
Your Girlfriend is My Fiance's Ex-girlfriend .

Her fiance is goddess, handsome and such a beautiful person almost like a Male God but has a ex-girlfriend that makes her hold her from falling for him ,but she has a black past too which always stops her from falling for anyone ,but what if the nightmare you never wants to happen ,happens with you .....

Ddevil_Staeswife · 音楽·バンド
6 Chs

A Party of my comeback......

Ara's POV

Both jungkook and taehyung were talking and I was busy eating but I was trying my best to eat elegantly I don't wanna be a idot like before I won't show my real side to him once again ,"Ara baby wait for me here I'll just attend this call its important " jungkook said and gone out of the hall .

It's been 2 minutes when is he gonna come,it's pretty hard for me to sitting still while taking taehyung's glare why can't he just look away "how long are you gonna ignore my stares ?"taehyung said absolutely irritated by my behaviour "are you talking to me Mr.kim ?"I said and he looked at me in shock "what the hell Ara just last night you were with me ---"before he continues I putted a chickens piece in his mouth making him muffled his words "Ya you I told you forget about that didn't I, just shut up and eat before I lose my temperature " I said in a low whisper enough for him to know my warning he mimicked me and started eating "oh sorry it was a client's call I had to attend " jungkook said as he sat beside me.

Taehyung's POV

Did she just feed me the chicken to keep me quite .....soon jungkook came told us the reason about what took him so early to come I mean late it was really short call "hyung so how is your realation?" he asked and Ara looked at me a little shock "oh it's going well jungkook ahh don't worry when you'll come to my party I'll introduce her to you guys " I said smiling to both of them "party?"Ara asked in her innocent voice "ohh it's my comeback party and your invited too Ms.lee".

Ara's POV

tsk tsk like I will ever go to his party but what to do I have to go because he's our business partner "yea sure hyung me and ara will be there " jungkook said as he placed his hand on my waist what's with him he's acting weird lately .

In the car

"jungkook ahh can you tell me why are we going for shopping suddenly " I asked him looking at him who was focused on driving "ofcourse for the party of tomorrow at taehyung hyungs house " he said without looking at me "but I have plenty of clothes " I said again looking at him ,he looked at me for a second and again at road and said "that's you and yours appa's money ,today am buying you clothes with my money as your fiance "

Am I hearing things did he just said he's buying me clothes Is he the really same jeon jungkook whom I used to know .

POV 4 months ago

Jungkook and Ara was at shopping mall to buy there clothes for one of there partners wedding "yaa jungkook shi can you please pay for this ,I'll pay you later cause I still have one more thing left " Ara said to jungkoon who was waiting 10 steps away from Ara for her ,he looked at her as if she was asking for his life "what why would I pay for you,you have your own money "he said like child and looked away "I know right but I said I'll pay you later " Ara said irritated by his behaviour ,he rolled his eyes and came and paid and took the sandles bag in his hand and went away " yaa yaaaaa that's my sandle "Ara said and ran after him "not until you pay me back my money " he said and ran more faster to his car and got in locking the doors "yaaa so what are you gonna wear them ?" Ara yelled from the outside "well its mine I buyed it I'll do whatever I want with it and yup bye " he said and drove away .

Back to present

Authors POV

Ara looked at jungkook shocked "what don't worry I won't run away with your clothes this time it's a present from me to you " jungkook said and smiled making her more shock than she is already.