
Zero's Chronicles

In a world where supernatural things exist. Heroes who defend Earth from notorious Villains. Those who gain power from scientific knowledge, mythical things, ancient powers, or even special bloodlines have only two options. Either use them for justice or use them for their own selfish desires. Join a newly emerged Superhuman, Zero, who gained his power after he was kidnapped and unwillingly partake in an inhumane scientific experiment. Will he use this newly obtained power for good? Or use it for evil? Find out and join Orion's adventures by reading this fantastic novel! The legends of 'Zero' has now begun! Join the discord server! https://discord.gg/hYJHM4Bkx6

MikruZero · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Test Subject Zero

"I want to drink coke so bad..." A lonely youth jogging on the side of a river sighed. It was already ten in the morning. The sunlight was gently shining on the boy's innocent face.

He suddenly smiled after catching a glimpse of a convenience store.

"Coke!!!" He shouted in excitement. And although he was already exhausted, he still increased his speed.



"Welcome, sir! What can I do for you today?" The clerk happily greeted Orion.

She was a pretty lady with fair skin. She looked jolly and lively. Her flowery scent attracted Orion's attention immediately.

Orion blushed slightly and replied weirdly.

"Uhmm... I'm just getting...a drink...coke..." He scratched his head in embarrassment.

But the clerk didn't mind and continue smiling.

"Help yourself, sir! Why not grab some snacks too? You look exhausted!" She worriedly stared at him.

'She's nice!' Orion smiled and thanked her.

He then picked up a 250 ml coke can in the cooler and placed it on the counter. He then grabbed a piece of bread on the corner and also put it beside the coke.

"Is that all sir?" The girl sweetly asked.

"That'll be all." Orion smiled and opened his wallet. He took the exact of money needed and pay the clerk. He then waved the lady goodbye.

Orion exit the store while grinning silly.

'I should probably frequent here.'

Orion jogged 10 kilometers every day. He set this goal for himself after looking at his skinny body. He also trained his body indoors.

His frail body last year was now a muscular and attractive one. He of course didn't stop exercising and continued training his body. After all, he was a diligent man. Once he set a goal for himself, then he'll do his best to achieve it.

He sat on the bench near the store and opened his favorite coke. He then bit the bread on his other hand

After finishing his drink and his snack he rested for five minutes. The boy then suddenly stood up and shouted.


"500 meters left and I could finally start doing my school works." He looked at his phone and nodded.

He started running on the side of the river. The road was just near the pedestrian lane he was jogging on. Since it was Saturday in the morning, a few vehicles were driving here. A nice time for people in the city to enjoy jogging or biking.

It was when a tragedy struck. An event that will change Orion's life forever. This day was the beginning of the change that will happen to the entire multiverse.

A speeding truck was heading on where Orion was jogging.

Looking closely, the driver has fallen asleep! It might be because of exhaustion or other factors, but the driver's foot was still pressing on the accelerator. The truck's speed continuously increased while Orion who had already installed his AirPods on had no idea what danger he was in.

Cars continuous honk attracted Orion's attention so he finally removed his AirPods.

"Eh? What's wrong?" He muttered.

"Kid get out of the way!!" An old man shouted in Orion's direction.

"Eh?" Orion dumbly replied and looked behind him.

And that's when his life ended.


A loud crashing sound resounded in the road. All the people near the accident panicked. Someone shouted and a continuous symphony of shouting resounded in the city.

Orion's pitiful body was thrown in the river. The truck was also plunged into the river. The old man who shouted earlier decided to at least try saving the boy when he smelled something burning.


A loud exploding sound resounded in the city. Flames were thrown in the sky. The nearby electric pole was destroyed in the explosion. Electricity crackle while the people nearby selfishly ran for their lives with no regard to each other.

'Argh. My body is burning. I can't breathe! My body aches!' Orion was still alive. However, he was currently drowning. A third-degree burn was apparent in his body. Adding the damage he received during the crash.

Nevertheless, he didn't lose the will to live. This was the kind of man he was. He wasn't any badass, smart or special man. Orian was just a plain, simple and stubborn dude.

'I refuse to die! For God's sake, I'm too young!' He shouted in his mind. He was running out of oxygen. His brain started shutting down on itself. The pain was also driving him crazy. A normal victim will rather choose death than suffering from this kind of pain.

When the accident happened, ambulances were on their way. The police were also moving at full speed.

