
megalodon vs mecha shark小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

    Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted. Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind. All he has to do is prove himself worthy. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

    Aoki_Aku · SF
  • The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

    Thousands of years ago, humankind left the Old World. We enter a new age where science and magic are no longer opposing concepts. With these new opportunities came danger in the form of the Dark Races and the ones that named themselves Gods. However, if there was one thing humans were good at was their ability to destroy. Humankind fought and carved a bloody path into the new world. Cain's luck had never been good, but his destiny changed forever once he decided to harden his heart and face the world without fear or hesitation. --Godslayer Humankind's motto.-- We can comprehend the supernatural. We can dominate the supernatural. We can kill the supernatural - Adam, Emperor of Godslayer Humankind, The First Titan. Current schedule: 21 chapters a week. Bonus chapters: Over 400 power stones: 3 extra chapters. Over 800 power stones: 6 extra chapters. Over 1200 power stones: 9 extra chapters. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/R666sNEdrU

    Redsunworld · ファンタジー
  • Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

    There were three words in the Sun star empire to describe Scarlet Su, Useless, trash and stupid. But one day, Scarlet Su's star account went from having the user name 'The mecha king's bride' to 'The mecha king sucks.' Suddenly everyone wondered, what new attention seeking game was she playing? Dying in a zombie infested earth, a young woman dives into a door way which should lead to a wonderful new world but instead, she awakens on an interstellar world in the body of Scarlet Su, the unwanted wife of the empire's favorite general and mecha king. She becomes an instant mother to the general's son and the part owner of an undeveloped garbage planet. Luckily, she has transmigrated with her storage space, millions of supplies and a willingness to work hard. Unfortunately, she is tricked into becoming a grim reaper in this interstellar world. Every week she must deliver souls to the underworld or risk losing her newly acquired mental strength and return to the being the old Weak, useless Scarlet. She went from being Scarlet the useless to Scarlet the amazing and her husband suddenly came calling desperate for her to accept his love. She said, "Talk to your son first, he is the one seeking a father." But his son said, "You want to be my daddy, join the line of suitors over there and fill in your information." Excerpt: "So the prodigal husband returns after all this time and here I thought you were dead." she said sarcastically. "Watch your tongue Scarlet, I am still your husband." Scarlet laughed and crossed her arms, "So you are aware that you are a husband, how should I react now that you have chosen to embrace the title you so easily wanted to discard a few months ago. Should I clap my hands and then take my clothes off and beg you to ravish me?" she rolled her eyes at him and scoffed. She watched her husband slowly walk toward her with a focused furious look in his eyes and she wondered if she had pushed him too far. "You dared to send me divorce papers, Scarlet, have you lost your damn mind?" 'No,' she thought, 'On the contrary, you have lost yours.' Cover picture is not mine and can be taken down at owners wish.

    1cutecat · SF
  • System vs Rebirth

    After Stargaze Family executed his family, Noel Ardagan embarked on his journey, restoring his family name with the help of a System. "What? How the heck did she get it before me? The system told me that I'm the only one who knows about it!" Noel Ardagan cursed in anger, "That conniving murdering woman!" "At this point in time, only I should be aware about this tomb. But how did he find out about it?" Anna Stargaze, even after her reincarnation, couldn’t comprehend Noel's actions. The clash between of a person holding a system and a reincarnator who knows everything in the future is about to start.

