
fazbear pizza小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • The Omnipotent System

    what will you do if you have; infinite skill point infinite system point infinite energy omni-system shop . . . . . . let's follow our protagonist as he got transmigrated to one of his favourite novel and becomes an existence that rules the omniverse with his overpowered and Omnipotent system. . . . This is a recreation of my previous Novel the Omnipotent system Extra Chapters 200 Power Stones - 1 Extra Chapter 500 Power Stones - 2 Extra Chapters 1200 Power Stones - 3 Extra Chapters 20 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter 100 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapters 500 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapters Gifts Cola, Pizza and capsule -- Have a character with the gifter's name. Massage Chair, Luxury Car and Dragon -- can create a character Magic Castle, Spacecraft and Golden Gachapon -- all of the above and have their characters revolve around the Mc, can also create a storyline or plot. This is my discord link, still working on it though https://discord.com/invite/RyuzMVHR

    Adams2004 · ファンタジー
  • After Transmigrating, The Fat Wife Made A Comeback!

    Qiao Mei transmigrated into a novel as a supporting character with the same name as her who lacked presence. This supporting character was a country bumpkin who couldn’t get married due to her obesity. According to the original script, this country girl Qiao Mei was a fatty spoiled by her grandfather. However, their relatives were all vicious and cruel people. Her grandfather had poor health, so once he died, the relatives would divide and swallow up his assets. Hence, her grandfather’s greatest wish was to marry Qiao Mei off. For this, even sacrificed and betrayed his good friend’s grandson, Xia Zhe. Grandpa got Xia Zhe drunk and had Qiao Mei forcibly take the strong and handsome Xia Zhe with her body which weighed more than two hundred pounds. Then, grandpa would catch them the next day and force Xia Zhe to marry Qiao Mei. However, that eventually caused the start of Qiao Mei’s unfortunate life. Also, in the original story, Qiao Mei took possession of Xia Zhe’s mysterious jade. But due to Qiao Mei’s stupidity, her cousin's sister had tricked Qiao Mei into giving her the jade, which resulted in the cousin’s family becoming rich. When Qiao Mei transmigrated here, it was during the awkward moment when she was making love to the man after making him drunk. She woke up groggily the next day and grandpa’s team had already appeared at the door. Qiao Mei was frightened. She didn’t want to proceed on the original path and marry a man who didn’t love her. And so, she lied and chased grandpa away. She also pushed the man out before forcing herself to look at her tanned and chubby reflection in the mirror! Alas, she cried at her ugly appearance… Like a sumo wrestler in large cloth underwear, even the plus-sized apparel shops didn’t have clothes in her size. And her face was the size of a pizza, a scorched pizza! Qiao Mei decided to reform her life! The first step, lose weight! The second step, clean up her room! She used to be particular about cleanliness, and although her current house had a huge courtyard, she could only describe it as messy! The third step was to hold onto the jade tightly so her greedy cousin wouldn’t stand a chance! Only, wasn’t the tall and handsome Xia Zhe supposed to hate her according to the original story? Why was he being nicer and nicer to her?

    Mountain Springs · 都市
  • Après sa transmigration, l'épouse en surpoids a fait son grand retour !

