也可以理解——当时主要是在写《鹿鼎记》嘛。   可是卡文直接卡到弃文,这种事怎么会发生

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  • Who Killed Charlotte? 1975 Novel

    Who Killed Charlotte?

    by Tommy_Goodwin
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975 when Queen performed live on the famous Hammersmith Odeon. He had this sole interest in bisexuality, which sent a few men following in his footsteps until entering his creation called Moose Hoodd

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  • Harry Peverell 1975 Novel

    Harry Peverell

    by ClaudiaAries
    (Not enough ratings)


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  • 电影世界大抽奖 1975 Novel


    by 熊猫胖大
    (Not enough ratings)

    1975年100日元购买力,1975年10,000日元购买力,1975年1,000,000日元购买力,1975年100,000,000日元购买力;   人物类:静香,大雄,胖虎,小夫。”   “……”   看到这次大转盘上的奖品,不止左小右倒吸一口凉气,就连智子和聂小倩也倒吸一口凉气。   “这次的奖品太……”智子想了一会儿,总算想到了一个好的形容词:“太坑爹了!”   “人物类里除了静

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