    Fixten · ファンタジー
  • Sensational! Fake Noble VS Real Genius

    [1v1 pure love + transmigration + ancient martial arts + highly pampered by disguise group + mysticism + entirely fictional universe] Gu Zhiqi transmigrated into the role of the vicious female antagonist. The heroine was a true heiress with numerous disguises, while she, usurping the nest of others, constantly framed the heroine, and in the end, tragically received her 'boxed lunch' as the fake heiress. Gu Zhiqi: Even transmigration can't stop me from retiring! However, transmigration couldn't, but poverty could. Master Zhi was forced into business! ... #Breaking! Gu Family's fake heiress, Gu Zhiqi, kicked out and now swindling money as a fortuneteller under a bridge# The protagonists' group style started to go awry. Eldest Brother Gu: Need money? Take this neighborhood. Second Brother Gu: Second bro gives you an entertainment company. Third Sister Gu: Just made a billion, keep it safe. Fourth Brother Gu: Young master's championship prize money, take it. Money-loving heroine: Need money? Pick any color card you like. Biological brother: Come back to inherit the family fortune. Gu Zhiqi: "..." Huh? What happened to the vicious female antagonist script? ... #Breaking! Everyone in the Gu Family is a top player in their fields, except the fake heiress who's nothing but a pretty face# And then, the big shots started calling one after another. First Big Shot: Our alliance's ancestral site doesn't have better feng shui than under a bridge? Master Gu, reconsider? Second Big Shot: Need money? Think about that last order. Third Big Shot: Have time for fortune-telling, but no time to write papers? Fourth Big Shot: Miss Gu, I have a surgery here, what do you think... ... Gu Zhiqi: Read, retiring, do not disturb. A certain movie star: You just used my account. Gu Zhiqi, who had swindled enough money to retire, "..." ?!

    Time remote · 一般的
  • Tempest of Mecha Storm

    In a bold endeavor to unravel the mysteries of the soul, the Solar System Alliance clandestinely established an organization of brilliance known as the Apocalypse Youth Class. This elite assembly drew together the most gifted young individuals from across the four federations of the solar system. However, their pursuit of knowledge was marred by a catastrophic incident that resulted in numerous casualties. The prime culprit was imprisoned, leading to the dissolution of the youth class and the sealing of their records, henceforth becoming a forbidden chapter in history. Five years later, the Tianjing Mech Academy for Mecha Warfare, having faced disappointment in the inter-solar system mecha competition, fortuitously welcomed the top student from the Asian district's mecha preparatory class, Tong Shen, heralding a period of rejuvenation. Yet, this was merely the beginning of a series of inexplicable events, with the epicenter surprisingly being an obscure second-year student. Mecha, the ultimate romance of man.

    Skull Elf · SF
  • Mecha and Sword

    "It's better to rely on oneself than Buddha, better to become a god than to worship one. If this war needs a god, I will be it." His name is Ji Xinghe. At the age of 65, he went to the alien battlefield to avenge his son. From a mechanic to a mecha warrior, from a private to a five-star general, from an ordinary man to the mentor of generations. He has walked a path of revenge. Looking back, he has become the War God. In his final years, he has the ambition to build an unparalleled mecha. Using Xinghe as a sword, he can shatter the might of the empire. This is a story of a mecha and a sword.

    Ji Qi · SF
  • Age of Mecha: Divine-grade Genetic Extraction

    Five hundred years into the future, animals and plants had mutated into powerful beasts which endangered the human species. To deal with the situation, the Federal government decided to build academies dedicated to mecha piloting. It marked the beginning of the Mecha Age. With the help of the mechas, humans would gain the power to fight on equal terms with the beasts. Years later, Peter was recruited by one of the mecha academies. He thought that would be his path to become a successful pilot. However, due to some circumstances, he was only able to choose another course… The Genetic Warrior course. As the world was invested in mechas, everyone knew that there was no future for a Genetic Warrior. The basic concept the circled around Earth was that a human could never defeat a beast without the mecha’s help. Fortunately, Peter managed to activate a special Divine-Grade Genetic Extraction System. “Ding! Ant genes detected. Extraction in progress…” “Ding! Extraction successful. Your strength has been increased by 100 times.” “Ding! Grasshopper genes detected. Extraction in progress…” “Ding! Extraction successful. Your leaping ability has been increased by 100 times.” “Ding! Eagle genes detected. Extraction in progress…” “Ding! Extraction successful. Your vision has been increased by 100 times.” “Ding! Thunder God genes detected. Extraction in progress…” On that fateful day, a mighty Genetic Warrior was born. He was able to deflect a missile with his flesh and punch a hole in any mecha. He could even destroy a whole planet if he wanted to.

