
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

DSComeback · アニメ·コミックス
72 Chs

☆23: Last Phase, part 2

"Wake Up Your Elemental HERO!!!"

A New HERO descend, but unlike any other HEROES. This particular HERO use translucent staff like clock hand, have long moonlight hair, dark blue robe and long cape like it was made from the vast space of the universe containing the countless Nebula and Stars!

Rather than a HERO, a Magician or Sorcerer suit him better.

But this is the HERO manifested by the card Wake Up Your Elemental HERO.

No matter what the appearance, he is... a HERO.

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/2500 DEF/2100

"Wake Up Your Elemental HERO's effect! This card gain 300 attack for each monster used as its materials!"

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/2500>7600 DEF/2100

Aster clicked his tongue, "Another HERO that surpassed Dusktopia and Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer's attack!"

"Let's battle! Wake Up Your Elemental HERO, attack Destiny HERO Dusktopia!", ordered Yuji as he throws a punch gesture to Aster.

Aster clenched his hand, "Don't get carried away! Dusktopia's effect, activate!"

He explained, "Once per turn, target one monster on the field, that monster can't be destroyed by battle or any card's effect, and both players won't receive any battle damages from the chosen monster"

"This is...", Yuji frowned, hearing Aster's explanation about Dusktopia.

"I choose Dusktopia to protect himself, Anastasis Gleam!"

The armor of D-HERO Dusktopia shines more brightly. Blinding everyone in a single second.

"What an interesting ability...", said Yuji with a tone containing the hint of fear in it.

"But I won't let you! This instant, activate the quick-play spell from my hand-", immediately Yuji placed a card to the field.

At the same time as him, Aster points his index finger to the holographic face-down card on the field.

"At this moment, open the set card!"

Like Gravity and Fate. People are drawn to one another and meet in the same way the two magnet reacted to each other.

Magnets with the same pole would reject one another, but when one of their pole is reversed, they would be attracted to each other.

This can allude to Human. One can form a friendly, or loving relationship by attracting the others. On the other side, one can form a hostile and vicious relationship between each other.

This kind of connection allowing for unique and even the unpredictable engagement.

Like one duelist having the same move, or even accidental strategy, as the opposite duelist.

Aster and Yuji: "Forbidden Chalice!!"

D-HERO Dusktopia (LV.10)

ATK/3000>3400 DEF/2100

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/7000>2900 DEF/2100

Same Archetype, different series, different strategy, different duelist, but both of them arrived at the same conclusion.

Both Yuji and Aster activate the quick-play spell card Forbidden Chalice, both targeting the opponent's monster, both tried to outdo the other, with resulting in both monster (their effect) got negated.

But, that doesn't meant the battle phase or the fight in general is already over.

"Grand Chariot!!!", yells Yuji, as Wake Up Your E•HERO dashed toward D-HERO Dusktopia!

Wake Up Your E•HERO grips his staff tight, his translucent staff then morphs into a shinning blade like it was made from the moonlight, ready to severe the fake dream of utopia.

"Radiant Justice!!!", Aster let out a war cry, as D-HERO Dusktopia summons a golden sword with radiant like the sun, then flies toward Wake Up Your E•HERO to end the false awakening.

"Uoooo!!!!!", both duelist screams, letting their bloodlust out, and revealing their own soul by clashing their strongest move (monster) to eclipse each other.


Both sword and blade clashed with each other, creating black sparks and verocious shockwave that managed to made the whole building trembles, as the two HERO trapped in a deadlock.

"Not yet, I activate Battle Fusion to boost Wake Up's attack!"

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/2900>6300 DEF/2100

The moment the effect activated, Wake Up's blade become brigter and a blue intense aura start wrapping it, enhancing the blade with blazing element.

Aster grits his teeth, then shows Yuji Destiny HERO Dynatag's card.

Unlike Yuji's Life Points which is a mere 500 points like a turd in the wind, Aster still has 4200 Life Points.

Losing a mere slice of 1000 Life Points isn't a big deal for him.

"At this moment, I activate Destiny HERO Dynatag from my hand!!", shouts him.

