
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · ファンタジー
21 Chs

9. A brief chit-chat

Its a sunny yet windy day and I had just told Mary to open the big windows in Scarlet's room that led to a beautiful balcony.

She brought a small white table and a chair out using her magic without me saying anything, making sure to clean it before bringing them in.

She could've easily became a knight if she was able to lift heavier stuff, still it was a pretty handy ability for a maid. Of course I wrote her description like that so she could be a capable maid for the troubled Scarlet.


I smile warmly as I extended my hand,

"Silver... com in."


I'm still in my long light blue night gown Which means I shouldn't be accepting any audience, and without a doubt Silver had sneaked in to see Scarlet.

'Pft....That little rascal...'

This was the only clean night gown left in the closet after throwing up and sweating all week long. The colour hasn't completely came back to my face but its way better than a few days ago.

The sunshine is entering the room making it look like a lovely day to drink tea and have some snacks with your friends... not that Scarlet had any...

I helplessly hope that the light shining from behind me would blind Silver just enough so he couldn't see the dark circles under his precious Scarlet's eyes, after all she was his one and only saviour.


Silver kept staring at me for a few seconds with a confounded look as if it was the first time we have met.


'Was my smile too friendly? Or maybe it's because this body has became thinner.'


His beautiful emerald eyes suddenly tore up in tears, he pretty much  jumped into my arms, crying like a new born baby, maybe even louder than that...


I slowly pat his soft short hair, trying my best to comfort him.


Silver cried:

"I hate you!"


'Wtf...? He hates Scarlet? You're literally crying in her arms you know!!!'


"Why didn't you allow me to visit? I was so worried about you so much I thought I would die! How could you do this to me?!"

He shouted this words while hiding his face in my right shoulder.


"I...didn't let you visit?"

'Honestly I don't have much memory of this terrific week but I'm sure I would've remembered if anyone wanted to see Scarlet.'


I look at Mary with confusion, silently asking what's this about?


Mary clears her throat:

" Silver, her majesty was suffering from a contagious disease and I thought it would be an unsightly thing for a young child like yourself to see, not to mention how you could've been in danger too. Also please mind your manners Silver, this is my last warning,  her majesty isn't someone you can call so carelessly."


She was calling out my actions during my cleansing period, even though she seemingly answered Silver's question.

'Come to think of it I did become quit violent for a day or two, I even broke some furniture, the room was a mess when I came back to my senesces...'


Silver's sobbing calmed down a little upon hearing this.

" So ... so you don't want to abandon me?"


"Of course not! Why would I ever leave a good boy like you?!"


 I answered immediately. Gently separating him from me to look at his eyes. To think that I'm happy about being here just by looking at his shiny eyes....


His expression darkened a little,

"Was Daniel a bad boy then...?"


Even though Daniel hated him to the point of wanting him dead, Silver always tried to secretly look out for him like an older brother.

He didn't want to believe that his beloved Scarlet could actually be so cruel to her own son. Nevertheless it always backfired whenever he tried to make things better for Daniel so he eventually stopped bothering him.

"Wha...what?! No! Not at all ha-ha its such a good weather don't you think?!

Oh right, Mary it's ok for you two to call me as you wish from now on!"

Damn why am I so flustered right now...


Mary and Silver both looked at me in disbelief, as if they were thinking ' She finally lost it...'

It seemed like they had a lot of questions about my strange behaviour.

"How could we your majesty...?"

Mary said with a troubled face.


 'Right...I'm Scarlet! Scarlet doesn't loose her cool you dummy...specially not over such a trivial matter!'


I try my best to act like her, her every movement is elegant, calm and most importantly cold.


 'so all I need to do right now is to freaking stop fan-girling over my favourite characters!'


'But something doesn't feel right... if Scarlet dies when Daniels 7, then shouldn't Silver be 11 right now? His body is too small for a 11 year old boy... what if I have mistaken the time frame?


"Silver how old are you?"

I asked with a serious expression.


Silver smiled joyfully, seeing his Scarlet is back to her normal self,

"I'll be 9 next month! You promised to take me for a tour around town on my birthday, don't tell me you forgot already?"


'Did he just say 9... ?

Its 2 years before Scarlet's overdose???

Then why did she say that she couldn't go back to her body?'


My headache starts again...

"...I see..."


Mary who is good at reading the room convinced Silver to leave for the time being and come back when I actually call for him.

He wrapped his little hands around my neck one last time like he was making sure I'm alive by hugging me and left the room with a bright smile.


'I didn't know their connection was this strong...all I wrote was that Silver didn't change his name because it was the first thing Scarlet had given him and that she was a very important figure in his life, even after her death since she favored him so much.'


'Ugh...who cares about the original? As long as I can hug my sweet little angle like this I'm happy.