
1990 Novel

  • Comedy short stories 1990 Novel

    Comedy short stories

    by Jaya_Kumar_1598
    4.93 (31 ratings)

    1990) or his The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror (Norton. 1993), two texts with extensive information about staged monsters. I was also surprised to discover that Noel Carroll's The Philaso

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  • Not Dead Yet (discontinued) 1990 Novel

    Not Dead Yet (discontinued)

    by linear_salo
    4.71 (17 ratings)

    1990 August - John Dawlish, The Ministry of Magic and the introduction of Alana Vincent 1990 September - The train to Hogwarts, the reappearance of Jake Matthews and Ravenclaw sorting. Leoen Volkov a

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  • Hollywood ShowBiz Lord 1990 Novel

    Hollywood ShowBiz Lord

    by AN_13
    4.55 (41 ratings)

    1990 it became one of the powerful and largest media groups in us. The growth of the company is due to its Merger&Accusation from the moment it was formed. Due to the company's larger number of tran

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  • Master of Time 1990 Novel

    Master of Time

    by Erosire
    4.32 (283 ratings)

    1990. More correctly to say, coming face to face with myself in the 1990 this time around. I would be George instead. That is quite freaky. Moreover, I am probably under surveillance of the cult at

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  • 1990, dia bergabung dengan World Wrestling Federation (WWF, sekarang WWE) pada tahun 1990 dan pensiun pada tahun 2020, membuatnya menjadi pegulat dengan masa bakti terlama di perusahaan. Calaway diseb

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  • Chicago 1990 1990 Novel

    Chicago 1990

    by Tề Khả Hưu
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    Một chàng trai người Trung Quốc trong lúc mơ hồ không rõ nguyên nhân đã xuyên không vào thân thể của cậu bé Alexandre Tống, một cậu trai mười lăm tuổi, mồ côi, sống nhờ nhà dì tại Chicago. Hoàn cảnh

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  • Letters From Sol 1990 Novel

    Letters From Sol

    by ntbrfu
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    1990. To Sol. Hi Sol. It's me Eleven. It's been a while and I haven't heard from you and you haven't written for me. How are you? I am fine. I went out with my friends this summer. We went to the bea

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  • The Valley House 1990 Novel

    The Valley House

    by Karina_Yuwono_0789
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990 Regina hamil. Robert bahagia melihat Regina yang hamil. Dia memeluki Regina. Dia mencium bibir dengan Regina. Pada tanggal 15 April 1990, Robert mengantar Regina yang hamil ke rumah sakit, New Y

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  • HP and the heir of Dumbledore house 1990 Novel

    HP and the heir of Dumbledore house

    by DarkNoobWriter11
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990 and there isn't any character or any info about that year (1990/1991). My former book, he started in the same year but I put all the character from 1989/90 in this year. Now I have two options, I

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  • 重生于非凡岁月 1990 Novel


    by 大树白头
    (Not enough ratings)


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  • 重生电子帝国 1990 Novel


    by 麻辣斯基
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990年十月的2935点。   这样一波长达三年的大牛市摆在面前,谁能说美国经济出了大问题呢!但实际上美国联邦政府的赤字,在1979年时只有400亿美元,而到1990年底时已经增加到了的2670亿美元。   这还不是最恐怖的,因为美国的企业债增长额更为夸张,短短十年间竟然增加了160%,从1980年的17680亿美元,一下子暴增到了1990年的46370亿美元。   虽然这其中大部分责任要

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  • 水煮清王朝 1990 Novel


    by 古龙岗
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990 美国 100   苏联 20   1990-现在 美国 100   欧盟 70   俄罗斯 40   中国 30   曰本 25   印度 5   中国由盛到衰的全过程!!!      

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  • 真相与罪 1990 Novel


    by 仲夏一梦
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990年。”   我想请问斯洛克先生,肯迪农场还没有售出之前,其所有权一直属于你吗?莫斯问。   不,并不是一直所有。斯洛克解释说:“那块农场,我只是拥有了10年而已,在那段时间之前,它并不属于我。”   10年?难道购买肯迪农场的时候,时间同样发生在1990年吗?莫斯问。   对,的确是1990年,我记得非常清楚。斯洛克回答。   从什么人手里购买?1990年变卖农场的人,他是谁?莫

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  • 1990, NOVA, núm. 51). El ambiente general de esos libros se emparenta con el universo reflejado en UN PLANETA LLAMADO TRAICIÓN (1979), reeditada en 1985 con el título TRAICIÓN y cuya nueva versión

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  • El Dragón del Este 1990 Novel

    El Dragón del Este

    by Kiritomo_Deeh
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990 Los noticieros mágicos están hasta el borde de la crisis, porque se reveló que el Señor Hazzel ha declarado una alianza abierta con mi hermano y la Familia Smith. Estos tres líderes políticos pl

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  • Incandescence 1990 Novel


    by anagabyaj
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990 Imperials, a mutation among society blessed with various gifts, qualities that made them unique, even exotic for others. Their possibilities seemed endless, they were almost considered as terren

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  • 宅师 1990 Novel


    (Not enough ratings)

    1990   588   2014-06-06/21:14   即莫   1888   2014-06-06/19:26   即莫   588   2014-06-06/19:18   鱼灯苏   100   2014-06-06/08:16   鱼灯苏   100   2014-06-06/08:16   鱼灯苏   100   2014-06-06/08:16

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  • 超级鬼魂收容所 1990 Novel


    by 今朝
    (Not enough ratings)

    1990年的勃艮第红酒?”   林觉一眼看出,眼前的赵经理,对他表面上客气,实则眼中露出的尽是耻笑之意。   不过,他根本不介意对方的表现。   因为毕竟,他选择推销酒水的地方,是海市有名的西餐厅。   “赵经理,还真是让你说对了!我推销的红酒,真是82年拉菲。当然,你说的勃艮第红酒,我这里正好也有十来瓶。”林觉面含笑意道。   赵威开始冷笑起来,道:“这位先生,也不怕话大闪了舌头。82

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