
bts mama jin小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

    “Ms. Li Xue, you are pregnant!” said the doctor as she handed the pregnancy report that has clearly come positive.   Li Xue didn’t know how to react to the news. She had come all prepared to take the virginity test and prove to the world that all their accusations were false. She was all sure that of her virginity being intact, then how was her pregnancy even possible?   This is the story of a woman, Li Xue, who has worked hard to build her modelling career. She wasn’t from a rich family where everything came served in a golden plate, but from a middle-class working family, where one has to work really hard to attain their dreams. Her dream was to become the top leading fashion model but it got shattered when she found herself trapped in a scandal.   No one believed her. Neither her friends nor her boyfriend. She was left all alone with the child that was growing inside her. So, she left the city, with the growing life in her womb. With a growing devilic-angel that was giving her strength to survive in this meaningless world, to become something she was still not sure of. ____ P.S. This is an original work, not a translation. And the cover belongs to me. (Commissioned from: GiselArts). Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

    Scarlet_Shine · 都市
  • Tangled Hearts - The Alpha's Baby Mama

    "Did you think healing me would make me love you more?" He scoffed grabbing my hair as he pulled me towards the door. "You're hurting me, Xavier," I cried beating against him weakly. There was not much I could do. "If I ever see you an inch close to me," He threw me against the wall "I'll damn the consequences and kill you,". *** My mate and I were destined to hate each other, only an act of true love or selflessness from the stronger mate could set our destines on the right path but for seven years, I had to put up with my mate's abuse and his supposed love of his life until one day I decided to leave. I left, determined to stay hidden from him forever... but I found out I was pregnant few weeks later.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · ファンタジー
  • Not your typical baby mama

    All Amy needed to do was get away from her pursuers. The last thing she thought she'd encounter was being kidnapped, drugged and offered to some smelly fat old man. But no, he wasn't any of that. Zach was simply a god. And he was drugged, just like her. It could be the drugs or she just genuinely found him irresistible. And to her luck, he didn't resist her when she made a move on him. When she found out how much of a beast he was in bed, she wasn't complaining. But she knew they were not supposed to cross paths. So when she finally left the next morning, little did she know that fate had a 'little surprise' in store. [Warning : This book has a mature theme. Read at your own discretion. Suitable for 18+ audiences ] A/N: ALL CREDIT FOR THE COVER GOES TO THE OWNER (UPLOADED ON PINTEREST and the App called BOOK COVER MAKER PRO for editing. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. With that said, enjoy the book my lovelies Xx

    Miabella265 · 都市
  • Verworrene Herzen - Die Baby-Mama des Alphas

    "Dachtest du, wenn du mich heilst, würde ich dich mehr lieben?" Spöttisch packte er mich an den Haaren, während er mich zur Tür zog. "Du tust mir weh, Xavier", weinte ich und schlug schwach gegen ihn. Es gab nicht viel, was ich tun konnte. "Wenn ich dich jemals auch nur einen Zentimeter in meiner Nähe sehe", warf er mich gegen die Wand, "werde ich die Konsequenzen verdammen und dich töten. *** Mein Gefährte und ich waren dazu bestimmt, einander zu hassen, nur ein Akt wahrer Liebe oder Selbstlosigkeit des stärkeren Gefährten konnte unsere Schicksale auf den richtigen Weg bringen, aber sieben Jahre lang musste ich die Misshandlungen meines Gefährten und seine vermeintliche Liebe seines Lebens ertragen, bis ich eines Tages beschloss zu gehen. Ich ging, entschlossen, mich für immer vor ihm zu verstecken... aber ein paar Wochen später fand ich heraus, dass ich schwanger war.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · ファンタジー
  • His Highness prince Jin insanely pampered wife

    In her past life she was chased for two hundred years, she was too weak and foolish, thus she lost her family and her place in society. But she was given a chance, to start a new life, to protect her father...in this life she would chase her chaser, in this life she was be the strongest and the smartest after obtaining a space crafted by the great demon king himself Her power would grow insanely. But there a certain prince who has his eyes on her, Southern empire third prince, formally known as Prince Jin..Feng Haoran.. Has already set his eyes on our fl and comes of with different tricks and ways to trap her by his side. It becomes even more shocking when she finds out he’s the demon king’s reincarnation and a enemy from his past comes chasing after them. Disclaimer I do not own the cover image used. And also don’t forget to check out authors books: My Darling CEO Is An Insomniac and Genius Doctor: Mr. Lu Let’s Get Married. Updates are everyday Gmt+1

