
Review Detail of LunaKindred in I Reincarnated in Douluo and Became a Member of Multiverse Chat Group.



This story have potential, but dayum.. too many info dump like dahell, you need 8 chapters to describe his starter when you can describe it in 1 chp. I just want to know when the plot started, if it's still like this till chps 12 then I'll say goodbye to this fics

I Reincarnated in Douluo and Became a Member of Multiverse Chat Group.






The guy is very confused, apparently he doesn't understand why the reviews section exists, who usually comment and post here are mostly wanting to help the author improve the work..., or trying to prevent others from reading horrible works here (yes, there are a lot), but the guy above is literally being childish for... nothing?!

Brutality:I'm curious about what your question was. Asking who I was seemed kind of random and unrelated, hence why I put the question mark.

The lack of answer is very telling.


in chapter 8 he met tang san for the first time


I read a bit further now and I gotta say it is getting worse and worse. The author is still over-explaining everything as if his readers were 6 yo like his protagonist. Also, the amount of 'cheats' he is freely throwing at his MC is still increasing and it is starting to be ridiculous. Every single one of these cheats has the potential to make a good story. But all of them together? It's just too much to be really enjoyable. On top of that, the Dimensional Chat Group hasn't even appeared yet and probably won't until this story is at least at ch200 or something with this pacing. The pacing is really atrocious. This is the kind of story that would need 1000 chapters to get somewhere. The author truly embraced the Chinese Dao of Cultivation Writing and ascended to the realm of Writing without Substance. It's kinda disappointing to see all the potential in this idea wasted like this. But oh, well, it is what it is.


Who understands people, if it's too much, they complain, but if it's too short, also read something and if you're not going to read, leave and that's it.


Dude, that's exactly what opinion comments are for, evaluating and criticizing the work... what are you, 8 years old, that you don't understand that?

Naruto_uzumaki_7792:Who understands people, if it's too much, they complain, but if it's too short, also read something and if you're not going to read, leave and that's it.

Here the one who is 8 years old is you believing that your opinion matters to the creator or something like that and even worse believing that you have the right to criticize something when you don't believe anything

BrazillianFox:Dude, that's exactly what opinion comments are for, evaluating and criticizing the work... what are you, 8 years old, that you don't understand that?

Can you reword this? I nearly had a stroke trying to understand this grammer. On another note, if the author doesn't care about the reader's opinion, then he simply won't check the comments where readers are meant to leave their opinion. Just because you apparently don't like their opinion doesn't mean they don't have a right to leave it nor does it mean the Author won't care to read it. Some people actually like getting criticized since it helps them grow, and aren't so childish as to be insulted by it, so don't assume everyone is like you.

Naruto_uzumaki_7792:Here the one who is 8 years old is you believing that your opinion matters to the creator or something like that and even worse believing that you have the right to criticize something when you don't believe anything

And who are you? By the way, I don't know English, I only know Spanish.

Brutality:Can you reword this? I nearly had a stroke trying to understand this grammer. On another note, if the author doesn't care about the reader's opinion, then he simply won't check the comments where readers are meant to leave their opinion. Just because you apparently don't like their opinion doesn't mean they don't have a right to leave it nor does it mean the Author won't care to read it. Some people actually like getting criticized since it helps them grow, and aren't so childish as to be insulted by it, so don't assume everyone is like you.


Naruto_uzumaki_7792:And who are you? By the way, I don't know English, I only know Spanish.

That question mark, what is it for? Is English very bad or you don't know who I am? Remember that you wrote to me first.


I'm curious about what your question was. Asking who I was seemed kind of random and unrelated, hence why I put the question mark.

Naruto_uzumaki_7792:That question mark, what is it for? Is English very bad or you don't know who I am? Remember that you wrote to me first.

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