    Low Temp 35° · SF
  • Falling for Miss Captain : LOVE vs DUTY

    "Fight your war and I will fight mine. If I ever fall, you will help me up and I will do the same for you." * * * She was a Captain of the Silveren Army often described as cold and tough but she was a woman with many hidden scars. He was a Crown Prince of Edeladon who was once a domineering and cold man who learned from his mistakes. They met in a foreign country while keeping their identities a secret yet they share a mutual affection for each other. She made a vow to punish the ones who led her brother to death. He was determined to find out the truth behind the death of his ex-lover. They had many reasons to be apart. However, one reason kept them together - the happiness they find in one another. Join me in the story of how Captain Yelena Arista of Silveren and Crown Prince Felix Valestra of Edeladon fight to protect their love while maintaining the duties and responsibilities that they bear! * * * Excerpt - "I love you." She finally said the three words which the man was dying to hear for a long time! Felix didn't saw it coming at all! He was waiting for her to give him an answer, but this was beyond his expectations! His eyes grew wide in disbelief! "What did you say?" He cannot believe his ears. He wanted to make sure that he didn't hear her wrong. "I said I love you, you fool! I -" Before Yelena could finish her words, Felix rose from his seat, bend down once again and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. Felix slowly pulled his head back and gently held her on the neck. Yelena could feel the rapid thumping of his heartbeat which match hers. "Don't you dare go back on your words. If necessary, I will even chase you to the end of the earth." His lips curved into a smile. "The same goes for you." She replied confidently. "Then what will you do to me?" He asked her. Yelena pointed at her wound. "I'll shoot you. The pain will be two folds compared to this." She said with a devilish smile. She then leaned towards him and whisper in his ear. "You may not know, but I'm a good shooter." Felix chuckled at her response. "Is this how it feels to have a soldier as a girlfriend? But why do I have a feeling that you will try to shoot me even if I upset you a little?" He teased her. "Will you make me upset then?" She said with a serious tone. "No, ma'am!" He responded right away. -------------------------------------- Note: All countries, organizations, places and characters in this novel are fictional. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. It is uploaded from another source and all rights credited to the real owner...

    Pearys · 都市
  • Transmigrando de un mundo zombi para convertirse en la esposa del rey mecha

    ``` En el Imperio de la estrella del sol había tres palabras para describir a Scarlet Su: inútil, basura y estúpida. Pero un día, el nombre de usuario de la cuenta estelar de Scarlet Su cambió de «La novia del rey mecha» a «El rey mecha apesta». De repente, todos se preguntaron: ¿qué nuevo juego de llamar la atención estaba jugando? Muriendo en una Tierra infestada de zombis, una joven se zambulle en una puerta que debería llevarla a un mundo maravilloso, pero en su lugar, despierta en un mundo interestelar en el cuerpo de Scarlet Su, la esposa no deseada del general favorito del imperio y rey mecha. Se convierte al instante en madre del hijo del general y copropietaria de un planeta basura sin desarrollar. Afortunadamente, ha transmigrado con su espacio de almacenamiento, millones de suministros y la disposición a trabajar duro. Lamentablemente, es engañada para convertirse en un segador en este mundo interestelar. Cada semana debe entregar almas al inframundo o arriesgarse a perder su recién adquirida fuerza mental y volver a ser la vieja Scarlet, débil e inútil. Pasó de ser Scarlet la inútil a Scarlet la asombrosa y su esposo de repente vino a llamar desesperado porque aceptara su amor. —Habla primero con tu hijo, él es quien busca un padre —dijo ella. —¿Quieres ser mi papi? Únete a la fila de pretendientes allá y rellena tu información —dijo su hijo. Extracto: —Así que el esposo pródigo regresa después de todo este tiempo y yo que pensaba que estabas muerto —dijo ella sarcásticamente. —Vigila tu lengua Escarlata, todavía soy tu esposo. Escarlata se rió y cruzó los brazos: —Así que eres consciente de que eres un esposo, ¿cómo debería reaccionar ahora que has elegido abrazar el título que tan fácilmente querías descartar hace unos meses? ¿Debería aplaudir y luego quitarme la ropa y rogarte que me tomes? —le lanzó una mirada irónica y se burló. Observó a su esposo caminar lentamente hacia ella con una mirada furiosa y concentrada en sus ojos y se preguntó si lo había llevado demasiado lejos: —¿Te atreviste a enviarme papeles de divorcio, Escarlata? ¿Has perdido la maldita cabeza? «No», pensó, «al contrario, tú has perdido la tuya». La imagen de la portada no es mía y puede ser retirada a petición del dueño. ```