    Little_North_Star · 歴史
  • Young Master Jin's Beloved

    Terminally ill before even reaching the age of 40, Song Nuanyi awaited a gloomy end. Her death just happened to clash with her son’s wedding. Yet, her children, who she painstakingly raised, her mother-in-law, who she served for so many years, and her husband, who she exchanged vows with to love and cherish forever, none of them noticed her. When they finally discovered her corpse, they simply said, “Just bury it.” Everyone else went on to enjoy the wedding while her funeral was empty with no visitors. No, one person did come. She watched as the person she despised cried his heart out in front of her grave, revealing his love for her. The sorrow in his voice made tears well up in her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she had returned in time to the day before her wedding. The memories of her past life were still vivid in her mind. She hurried to the race track and found the man to blurt out, “I’m getting married tomorrow. Don’t you want to crash the wedding? Don’t you want to steal me away?” The man was stunned before snickering. “Ms. Song, did you hit your head?” She added insistently, “I’m asking you one last time, are you brave enough to come?” The man did not answer but pulled out a credit card instead. “Ms. Song, if something is wrong with your head, go and have it checked.” She took the card and said, “I’ll take this as your betrothal gift.” Having said that, she left. The man was dumbstruck, as he never expected her to take his card. News of the self-righteous young lady of the Song family seeking out the capital’s number one playboy, Young Master Jin, spread quickly. Someone asked the man what happened, but he just blew a whistle and said, “Come along with me tomorrow. We have a big business to do.” Song Nuanyi was anxious because she did not know when he started liking her in their past life. Would he even show up tomorrow? Character Setting: Song Nuanyi - self-righteous, aloof, noble young lady Wu Chenjin - frivolous, dandy, young master

    Author Y9DHJc · 都市
  • Corações Enredados - A Mama do Bebê do Alfa

    "Você achou que me curar faria com que eu te amasse mais?" Ele zombou, agarrando meu cabelo enquanto me arrastava em direção à porta. "Você está me machucando, Xavier," eu chorei, batendo nele fracamente. Não havia muito que eu pudesse fazer. "Se eu te ver a uma polegada de distância de mim," Ele me jogou contra a parede "Eu desafio as consequências e te mato,". *** Minha companheira e eu estávamos destinados a nos odiar, apenas um ato de amor verdadeiro ou altruísmo do companheiro mais forte poderia colocar nossos destinos no caminho certo, mas durante sete anos, eu tive que suportar o abuso do meu companheiro e seu suposto amor da vida dele até que um dia decidi partir. Parti, determinada a ficar escondida dele para sempre... mas descobri que estava grávida algumas semanas depois.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · ファンタジー
  • Suami Pungutan Mama

    Warning 21+ penuh nafsu ops... yang di bawah umur harap menyingkir. ssssssst Khaibar. Seorang lelaki yang mencari rongsokan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dirinya dan ibunya yang sakit-sakitan setelah ia ter-PHK dan sulit untuk mencari pekerjaan lagi. Ia bertemu dengan wanita paruh baya saat sedang mengais tempat sampah untuk mencari botol bekas. Wanita itu menatapinya sedari tadi lalu tersenyum ke arahnya. "Nak, sudikah kau menikah dengan anakku? Berapapun kau meminta uang akan aku kasih!" pinta wanita itu yang bernama Keysa. "Apa! Bagaimana bisa, Tante? Apa Tante sakit jiwa? Bahkan aku tak mengenalnya sedikitpun." Namun Khaibar terbelalak saat melihat gadis yang ada di belakang wanita itu. 'Dia benar-benar sangat cantik.' "Apa, Ma? Aku harus menikahi gembel itu? Ogah!" "Sudah diam! Dari pada kau membesarkan anakmu sendiri!" Apakah Khaibar akan setuju menerima tawaran itu? Apakah kepura-puraan pernikahannya bisa membuat Khaibar saling mencintai dengan gadis itu? Atau justru akan kandas seiring berjalannya waktu dengan surat kontraknya?