Then again, a force of fate called CHANCE exist in this world. The previous same conclusion can be immediately changed as it was not absolute.

By using other variable, one can change the result as easy as flipping a coin.

Yuji quickly took a card from his hand, then shows it to Aster.

"You think I would fall to his effect, again?! Come, I activate Clear Kuriboh's effect in my hand!"

Clear Kuriboh emerges from the card in Yuji's hand, he quickly flies toward Aster then crashed her body into Dynatag's card in Aster's hand.

Making Aster drops it...

"Damn you...", said Aster, irritated.

Wake Up Your E•HERO twist his body, performing a circular motion like a whirlpool that burned anything the blade touched.

"Supreme Chariot!", shouts Yuji.

Wake Up Your E•HERO slashed through the opposing HERO's sword, then continued to slash his body horizontally across the chest, abdoment, and finally dividing him vertically from the head above toward the solar plexus below, severing the opposing HERO into many sections before he explodes.

"Damn you!!", Aster grits his teeth tightly.

Aster-Sakura |LP 4200>1300|

This time, Yuji has turned the table again.


Majority of them were so sure that the victory would go to Aster and Sakura team, as they're witnessing first hand their Life Points go from a mere 1000 to 6200 in a single go, how much of a menace D-HERO Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer were, and the pressure of Duskuopia.

It was truly like a miracle, that Yuji and Jaden can flip the table, and made Aster exhausted.

They are wondering which team would grab the Victory? Would it be Jaden and Yuji team, or would it be Aster and Sakura team?

As such, they can't wait for the next turn.

"With this, I end my turn", told Yuji after setting a card.

The moment he declared the end of his turn, Forbidden Chalice's effect is over, returning Wake Up Your E•HERO's attack and effect.

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (LV.10)

ATK/6300>7600 DEF/2100

"My turn, draw"

Sakura calmly draw a card, she chuckles when she noticed what kind of card she draws.

"From my hand, I activate D.D Crow's effect", said Sakura, as he smirked.

Yuji tilted his head, "D.D Crow?", asks him.

Sakura nods, and explained its effect as she was obliged to.

"D.D Crow's effect. Discard this card, then banish one card from the opponent's Graveyard"

Yuji maintaining his poker face, but secretly clenched his right hand as to calm his emotion.

Unfortunately, Sakura already knew what is he thinking.

"Let's see, the cards in your Graveyard", told her mischievously like a girlfriend who about to open her boyfriend's search history.

Sakura pushed a button on her Duel Disk, the information of Yuji and Jaden's Graveyard laid bare in front of her tranquil Sapphire eyes.

"I knew it... what a shrewd man you are, Yuji, leaving such card in your Graveyard", teased her.

Yuji closed his eyes and sighs, he wanted to retaliate against Sakura's remark about him being a shrewd man, but decided just to keep quiet about it.

"Damage Diet, Relinkuriboh, Clear Kuriboh, and Electromagnetic Turtle", teased her as Yuji grunted hearing it.

"I always knew that you've had a reason why putting such obscure and deadly card like Card of Desperation in your deck"

She continues.

"With this many protective monsters, and... oh! So you really had it, the card that can flip the suicidal move"

What she meant by it, is the card named Graveyard Rebound.

A card that can bounced back to the deck from The Graveyard to prevent Yuji getting a Deck Out, and it has another effect to activate whatever spell or trap card's effect in The Graveyard.

Sakura nods, "Yeah, like I though. You even had the gall to slip the rare card Exchange of The Spirit to shuffle the card back"

When Sakura explained about it, everyone stunned again, especially Misawa and Aster.

They've though that Yuji was desperate for victory that he gladly use a card that can make him deck out.

Like Sakura said, the truth is that Yuji came fully prepared, and he can easily flip his situation to gain an advantage.

What would happen if he activated the card Graveyard Rebound on his next turn, and choose the effect of Exchange of The Spirit?

"Kusanagi, you... what a guy", said Misawa with trembling voice containing awe and fear.

Sakura nods as she held her chin after she read every cards on Yuji and Jaden's Graveyard.