    ``` Qiao Mei s'est retrouvée dans un roman en tant que personnage secondaire portant le même nom qu'elle, mais qui manquait de présence. Ce personnage secondaire était une péquenaude qui ne pouvait pas se marier à cause de son obésité. Selon le scénario original, cette campagnarde Qiao Mei était une grosse fille gâtée par son grand-père. Toutefois, leurs parents étaient tous des personnes vicieuses et cruelles. Son grand-père ayant une santé fragile, une fois décédé, les parents se diviseraient pour s'accaparer ses biens. Par conséquent, le plus grand souhait de son grand-père était de marier Qiao Mei. Pour cela, il a même sacrifié et trahi le petit-fils de son ami, Xia Zhe. Le grand-père a enivré Xia Zhe et a fait en sorte que Qiao Mei prenne de force le bel et fort Xia Zhe avec son corps pesant plus de deux cents livres. Ensuite, le grand-père les surprendrait le lendemain et forcerait Xia Zhe à épouser Qiao Mei. Cependant, cela a finalement causé le début de la vie malheureuse de Qiao Mei. Aussi, dans l'histoire originale, Qiao Mei s'appropriait le mystérieux jade de Xia Zhe. Mais à cause de la stupidité de Qiao Mei, la sœur de son cousin l'avait trompée et lui avait fait donner le jade, ce qui résultait en la richesse de la famille de son cousin. Quand Qiao Mei a transmigré ici, c'était pendant l'instant gênant où elle faisait l'amour à l'homme après l'avoir enivré. Elle s'est réveillée avec confusion le lendemain et l'équipe du grand-père était déjà à la porte. Qiao Mei avait peur. Elle ne voulait pas suivre le chemin initial et épouser un homme qui ne l'aimait pas. Et donc, elle a menti et a chassé grand-père. Elle a également poussé l'homme dehors avant de se forcer à regarder son reflet bronzé et potelé dans le miroir! Hélas, elle pleurait face à son apparence laide... Comme un sumotori en sous-vêtement de grande taille, même les magasins de vêtements grandes tailles n'avaient pas de vêtements à sa taille. Et son visage était de la taille d'une pizza, une pizza brûlée! Qiao Mei a décidé de réformer sa vie! La première étape, perdre du poids! La deuxième étape, ranger sa chambre! Elle qui tenait à la propreté, bien que sa maison actuelle eût une grande cour, elle ne pouvait la décrire que comme désordonnée! La troisième étape était de tenir fermement le jade pour que sa cousine avide n'en ait aucune chance! Seulement, le grand et beau Xia Zhe ne devait-il pas la détester selon l'histoire originale? Pourquoi était-il de plus en plus gentil avec elle? ```

    Mountain Springs · 都市
  • Reborn as a Mom

    Ira, a cold arrogant tyrant wanted to stand at the top of the ladder at all cost which included even her family. In the end, all she got was desolation... She left her husband, And everyone left her one by one. Her child, her Father, her brother, and her mother... Reborn a decade before at a turning point of her life, she was given a second chance. She was pregnant again… 'The two lines on the result window of the pregnancy strip which felt like prison bars in my last life will be my wings this time.' She caressed her belly and cried: "Baby, thank you for coming to me again. Mommy's sorry for not appreciating you in the past." -------------------- She vomited due to morning sickness. He wiped her mouth with his fingertips, giving her water. "Stop! It's yucky" Ira protested. "It is just spit." Viv said. "And some pizza I ate in the evening," she smiled smugly. _______________________ My discord: https://discord.gg/4MGHKfp www.patreon.com/miaomiao11

    MiaoMiao11 · 一般的
  • Fazbear Museum

    All FNAF Locations get shut down and all the animatronics end up in one place to live. a Museum filled with animatronics but Freddy Fazbear is the leader. What could possibly go wrong?

    AstriaStudios · 歴史
  • Depois de Transmigrar, a Esposa Gorda Fez um Retorno Triunfal!

