
Zodiac: A Generation of Heroes

The Greek gods set a ritual in place where 12 individuals are selected to become servants and rid the world from dark forces. They are called zodiacs which have been serving for generations; as loners and protectors. When Leonidas, a young orphan is chosen what starts off as an amazing opportunity turns into a life filled with uncertainty and mystery. When Leonidas discovers his master, it leads to pain, sorrow, and revenge. Leonidas embarks on a journey to learn about zodiac history his goal learn to maximize his power and reconstruct a corrupted tradition that was created by the Olympian king.

Regginite · SF
21 Chs

Retribution Awaits

The events from the class trip still resonate within everyone's psyche. Though everyone continues on their training, they are still shaken by what they saw. Elaina since the trip has been avoiding Leonidas and it's made Enron's uneasy.

"They still aren't talking?"

"Seems like it"

"Poor Lionel, it's like he's lost his best friend"

Emanuel: I still down understand what went down during their encounter with Hades but it really has driven a rift between them "

Grace: Is there anything we can do?

Garvis: Students

"Oh, hello professor"

"Hmm, I see you're all concerned for your fellow classmates"

Nadia: We are, before that trip those two were almost inseparable, now they won't even look at each other

Garvis: It's normal for friends to fight, I'm sure that they'll make up soon "

"Lionel really is affected by this. To find out that the god that has been instructing you has been creating all these problems"

Demetrius: Hey Lionel you OK?

Lionel: Huh, don't worry about me guys I'll be OK

Julian: Are you sure, I know you and the princess haven't been on the same page

Lionel: Elaina and I haven't spoken much but we're still friends

Elaina grabs her lunch and walks towards her classmates.

"Oh hey Elaina"

"Oh hey guys, hello professor"

Lionel: Hey Elaina


"She still won't talk to me"

Garvis: Maybe the two of you need to sit down and talk things over. Letting this continue could be bad

Lionel: Thank you for your concern professor, but this is a small issue that'll mend itself

Professor Garvis walks Lionel over to a private area to speak.

"You don't have to hide your frustration Lionel I was there too during the incident."

"Tch, I can't help it this vow of silence has become a bother"

"Than in that case you two should talk, it's one thing to lose family but losing a good friend is more daunting"

The next day a message is made to the speakers during class.

"Ms. Elaina, please report to the principal's office"

Elaina: Huh, What does the principal want with me?

Teacher: You better head over their immediately Elaina, it sounds urgent

Elaina rushes over to the office.

Elaina: You wanted to see me, sir?

"Huh, professor Garvis"

"Hello princess, I mean no harm in this but this is a matter I cannot ignore"

"What are you talking about?"

Lionel: Hey Elaina

Elaina: I see now, can I return to my class?

Garvis: Way Elaina, I believe young Lionel has something he'd wish to say to you

Lionel: Thank you, professor, can we have the room?

Garvis: Off course

Elaina: So what's on your mind?

Lionel: Why won't you talk to me? You can't be still mad about the other day

Elaina: As a matter of fact I am. I'm still mad that you never told me anything about what happened to Sonia or the village or that you were chosen to be a zodiac

Lionel: You have every right to be mad

Elaina: You DAMN right, What else haven't you told me? Did your parents really die in that fire?

Lionel: Not hold on

Elaina: Is your name even Lionel?

Lionel: Of course it is!!! What can I do to make things better?

Elaina: Honestly, I don't even know. All I know is that right now I don't wanna see you

Lionel: Hey... it's me, are you saying that you don't want to be friends?

Elaina: idk... I'm sorry

"Chills run down the Leo's spine as Lionel is motionless. The princesses cold words echo through the room. His heart drops to his stomach, unable to fathom what happened Lionel trembles to his feet in agony"


Lionel: Dammit!

"I was only trying to protect her"

"Why is this happening?"

(An ominous wind blows in behind Lionel. Laughter expires soon after)

"Hahaha... everything happens for a reason"

"Tch... Hades, it's you it's always been you"

Hades: I must congratulate you on your efforts on protecting the girl, but we all know whatever hides in the dark will come to the light

"Damn you Hades, where are you show yourself"

"Patience my child, your time will come soon enough"

"Enough games, I'm tired of running"

"Well then Leo you know what to do. Face me so we can settle this one and for all"

"I will"

"Lionel gathered his things and at nightfall he departed. The young Leo set his sights on defeating the god that wronged him"