"Alright, I decide to banish Electromagnetic Turtle"

She's explaining what the card does.

"During your opponent's battle phase, you can banish this from The Graveyard, and end The Battle Phase"

Yuji's grunts become louder after she read the effect.

It has a good defense of 2000, but its effect is more valuable even though it just once per duel, as he can stop opponent's battle phase to stall for Jaden's or his turn.

A black crow with a mechanical device on some part of its body flies toward Yuji's direction.


It then snatched the spirit of Electromagnetic Turtle, and bring it far to the heaven.

"With this, nothing would get in my way", told her.

What Sakura said is true, Damage Diet can only halve an effect damage, Relinkuriboh can prevent a monster's destruction not damage prevention, Clear Kuriboh only activated if he got a direct attack, and Graveyard Rebound can only be activated on Yuji's next turn.

It's a Checkmate!

Sakura shifted her gaze to Jaden, "Ah! I remember before the duel you wanted me to bring him out, right? Jaden?"

Aster squinted his eyes, wondering who or what she meant by 'him'.

She continues, "I also told you to brace yourself... right?"

Jaden nods to answer Sakura's questions, "Yeah, I remember it"

She smiles, "Then brace yourself!", warned her.

Sakura closed her eyes, "This time...", and then opens it, "I'll show you what True Pain is!"

Yuji, Jaden, and Aster gulped their saliva as their noticed her pupils changed into that of slit like a serpent.

Cold, and terrifying.

"First, I normal summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpion"

A scorpion with body made from plant emerges on her field.

Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio (LV.3)

ATK/ 1200 DEF/800

"Then I activate its effect! By, discarding one monster card from my hand to The Graveyard, I can special summon one Predaplant monster directly from my deck except Ophrys Scorpio"

She raised her hand, "Come, Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra!"

A two-headed snake with mouth like a lamprey and body made from plant emerges on her field.

Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra (LV.3)

ATK/1000 DEF/1500

Yuji is getting anxious.

"If Darlingtonia Cobra is special summoned by the effect of a Predaplant monster, I can add one Polymerization or Fusion card from the deck into my hand"

Her Duel Disk ejects a card, without batting an eye she took it then shows it to Jaden and Yuji.

"I activate the spell card Predaprime Fusion to fuse Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra and Ophrys Scorpio, Two DARK monsters on the field!"

Sakura raised her hand, and begin chanting.

"Two beautiful flowers with death alluring appearance!"

A whirlpool of blue and orange energy appears above Sakura.

Unlike the previous fusion, two scaled tendrils-like with fanged serpent like head comes out from it, devouring the two monsters by sinking its fangs, then retreating into the whirlpool.

"Become the sacrifices to unleash the forbidden terror from Humanity's Sins!!"

Roars were heard from the whirlpool scaring the spectators

"Fusion Summon!", sneered Sakura, as she claps her hand.

The Menacing Dragon emerges, he has violet and green scales like an armor with orbs etched into the various part of his body along with Wings-like Fanged Serpent that bites his two fusion materials, and also a stature so tall that its almost eclipse Yuji's Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon.

"My Ace with his venomous Fang!!"

What word to describe Starving Venom Fusion Dragon in simple term?

Well my friends, if I have to describe it, it would rhyme like this.

Dread given form, Agony given life.

"Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!!!"

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/2800 DEF/2000

Aster took a step back, witnessing The Dragon close by, Jaden and Yuji grits their teeth as the two of them felt that their intestines were knotted tight.

With bated breath, Yuji asked, "Now, Jaden... what do you felt facing him this close?"

Jaden let out a dry laughs, "Well, it's... scary, but exciting! But still scary!!"

Sakura smiles changed into that of sneer of an intoxicated person.

"Starving Venom, activate your effect! Binge Eater!!"

She tilted his head as seems to forget about something, "Ah!", she turned her head to Aster, forget to explained Starving's abilities.