    """ Qiao Mei transmigrou para um romance como uma personagem coadjuvante com o mesmo nome dela, que tinha pouca presença. Essa personagem coadjuvante era uma caipira que não conseguia se casar por causa da obesidade. De acordo com o roteiro original, essa caipira Qiao Mei era uma gorda mimada pelo seu avô. No entanto, seus parentes eram todos gente perversa e cruel. Seu avô tinha a saúde frágil, então uma vez que ele morresse, os parentes iriam dividir e devorar seus bens. Assim, o maior desejo do avô era casar Qiao Mei. Para isso, chegou até a sacrificar e trair o neto de seu bom amigo, Xia Zhe. O avô fez Xia Zhe ficar bêbado e teve Qiao Mei forçosamente levar consigo o forte e belo Xia Zhe com seu corpo que pesava mais de duzentas libras. Então, no dia seguinte, o avô os flagraria e obrigaria Xia Zhe a se casar com Qiao Mei. No entanto, isso acabou provocando o início da vida infeliz de Qiao Mei. Também na história original, Qiao Mei tomou posse do misterioso jade de Xia Zhe. Mas devido à estupidez de Qiao Mei, a irmã de seu primo a enganou, fazendo Qiao Mei lhe dar o jade, resultado na família do primo se tornando rica. Quando Qiao Mei transmigrou para cá, foi durante o momento embaraçoso em que estava fazendo amor com o homem depois de embriagá-lo. Ela acordou atordoada no dia seguinte e a equipe do avô já havia aparecido na porta. Qiao Mei estava assustada. Ela não queria seguir o caminho original e se casar com um homem que não a amava. E assim, ela mentiu e despachou o avô. Ela também empurrou o homem para fora antes de forçar-se a olhar para seu reflexo bronzeado e rechonchudo no espelho! Ah, ela chorou diante de sua feiúra... Como um lutador de sumô em grandes cuecões de tecido, até as lojas de roupas de tamanho grande não tinham peças no tamanho dela. E seu rosto era do tamanho de uma pizza, uma pizza queimada! Qiao Mei decidiu reformar sua vida! O primeiro passo, perder peso! O segundo passo, arrumar seu quarto! Ela costumava ser minuciosa quanto à limpeza, e embora sua casa atual tivesse um grande pátio, ela só podia descrevê-lo como bagunçado! O terceiro passo era segurar o jade bem apertado para que sua prima gananciosa não tivesse chance! Só que, segundo a história original, o alto e bonito Xia Zhe deveria odiá-la, não é? Por que ele estava sendo cada vez mais gentil com ela? """

    Mountain Springs · 都市
  • My Pizza Girl

    Tara has never been one to cook and orders take out for most of her meals; so when the new restaurant It Can Pizza opened just down the street from her apartment building she was more than ecstatic. Little did she know she was in for more than a delicious dinner when she met Rose, her pizza girl.

    Missmiki · LGBT+
  • "War in the Pizza Shop"

    MomatThirtyone · 都市
  • Ten Thousand Divine Beasts Forger: My Beasts Are Mutated Freaks

    [WPc 288 Gold prize winner] Adriel Long, a nobody from earth transmigrated into Great yan continent a world where myriad races, ferocious beasts, mythical monsters that could split mountains with a wave of their hands, cause tornadoes by just exhaling deeply or even turn large forests into deserts with one breath. And then there were also humans with powers that could devastate entire regions, and abilities to lord over ferocious beasts and monsters, Adriel came to find out that these group of powerful humans were known as beastmasters!. Adriel Long wakes up in a new body and peculiar world after death on earth. A world filled with ten thousand divine beasts and countless more fierce terrifying beasts!. A World Where humans can cultivate to become powerful martial artists that can fly into the sky, destroy mountains, pluck stars and move moons. A world where a select few humans known as Beast Masters Awaken special talents that allow them to tame and control fierce beasts. After certain events, Adriel manages to become a Beast Master and he awakened the two of the greatest talent of all time; Midas Touch blessing: with this ability, he can help awaken rare divine beast's bloodline in even the weakest creatures And the Talent of forging: An ability that grants him the power to fuse beast bloodlines. With both talents, he plays the role of a grand maker capable of creating terrifying mutated beasts with better bloodline and abilities unlike this world has ever seen!. Thus Adriel long started creating his own bloodline of beasts, from a mere Panda to a mutant Dragon hunter Panda!, from slime to a Myriad Beast God, from golden great ape to mutated Devil Ape king, or a mere snake to a Divine golden dragon. [Warning : Adult content]