    Uvieyy · 現実
  • Ich bin eine Boss-Mama, die sich entspannen will

    Jeder wusste, dass die junge Frau Shen, nachdem sie von einem wilden Mann verlassen worden war, selbstsüchtig wurde und schwanger wurde, ohne zu heiraten. Nachdem sie aus ihrem Haus vertrieben worden war, verfiel sie in einen Zustand der Verzweiflung. Die berüchtigte Shen Ruojing erschien jedoch auf dem Geburtstagsbankett der alten Madam der Familie Chu. Alle verhöhnten sie. "Diejenigen, die Millionen an Geschenken schicken, sitzen an einem Tisch, während diejenigen, die Dutzende Millionen an Geschenken schicken, am anderen sitzen." "Frau Shen, wie viel haben Sie gegeben?" Die Menge wartete darauf, dass sie sich lächerlich machen würde, aber Shen Ruojing zog einen entzückenden kleinen Jungen hinter sich hervor und sagte: "Entschuldigen Sie, Madam, an welchem Tisch wird Ihr ältester Enkel sitzen?" *** Shen Ruojing wollte ihre Zeit mit Faulenzen verbringen, stieß aber bei der Familie auf unterschiedliche Weise auf Ablehnung. "Wir haben erstklassige Hacker, Musikmeister, Technikexperten... Jeder ist in dieser Familie bekannt. Was bringst du mit?" Shen Ruojing rieb sich das Kinn. "Nun, all die Dinge, die du erwähnt hast ... Ich kenne mich mit allem ein bisschen aus." Ihre drei bezaubernden Kinder standen neben ihr und nickten unisono: "Wir können bezeugen, dass Mama wirklich von allem ein bisschen weiß!"

    Mr. Yan · 一般的
  • Awas, Papa! Mama Mau Membunuhmu!!

    Qiao Anxia seorang assassin dengan masa lalu kelam. Suatu hari berniat merebut suami dari musuhnya bebuyutannya. Kehilangan malam pertama hanya demi balas dendam namun...yang ia tiduri adalah saudara suami musuhnya?? Richard Calvin, pria yang terkenal sebagi hero bagi para korban ketidakadilan para penguasa. Apa jadinya ketika kedua orang bertolak belakang ini menikah hanya karena seorang anak jenius yang imut serta menyenangkan ingin menjodohkan mereka. Dan anak itu adalah hasil pembuahan mereka di malam yang panas itu! Yang satu merupakan HERO dan yang satu adalah ASSASSIN! Sang HERO berusaha merayu istrinya di tiap kesempatan sementara sang ASSASSIN ingin melarikan diri dan bila perlu… membunuh suaminya! *** Excerpt: “Ini sudah semuanya?” Richard tidak percaya wanita dihadapannya telah menyerahkan semua alat komunikasi serta senjata yang disembunyikan didalam pakaiannya. “…” Anxia tidak menjawab dan hanya menatap lurus ke mata pria yang kini secara legal menjadi suaminya. “Xia Xia, kita tidak akan berangkat sebelum kau menyerahkan semuanya.” Kedua tangan Anxia terkepal karena dia berharap setidaknya dia memiliki satu alat yang bisa digunakannya untuk memberi sinyal pada Ling Meng. Tapi tampaknya, Richard mengetahuinya dan mendesaknya untuk menyerahkannya. Dengan gerakan enggan namun mata masih dipenuhi dengan aura membunuh ke arah Richard, Anxia menyelipkan kedua tangannya ke belakang punggungnya masuk kedalam kaos hitamnya. Richard mendelik kaget sama sekali tidak menyangka istrinya akan melepas branya! Alat macam apa yang dipasang di bra wanita? List of Heir Series My Only Love: The Targeted Heiress (vol 1, completed) The Flame Queen And Her Sly Lover (vol 2-3, completed) The Ice Prince: Change Her Fate (vol 4-5, completed) Awas, Papa! Mama Mau Membunuhmu (ongoing) The Heir's Beloved Is Not A Human (coming soon)