Just when Orion's life was about to die, a group of people in black suits emerged in a suspicious-looking ambulance. But because of the panic crowd, no one noticed something wrong with them.

This group of people immediately went to work. A woman rushed towards where Orion was drowning. Her speed was overwhelming. She ran on the water and fetch Orion's floating body.

She carried him in her back as if he weighs nothing while holding her breath. The awful stench of Orion's burnt body was hideous.

When she reached her group, she threw Orion's body like nothing.

"Body obtained. Heading to the lab at godspeed." She pressed something on her ear while reporting her task's progress.

"Good job. He's a precious subject, so take care of his body." A deep manly voice was heard on her earpiece.

"..." She didn't reply.

"Agent Fortune, did you hear me?" The man on the other line scratched his bald head.

"Roger. " She plainly ended the transmission without any emotion.

On the other side of the transmission, a man scratched his beard.

"Gaining superhuman power in exchange for her emotions. Was it a good deal?" He sighed at Fortune's misfortune. What an irony.

The other black-suited guys carefully put Orion on a stretcher. They all entered the ambulance with their 'patient' and immediately left the scene.

"We'll be reaching the lab at exactly 1 hour." The driver reported to Fortune on his left.

He couldn't help but catch a glance at this woman. She has a smoking hot body that could enchant any man that would lay their eyes on her. Her smooth silky red hair was too tempting to touch. Adding her sharp green eyes and luscious red lips. Her beauty was too absolute even if her face was emotionless as ice.

"Focus on the road. Your job is simple, don't mess this up." Fortune plainly stated.

The driver shivered and took his eyes off on her. This lady will literally kill him if he fucked this up.

On the back, they stabilize Orion's breathing and his heartbeat was back to normal.

These were not your normal paramedics. They were all superhumans with power related to healing.

Even though Orion's body was close to destruction and even death, with these people's help, his body was almost back to normal. But the pain and experience happened to knock Orion off. At the moment, he was unconscious.

Finally, the ambulance reached not the hospital, but a tall building. There, they entered the underground parking.

The ambulance parked in the parking zone near the elevator. They unboard the ambulance and pushed Orion's stretcher on the elevator. It was big enough for 50 people to enter it all at one go.

Agent Fortune clicked the emergency button. But instead of the expected ringing sound, a robotic voice was heard.

"Proceed to scan your iris. Please put your eye on the scanner."

Agent Fortune bended her sexy body in front of the elevator's buttons. The men with her couldn't help but take a glance. The AI automatically scanned her eyes and confirmed her identity.

"Welcome Agent Fortune! Where do you wish to proceed today?"

"The Lab." She replied.

The secret lab was 99 floors below the ground. But this elevator's speed was not normal. It was fast enough to go to the 99th floor in thirty seconds.

"Very well. Please wait for a while." After the AI said that, the elevator suddenly moved. Because it was enforced with high technology, you couldn't feel the gravity changing even though the elevator was moving at an abnormal rate. It's as if you're riding your ordinary elevator. Sadly Orion was unconscious, he didn't experience these awesome things happened.

"Welcome to the 99th floor Agent Fortune. Have a good day." The AI welcomed them while the door of the elevator slowly opened.

The smell of drugs, medicine, burnt smell, and solvent vapors assaulted the newcomers' nose.

When the door was fully opened, the lab was fully shown to them.

It was pure white in color. Different scientist and doctors were busy minding their own business. Flying cars, robotic androids, and other more futuristic, scientific-looking objects were spread all over the room.

But the most strange thing in this laboratory was its enormous size. You can look above and you could still see some establishments and personal rooms of scientists. Looking below the glass floor, you can also saw many different stuff they were experimenting with and many more.

It was only one floor, but this place was already this big. How big was this building's underground floors?

"Good job on completing your escorting mission, Agent Fortune. You can head back to headquarters for your next mission. I'll take care of this boy's body."

An insane-looking young man in robes approached Agent Fortune.

Fortune simply nodded.

"Cold as usual huh?" The young man sighed. Living without emotions? What's the purpose of living if you can't feel anything? She became a mindless servant of the government.

"Take him to my lab. This boy will be my next masterpiece!" He weirdly eyed Orion. As if he was his toy and not a normal human being.

"Today you'll be Test Subject Number Zero!" He laughed maniacally.

Please do tell me your thoughts on the first chapter of the book. Hope you'll like it. The first part of the novel will be pretty much informations about the story and plot. Anyways, hope you enjoy it y'all!

MikruZerocreators' thoughts