    1cutecat · SF
  • The Undying Mecha Emperor

    The Strongest Magic meets the Mightiest Mecha. I have stolen Golden Mechas from the deepest vaults of the most tightly guarded fortresses in the world. I have personally destroyed more armies than the top three superpowers have in the span of the Absolute War - combined. I burned down the terrorist megacity of Habon. I was expelled from the Union of Heroes at a younger age than people are allowed in. I have talked to Ancient Gods, loved women, and devoured mechas that would make superpowers cringe in fear. I have faced demons head on in moonless nights others fear to speak of during the day. I am deified in a thousand cultures, and labelled as the devil incarnate in the rest. I am the Mecha Emperor. You may have heard of me. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Excerpt from Chapter 1 This is where it all began. A junkyard. Oh no, this isn't your clean, mechas-only junkyard that was the 'starting point' of many mecha geniuses out there. I have seen and heard my share of rags-to-riches stories, and many of them claimed that they had started from 'junkyards' and slowly grew to be where they were right now. From Zero to Hero, they declared. You can do it too, they said. As long as you work hard, everything is possible, they claimed. I call bullshit. Life doesn't work like that. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Hi guys, thanks for dropping by. This novel is participating in WSA 2022. I will do my very best to write a highly entertaining and deeply immersive story for all of you to enjoy. Please support me! Thank you very much :) FAQs 1. Harem? No. 2. Rape? No. 3. NTR? No. 4. School arc? Yes. 5. Power up speed? Exhilarating. 6. GOT style deaths? Hell no. Btw, come join my discord server :) https://discord.gg/MN4xNRARzF

    mrant12 · ファンタジー
  • I Want Mechas, Not Wives!

    IT'S FAST PACED! (But you will also experience slow moments but no slow chapters!) "Let's play pretend kissing, chu~" she said, and two seconds later, as I looked at the girl who had melted into a puddle, I realized. "I recognize that seductive face. Could it be that I am Ryker Yukline from "Stardom Academy!?" A sci-fi world, numerous of heroins, a scummy villain, whom I created for that world. Ryker Yukline is the antagonist who often hinders the protagonist from trying to win the heroines for the election. Not content with just obstructing the achievements of the protagonists, he also sets traps, and in the bad endings, he seduces and turns the heroines into submissive females. Naturally, Ryker faces every antagonist end, as in any heroine's route, destruction awaits him. "I don't want to be killed, so I'll just power...as a backup plan I will also try to curry favour from the main Heroins! And try to live without involving with the FL's." Despite my intentions, the heroines of the game keep coming closer. Um, wait, isn't she starting to look a bit... seductive? A story where the protagonist, who becomes the strongest through game knowledge, tries to casually curry some favours, only to end up seducing the heroines. Caution: This is a sci-fi based fast-paced novel, and to build world, backstory, and character trait, I have given a lot of info dump(kindly forgive) in early 3-5 chap! But the info will be really interesting and there will be story progression in the same chaps too! Please try it! A'sN: Saffron's not the real cousin sister of Ryker! :) And, it's harem :D and hopefully, not lust crazed just sweet and heartwarming!