    VorstinStory · 都市

    Roxanne has undergone years of hardship at the orphanage. She struggles hard to find a job, and when she finally does, she has to struggle to keep herself from drowning in the grumpy CEO'S lusty bed But withholding herself from falling into lusty temptation isn't the only struggle she has to face, for beneath the veil of self control and toxic romance, lay a very dangerous killer who holds the key to her dark past

    Raphael_asuquo · 都市
  • Future General Jin, Your Evil Sister-in-law Keeps Doting On You

    Mei was a normal and rich business woman who after getting drunk one night mistakenly slipped on her own vomit and died. If dying in such a ridiculous way wasn't bad enough then imagine getting Transmigrated into the body of a 12-year old who was one of the main characters to the historical novel she read before she died. And to sum it all up, her character played the most hated role 'The villainess ' and as always, the villainess must die! But she would do anything to save herself from having such an horrible end, even if it meant endlessly doting on the male lead, she would do it to survive. * "Have you heard, the third arrogant Missy is now following her hostage brother in-law around everywhere he goes?" "Have you also heard that she gives him anything he wants no matter the price.. she is literally his wallet! What the heck happened to her?" ** • This is an Original Story by the author • cover doesn't belong to me, credits goes to the artist. • Author guarantees daily update! HAPPY READING!

    Sharon_Rose18 · 歴史
  • Tangled Hearts - Mama Bayi Alfa

    "Kamu pikir dengan menyembuhkanku akan membuatku lebih mencintaimu?" Dia mencemooh sambil menarik rambutku keras-keras saat ia menyeretku menuju pintu. "Kamu menyakitiku, Xavier," aku menangis memukul-mukulnya dengan lemah. Tak banyak yang bisa kulakukan. "Jika aku melihatmu sedekat satu inci dari diriku lagi," dia melemparku ke dinding "aku akan melupakan konsekuensinya dan membunuhmu,". *** Pasangan dan aku memang ditakdirkan untuk saling membenci, hanya tindakan cinta sejati atau pengorbanan dari pasangan yang lebih kuat yang bisa membetulkan takdir kami, tapi selama tujuh tahun, aku harus menahan siksaan dan cinta semu pasanganku hingga suatu hari aku memutuskan untuk pergi. Aku pergi, bertekad untuk terus tersembunyi darinya selamanya... tetapi beberapa minggu kemudian, aku mengetahui bahwa aku hamil.

    Ejiofor_Dorcas · ファンタジー
  • The Jin Family's Daughter is a Fortune Teller

    The real rich daughter of the Jin family has been brought home! However, rumor has it that she was a little crazy. She constantly messed around at graves and was a nutcase waiting to be sent to the mental asylum. Surprisingly, no one expected her to defeat chess grandmasters with a simple move, and she was so good at hacking that she caused a world-renown hacker to have autistic after besting him! Moreover, a tune she played offhandedly became a chart-topping song, while international jewelers worshiped her. Yet, she claims those weren't her strengths! Jealous of Jin Xi, the fake rich daughter laughed: My sister is even better at deceiving people and messing around at graves! Jin Xi: She's right. Feel free to ask more! Everyone:...Later, a superstition brewed online as the top movie star posted: [@Jin Xi, my right eyelid has been twitching for days. Is this a sign of something bad?]Magnate: [@Jin Xi, I had bad luck for three months. Can that be changed?]Top scientist: [@Jin Xi, my house keeps having trouble later. How much for an exorcism?]Mysterious big shot: [@Everyone, allow me to announce that Jin Xi is my wife.]Jin Xi: [@Mysterious big shot, please don't bother me while I'm at work, darling!]Everyone is mourning: Why did a power couple like you display your affection publicly? Are you trying to kill us?!

    Golden Rock · 一般的

    Marissa is caught between a rock and a hard place when she discovers that the man she falls helplessly in love with happens to be a mommy's boy. A mommy's boy!, What could be worse than having a boyfriend with an unhealthy attachment to his mother? Worse, the mother doesn't even like Marissa. Can she cope with the crazy roller coasters or is the love for Justin not just enough?

    IsabellaE · 都市

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