
Yuki the Omega Wolf

An omega male is mixed in with the mafia. The abuse at home is bad enough, so what will happen when the mafia starts trouble? Will Yuki ever be able to live a happy life?

Damien666Scott · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 10

Yuki woke up sticky. He groaned and pulled his shirt away from his skin.

He wasn't sure if he had a nightmare, or if his heat was starting.

Please don't let it be my heat, he thought.

Maya and Kono were both Betas, and Micheal and Luka were Alphas, but Yuki knew all four would be affected if he went into heat. They all understood how difficult it was for him to go into heat. His parents never allowed him to make a nest, claiming that he didn't really need one.

Omegas that don't nest can have many problems in life.

Anna was also an omega, so she offered friendly advice whenever she could. Yuki took medicine when it came close to that time, but it didn't stop it. The medicine just suppressed his pheromones and left Yuki in pain.

Afterward, he was so exhausted that he couldn't move. His father tried to understand more about omegas, but Marie left him to his own.

None of Yuki's family was an omega, so he didn't have anyone to turn to.

Yuki stood and walked out of the room. His watch said it was only an hour later, and the house was still quiet.

He walked around until he reached the kitchen. His stomach growled and he yelled when the door swung open.

Sarah, the cook, poked her head out and smiled when she saw Yuki.

"So that was your stomach I heard. Come on, I'll fix you something."

Yuki tried to protest but sighed when she walked back in. He followed after her and gazed around the kitchen. It was larger than he expected it to be, and it smelled like chocolate.

"I just got done baking brownies. Do you want one?"

Yuki shyly nodded and sat on a chair. Sarah placed a plate in front of him and put different things on it.

After he was done eating, Yuki asked her why it was quiet. Sarah kept her back to him and shrugged.

"I'm not sure really. The boss's kids came back and then everyone seemed to just disperse. I think they are in Mrs. Anna's room."

Yuki nodded and stood. He turned to leave but stopped when Sarah called his name.

"You might want to take some medicine. And a shower."

He tilted his head and looked at her. She sighed and poked his forehead.

"Your heats starting soon right? Your pheromones are really sweet. You don't want the others to smell you."

Yuki flinched and smelled. He couldn't tell anything was off immediately, but soon found it.

He sighed and grabbed at his hair. She hugged him and didn't let go until he returned it.

Yuki was glad that she was an omega too. She could sense his apprehension and nervousness.

Sarah led him to the bathroom and gave him some clothes. He thanked her and watched her leave. She said that she was going to get some medicine and then she would be back.

He took a long shower, letting the water wash away his tense muscles. He couldn't believe that he didn't realize that his heat was starting. His father had gone and got his medicine too, but he didn't take it.

After he was done with the shower, he put on the clothes that she gave him. The fabric was soft on his skin, and he exhaled deeply.

There was a knock on the door and Yuki almost jumped. He slowly opened the door and was greeted by Sarah. She took his old clothes and handed him the small tablets. He swallowed them dry and then grimaced.

"I'm going to take these to the wash. The boss said to come to the Mrs. room when you were done."

Yuki nodded and parted ways with her.

He reached the room and began feeling a little drowsy. He went to knock, but the scent in the air stopped him.

Alpha and Beta pheromones filled the air, and Yuki could sense that they were distressed.

He began backing away as his wolf whined. The door opened, and Yuki yelled and jumped back.

Micheal was standing there and glared. He realized it was him and his gaze softened. He looked at Yuki's clothes and then stepped aside.

Yuki swallowed and slowly stepped inside.

The four were in there, along with Reid.

The curtains were open, and the light seemed to blind him. Yuki's wolf whined again, and Yuki tried to calm him.

Anna was frowning at him and he looked away. Kono and Maya were both looking at the ground and didn't look at him.

Luka was sitting on the other side of the bed, head in his hands. Reid was staring at him and gave Yuki a small smile.

"What's wrong?"

He dropped the smile and mirrored his wife's look. He sat next to his wife and didn't miss the small steps back that Yuki took.

"It's okay Yuki, your not in any trouble."

Yuki jerked his head towards Maya. She was still looking away from him but was now playing with her hands.

"Then why are you all acting so weird?"

Yuki shifted and felt sweat slide down his neck. His body was starting to feel heavy, and his mind began to fog over.

Luka stood and brought Yuki out of his daze. When he turned to face Yuki, he could see the anger on his face. Yuki struggled to keep his breathing steady and Luka walked towards him.

Maya and Kono stood next to each other silently, and Anna and Reid both watched from the bed.