    Stylish_Demon · ファンタジー
  • MechA Shark

    A Galaxy far far away there was a civilization far more advanced and intelligent than that of the normal human race, it was called Stugs they were human... With a bigger brain. They ruled over many stars and allied with many more races, but big power means big problems and for Stugs's people is living Dark matter, it was different than your normal 85% of dark matter in the universe it had a indestructible physical body. And so Stugs and all their allies joined to stop it from growing. It has been decades and hope was looking grim, but one light, one Stugs, the hope of the emperor of the Stugs, his daughter Voxen Elizabeth XVII(17th) was born a steam saint. This is the story of Voxen Elizabeth XVII in her adventure of purging the galaxy from living Dark matter.

    Shiro40404 · SF
  • Sistema do Maior Guerreiro Mecha da Humanidade

    ``` Max sempre quis uma vida mais emocionante, e após ser reencarnado em um futuro distante e uma Galáxia em guerra constante, seu desejo foi atendido. Descoberto como altamente compatível com o Sistema Tecnológico do seu novo mundo, foi recrutado ainda criança para treinamento a fim de se tornar um dos elite Pilotos de Mecha, os heróis do Reino que enfrentam até as ameaças mais poderosas de dentro de Mechas gigantes, empunhando as mais poderosas armas conhecidas pela humanidade. Tudo o que ele tem a fazer é provar seu valor. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN ```

    Aoki_Aku · SF
  • Quick Transmigration: System vs System! [BL]

    Yu Qingyu had led a normal, unremarkable life. And without achieving anything, it was about to end, when at the age of 26, he was suddenly hit by a truck. He didn’t want to die! He hasn’t even found his true love yet! Or any love, in fact. Thankfully, not all hope was lost. As his soul was drifting in the void, a screen appeared in front of his eyes, enlightening the darkness. He was offered a contract by a system. All he needed to do was to transmigrate to different worlds and complete the missions, and once he accumulated enough points, the time would reverse and he would get another chance at life! How could he possibly refuse such an opportunity? And so his journey started. He completed one mission, and then another… Everything was going well. That is, until a villain whose downfall he caused got a system of his own…

    SoundlessSong · LGBT+
  • Crazy Wife Vs Cold Husband

    WARNING! Terdapat konten dewasa di dalam novel ini. Harap bijaklah memilih bacaan. "Kamu bebas melakukan apapun di rumah ini, kamu bebas pergi ke manapun, dan aku tak peduli dengan itu! Tapi, satu hal yang harus kamu ingat! Jangan pernah mengusik kehidupan pribadiku!" tegas pria berusia 25 tahun, berwajah Asia dengan ciri khas rambut panjangnya yang membuatnya terlihat tampan dan cool di mata para wanita, tepat di hadapan wanita yang baru saja sah menjadi istrinya. "Aku bahkan tak peduli dengan apapun yang berkaitan dengan dirimu! Jangan pernah menggangguku juga! Jika tidak, kamu akan tahu akibatnya! Kamu tahu, aku bisa melakukan apapun untuk membalas orang yang berani mengusikku! Dan, satu lagi. Jangan pernah menyentuhku, atau aku akan membuat dirimu menyesal, dan takan pernah sanggup untuk bangun kembali!" ancam gadis cantik serta berwajah lugu bernama Gabriela Anastasya Sasongko, berusia 21 tahun seraya menunjuk wajah pria tampan itu tepat di wajah pria itu. Siapa sangka? Di balik wajahnya yang lugu tersimpan sesuatu yang membuat pria itu hampir mengalami darah tinggi setiap harinya, serta mendadak membuatnya memiliki riwayat penyakit jantung. Menikah adalah jalan yang harus keduanya tempuh ketika keduanya terlibat dalam skandal yang terjadi akibat kesalah pahaman. Lantas, akankah pernikahan itu dapat membawa keduanya saling menerima kehadiran satu sama lain? Dan mungkinkah seiring berjalannya waktu dapat menumbuhkan benih cinta di hati keduanya?

    Mahdania · 都市

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