Watcha doing checking my profile out like this?
Did you not read the last part of my reply? Streaming yourself while tired is no different than doing it while drunk. You have little to no logical thinking ability while in either state. That's the reason you're not supposed to drive while tired. He knowingly and willingly streamed himself while in that state. If he were smart, he either A. would have stopped the stream when he noticed he was getting tired, or B. wouldn't have started it while tired in the first place. You have to be a special kind of stupid to put yourself at the mercy of hundreds of strangers while also taking away your own self control.
Yes. Consciously putting yourself in a situation where you can be easily manipulated by thousands of people into doing whatever they want is idiotic beyond measure. That's like getting drunk or high on stream.
Exhausted or not you have to be pretty dumb to fall for that. And the fact he put himself in a situation where that could happen at all shows he's not the smartest person around.
You still haven't explained exactly why that type of war would be any different in terms of its ability to help progression. You keep saying it is but don't say why when, logically speaking, it would have the same result. War is war, no matter what the end goal for it is. It would be no different if you were fighting for a cult rather than for more land, either way you want to be better than the other guy, so you innovate and learn so you can win.
He's infamous in pretty much every modding community he's touched, which is a lot of them since he's an egomaniac. If mod games that aren't Minecraft, they've more than likely heard of him.
I don't see how any of that would mean they don't advance as fast as we do? We aren't "meant" to progress either, yet we do. Also, we advance in every war, I have no idea where you got that information that says it's only resource wars. You can just go read some history on any given war, nine times out of ten we made SOME form of progress during that war, from a new way to make a sword to how to make nuclear bombs. Conflict, no matter the type, drives innovation.
I don't remember any of the gods in the lore going out of their way to stop the progress of civilization? Or even slow it down. And if you're talking about the Princes trying to bring the apocalypse every once in a while, we know from experience that conflict and war just makes us progress faster, not slower.
Yeah, pretty much. Sorry
I don't like Valerica.