
Review Detail of MrIIIo in In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique



the story seemed ok, but it just has a lot of small details which I dont like. First of al the powers, the mc has an amazing power which involves time, it'll grow stronger as time goes on and starts with a few abilities of which one is time stop. What i dont like about this is how he doesnt use this to its full potential. Why enter fights with dangerous opponents head first when you can stop time and do a double tap. There are also some oc's which are based on other animes and have their powers. It also seemed like the class was full of people which shouldnt be possible since even kyoto and tokyo, the hot spots for curses, have classes of ~4 people. Then the dialogues, I dont really like most of em, the way they refer to each others irks me a bit with the whole "senpai" while they know each other well enough to move past it (thats just a small thing tho). Dialogues and character building are also pretty lacking and then suddenly the mc gets angry cus dad almost gets killed and enters a "berserk mode" where he starts laughing like a maniac and killing people. Idk i just don't really like how the story was written. Perhaps if things were rewritten and the edgy/cringe things were removed it could be fun

In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique






According to this logic, everything should be like this. The protagonist met an unexpected enemy. Time to stop. The villain dies unexpectedly. The protagonist, slightly tired from the use of powers, goes into the shadows. So that no one sees his moments of weakness. End.


no it doesnt, but at least with those weak enemies it should be like this. People can plan around his ability like how Gojo was outsmarted and trapped in the cube. If you give your mc such an op ability then it makes no sense not to use it due to 'plot'. Should've just given him a different ability instead

Asel213:According to this logic, everything should be like this. The protagonist met an unexpected enemy. Time to stop. The villain dies unexpectedly. The protagonist, slightly tired from the use of powers, goes into the shadows. So that no one sees his moments of weakness. End.

And that's why time powers don't work in novels, I agree

MrIIIo:no it doesnt, but at least with those weak enemies it should be like this. People can plan around his ability like how Gojo was outsmarted and trapped in the cube. If you give your mc such an op ability then it makes no sense not to use it due to 'plot'. Should've just given him a different ability instead

Actually it should.

Asel213:According to this logic, everything should be like this. The protagonist met an unexpected enemy. Time to stop. The villain dies unexpectedly. The protagonist, slightly tired from the use of powers, goes into the shadows. So that no one sees his moments of weakness. End.

Thanks for the review, now I know not to waste my time reading this


i agree with the how the "attacked dad scenario" was written its just tooo sudden and the flow is too fast. and how he suddenly reacted like. i just hope that the author slowly described the scenario like how the story have been going on before that chapter. well i just realized it since the chapters before it are awesome and well written but when i got in that chapter i literally got surprised how the scenario got too fast paced.based on my experience on reading novels and when i encounter scenarios like this normally the author puts something similar to cliff hanger not literally a cliff hanger. this is just my input based on my experiences as a longtime novel reader. hope it will help the author