"You don't know about Starvy's effects, right?! Well, Starving Venom... if he is fusion summoned, until the end of this turn, I can make him gain attack equal to the opponent's special summoned monsters"

The Menacing Dragon opens his mouth, inhales the golden aura that comes out from Wake Up Your E•HERO.

Starving Venom Fusion Dragon (LV.8)

ATK/2800>10400 DEF/2000

"10400... attack?!!", said Aster, stunned.

Sakura smirks, "Not only that, there's more you see..."

"There still more?!", Aster shocked.

Sakura nods with a smile that belong to a Psychopath.

"Starving Venom can copy one Level 5 or above monster's effect and name, that my opponent controls until the end phase"

Aster widened his eyes, "Copying... name and effect?!"

He thought that previously Yuji's Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon is terrifying, but he's wrong, so... WRONG!

His partner, Sakura Isshiki's dragon, is much more terrifying.

Sakura nods, "Umu...", she then shifted her gaze toward Yuji, or specifically the HERO on his field, as she licks her lips looking at the delicious meal in front of her.

But, then... she let out a sighs.

She shakes her head and then stares at Yuji's eyes, "Yuji, do you want me to surrender?", asked her with calm voice.

Her intoxicated expression disappears like it was a mirage, right now she is wearing the same blank expression and calm atmosphere like her usual self.

"What... do you mean?", asked Yuji, as he stares back at her eyes.

"If you lose this duel, You and Jaden will be expelled, right? With just one push, I can make both of you win", told her.

Just when she finished her words, Crowler yells from the special seat.

"Finish them off Signora Sakura!!! Don't make the Dropout boys stained The Academy anymore!!!".

Crowler continue to yell, but his words fall deaf on her ears.

[I was wrong! Signora Sakura just like Signora Alexis, she wanted to save The Slifer Dropouts!!]

Hearing her question, Aster turned his gaze, "You! What are you thinking?! Surrendering yourse-"

Before Aster finished his words, Sakura cuts in.

"Shut Up... This is still my turn, and I've told you before, don't be an obstacle. I maybe your tag team partner, but we aren't friend, not even an acquaintance, so why I must listen to you?!"

When she says those words to Aster, a big number of students start yelling and mocking her.

Aster's frowning, he doesn't want to lose, especially by this method.

[I don't know what you're thinking, but I won't let you trashing away my efforts so easily!]

He turned his head to Crowler, "Oi, you!", points him.

"Is surrendering without the approval of another team members allowed?!", asked him.

"That is...", Crowler pinch his temple, trying to remember the thing about the rule book.

Sakura turned her head to Yuji, "So, what is your answer?"

Yuji stood up silent, closing his eyes, "I... want to stay here"

She nods, "Okay, as you wish I surr-"

"But, with my own effort!!!", yells Yuji, eyes sharp like a dagger.

Sakura's eyes widened, and then she smiles.

Yuji continues, "I won't lie. Sakura, I really want you to surrender, and then win the duel to stay in The Academy"

He turned his head up, eyes gazing at the ceiling, "But If I do that, not only I spat on Jaden and Aster's effort and pride, but also my own"

"Called it pride or whatever, but... I can't. I don't want a victory gained by pity! If I'm going to win, I will win it with my own hands!!", told him as he shifted his gaze to Sakura.

He continues, "If I let myself asking you to surrender, in that very moment part of me would be dead, and that very moment would mortify me for years and haunted me as a nightmare"

"That's why, I would rather LOSE!", told him to Sakura, eyes become rather glassy with a bit watery.

Sakura nods, she then turned her gaze to Jaden, "What about you?"

Jaden closed his eyes, "Just like Yuji... I would rather lose!"

He turned his head toward Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, and Misawa's direction, then back to Sakura.

"To get here, I worked hard to be accepted by Duel Academy."

"I met so many peoples, and dueling them, it is so much fun! You can say that the days I've spent in the academy are the best days I've ever had", said Jaden as Yuji nods smiling hearing his words.

"I'm not gonna lie saying I don't have any regret if I lose and expelled from The Academy"

Jaden paused, "But... a duel won by pity or something similar to it, isn't fun at all! Like Yuji said, a victory would be worth it, if we grab it by our own hands"

"Sorry Sakura, but I don't want you to surrender!", yells Jaden pointing his finger like a gun to her.