    Pizza_overlord · 東方
  • Love VS Pizza

    daegu_princess · 都市
  • In Love with a Stranger

    Eden McBride has terrible luck with both men and job hunting so she is stuck working in a kids' pizza restaurant after finishing college. The last thing she expected was that her perfect match would be her coworker in the dog mascot costume. Troy is kind, funny, and has a great taste in books and movies but there is one problem...she has never seen his face. Eden doesn't realize there is a second, bigger problem. Troy has another secret involving the rather compelling reason to keep his face hidden. Can love blossom under the weight of those secrets? *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

    Mcllorycat · 都市
  • Después de la transmigración, ¡la esposa gorda hizo un regreso!

    Qiao Mei transmigró a una novela como un personaje secundario con el mismo nombre que ella, que carecía de presencia. Este personaje secundario era una campesina que no podía casarse debido a su obesidad. Según el guion original, esta chica del campo Qiao Mei estaba mimada por su abuelo. Sin embargo, sus parientes eran todos personas viciosas y crueles. Su abuelo tenía una salud precaria, así que una vez que muriera, los parientes dividirían y se tragarían sus activos. Por lo tanto, el mayor deseo del abuelo era casar a Qiao Mei. Para ello, incluso sacrificó y traicionó al nieto de su buen amigo, Xia Zhe. El abuelo emborrachó a Xia Zhe y hizo que Qiao Mei se llevase al fuerte y guapo Xia Zhe con su cuerpo que pesaba más de doscientas libras. Luego, el abuelo los atraparía al día siguiente y obligaría a Xia Zhe a casarse con Qiao Mei. Sin embargo, eso eventualmente ocasionó el inicio de la desafortunada vida de Qiao Mei. Además, en la historia original, Qiao Mei tomó posesión del misterioso jade de Xia Zhe. Pero debido a la estupidez de Qiao Mei, la hermana de su primo engañó a Qiao Mei para que le entregara el jade, lo que resultó en que la familia del primo se hiciera rica. Cuando Qiao Mei transmigró aquí, fue durante el incómodo momento en que estaba haciendo el amor con el hombre después de emborracharlo. Se despertó aturdida al día siguiente y el equipo del abuelo ya había aparecido en la puerta. Qiao Mei se asustó. No quería seguir el camino original y casarse con un hombre que no la amaba. Y así, mintió y ahuyentó al abuelo. —¡También empujó al hombre hacia afuera antes de obligarse a mirar su reflejo bronceado y regordete en el espejo! —Ay, lloró por su fea apariencia... Como un luchador de sumo en ropa interior de tela grande, incluso las tiendas de ropa de tallas grandes no tenían ropa de su tamaño. —¡Y su cara era del tamaño de una pizza, una pizza quemada! —Qiao Mei decidió reformar su vida. —¡El primer paso, perder peso! —¡El segundo paso, limpiar su habitación! —Solía ser muy meticulosa con la limpieza, y aunque su casa actual tenía un patio enorme, —¡solo podía describirlo como un desorden! —El tercer paso era aferrarse firmemente al jade para que su codicioso primo no tuviera oportunidad. Solo que, según la historia original, ¿no se suponía que el alto y guapo Xia Zhe la odiara? —¿Por qué estaba siendo cada vez más amable con ella?

    Mountain Springs · 都市
  • Pizzas and Dragons

    Transmigrated in another world in the body of a weak minor noble on the run for his life, Paul, with the help of his loyal butler, hides himself in the Grand Duchy of Dalia, a nation where all races are accepted without discrimination. Hiding his identity and with his funds dwindling, our not-really-an-hero decides to start a business to make a living. “My lord, I don’t think that selling flatbread will make us any money. Uh? Why are you putting sauce on top of it? And Cheese? This… oh… mmmm…” Grab a slice and enjoy the ride, accompanying Paul in his quest to stay alive, make money, and possibly take revenge, all while garnishing new exciting pizzas!

    PinkCulture · ファンタジー

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