

Jake and Max stood outside Jenny's house. They were looking sadly. Most especially Max.

They were finding it hard to process what they just witnessed inside.

Jessica's lost of memory was indeed a shock to them.

"I can't believe this. Jessica doesn't remember you. She doesn't even remember that the both of you were..." Jake paused and groaned sadly.

Max looked at him, then at the sky. He placed his two hands in his pocket slowly and sighed out.

Max then explained. "Jessica has been unconscious for six months now. The drugs used on her by those scientists must have damaged her memories.

Didn't you hear what she said in there? She asked about the large fence barricading the city. It's clear that Jessica doesn't even remember anything about the Zombie apocalypse or our battle of survival."

"She doesn't even remember you Max. Nothing about you," Jake looked at Max.

Max smirked and looked at Jake. He could tell that Jake was unhappy.