Listening to them, Sakura lowered her head, bangs and shadow covering her face, masking the expression behind.

"Pu-", she smirks, "Hahahahahaha!", and then laughs.

"Yuji, Jaden, I'm sorry... that was rude of me", Sakura apologizes while still laughing.

"Forget about what I said before, that was a joke", told her with blushed face, while Yuji and Jaden shows complicated expression.

"Don't give me that face, it was just a joke. Here, I activate the spell card Smile World", said her with mishievous smile.

So many smiling emoticons appeared, circling the duelist and the monsters, laughing happily full of joy and more pleasing, unlike Yuji's Ridiculing World.

Look! Even Starving Venom and Wake Up's eyes changed into that (^^).

She continues, "But, if the two or one of you really wants me to surrender and win that way... I will DESPISE him until the day I die", exclaimed her with terrifying gaze and tone colder than ice.

Sakura clenched her hand and points her finger toward Wake Up Your E•HERO.

"Starving Venom, Devour Wake Up Your Elemental HERO's effect!"

The menacing dragon roared, the orbs in his body starts glowing.

"Binge Eater!", Sakura yells, and her dragon moving and extending his tail toward the targeted HERO, impaling his stomach with the end of his tail.

Starving Venom drained the targeted HERO's memories, as it shown by the crimson aura coming from Wake Up Your E•HERO's body that being sucked into the dragon's tail.

The orbs etched in the dragon's body starts glowing more brightly.

He squinted his eyes, and opens his jaw slightly as if he were grinning.

Wake Up Your Elemental HERO (Starving Venom Fusion Dragon)

LV(8) ATK/2800>10400 DEF/2000

"Battle!", declares her.

"Don't give any mercy! Obliterate both of them!!", orders her to attack.

Starving Venom's wings-like Fanged Serpent opens, the orbs etched on his body and eyes glowing intensely.

Branches of wicked energy manifested out of his wings, with violet radiant orbs contained within each one.

"Dreadnought Invasion!"

Dread given form, Agony given life.

The menacing dragon launch a dark, violent stream, with the only intent to obliterate the Slifer students within his sight.

"Well, this is the end...", said Yuji with sincere expression and tone.

Jaden nods, "Yeah... but, it is truly a fun and interesting duel don't cha think?!", asked him smiling.

"You're right... facing a Pro Duelist like Aster, pitting our HEROES against each other, it's truly a FUN duel!", said Yuji grinning.

Both of them look ahead, watching the destructive stream of energy getting closer. Even though it is so frustrating, both of them already give their best, the only thing they can do is to accept the outcome and held their head high.

"Hey, should we do that?", asked Yuji.

Jaden tilts his head, "That?! What do you... oh! That!", laughs him as he then nods to accept Yuji's offer.

"Um! Let's do it!", replied him

Both Jaden and Yuji were grinning, and pointing their fingers toward the impending blast that already within reach.

"Gotcha, what an interesting duel!"

"Alright, Good Game!"

Dreadnought Invasion's energy wave burned Wake Up Your Elemental HERO in an instant, then blasting Jaden and Yuji mercilessly, razing the ground where they're once standing.

"Jaden!!! Yuji!!!", Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, Misawa, and Chumley screams, terrified as they witness the attack.

Jaden blasted into the air, his body crashing to the floor with loud noise, and rolled 3–4 times before he stops.

Yuji got blasted directly. With a strong force, his back crashing the wall, creating a loud noise and huge cracks on the wall like spider's web pattern, then fall to the floor with his face hitting it first.

Jaden-Yuji |500>0|

Both Jaden and Yuji laying on the floor motionless.

Everyone presents look at the monitors, wondering if they will revive like before.

But the answer is NO.

Almost a minute has passes, but their Life Points stayed at ZERO.

There won't be another miracle, this time... they truly had lost.

Sakura who witnessing their defeat turned back and simultaneously tossed her hair with a smile.

"Sayonara, it was a good time"