
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
110 Chs

Chapter 65 : Shukla

Nitya asked, "Does that mean you came with your team, but why didn't you bring them to the party?"

Abhimanyu replied, "So that your friends don't embarrass them."

Priya teased, "Why do you sometimes speak so harshly?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I have a habit of speaking the truth."

Nitya apologized for her friends' behavior towards him.

Abhimanyu said, "Forget about them. Tell me, how's everyone at home?"

Nitya replied, "Almost everyone is fine. Mom mostly stays out, and Dad and Ridhima di are also mostly busy with business, so I'm mostly alone at home. Now, I spend most of my time with my friends, and Dad doesn't stop me from going out anymore."

Abhimanyu advised, "Yeah, but take care of yourself."

Abhimanyu and Nitya continued talking for a long time. Sunder was quite angry at this point. His family had asked Nitya to become his girlfriend because the Kapoor family's business had reached great heights, and he also bought a 50 lakh rupee ring to propose to Nitya. He checked the time and smiled because only one minute was left until 12 o'clock.

Then the waiter entered the room with a cake with a candle of 17 years, and after placing it on the table, he left the room. Abhimanyu stood up and approached the cake to light the candle with the matches, but Sunder grabbed the matches and lit the candle.

Abhimanyu then took Nitya's hand and led her to the cake. Priya said, "Make a wish, babe."

Nitya closed her eyes and blew out the candle.

Sahil immediately set off a decoration blast, and everyone started wishing Nitya a happy birthday. Nitya then started cutting the cake and distributed the pieces, giving the first piece to Abhimanyu, then to Priya, then to Riya, and so on. Finally, only Sunder and Abhimanyu were left.

Sunder looked at Abhimanyu and said, "I'll give it to you in the end."

Abhimanyu then took out a bracelet from his pocket and put it on Nitya's wrist. It was a beautiful bracelet, and Nitya thanked him. She asked, "How much is it?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Only 500."

Upon hearing this, Sahil and the others burst into laughter. One guy said, "Isn't he the nephew of the CM? Such a cheap gift for Mumbai's princess!"

Sahil commented, "I was right; he's really stingy and cheap."

Abhimanyu had enchanted the bracelet with mantras, making it worth lakhs, but he didn't care about these remarks.

Sunder said, "Come on, guys, let's see the intention behind the gift, not the price tag."

Sahil added, "Yes, but we didn't expect a 500 rupees gift. I spend more than that on breakfast."

Sunder said, "Alright, now it's my turn." He got down on one knee in front of Nitya and confessed his feelings for her, proposing with a ring. He said, "Miss Nitya Kapoor, will you be my girlfriend?"

Everyone started pressuring Nitya and telling her to say yes, saying that Sunder was a very nice guy.

Although Abhimanyu didn't intend to interfere in such matters, Priya had called him for this reason, but he still didn't intervene and let Sunder propose.

Priya whispered in Abhimanyu's ear, "What are you doing? Say something, or it will be a mess."

Abhimanyu replied, "It's Nitya's own choice. We have no right to interfere in her matters."

At that moment, Nitya surprised everyone by saying, "Sunder, you're a very nice guy, and you've already had a place in my heart since I saw you. Whenever I see you, I see only you. You're not letting me do any work properly because you appear in my dreams every night and wake me up from sleep. Even though I spend time with everyone at home, I still feel lonely, so now I spend most of my time with my friends. And Dad doesn't stop me from going out anymore. I'm happy to see that you've made so much effort, and I appreciate this party, but I'm not ready for any kind of relationship right now. Can't we just be friends?"

Neha tried to explain to Nitya, "Do you even know how much Sunder has spent today? That ring alone costs 1 crore, and he spent up to 20 thousand just booking a cabin."

Abhimanyu was astonished, "1 crore? Do you get that much pocket money?!" Abhimanyu knew the ring was worth 50 lakhs, but he didn't say anything.

Actually, it was Sunder's father who had given him the money specifically to buy a gift for Nitya and let her know, but Sahil had spent only 50 lakhs and kept the rest.

Sunder said, "Well, my family has that much money, so I got it."

Nitya replied, "Yeah, but 1 crore is a bit too much. I can't accept such an expensive gift. You keep it for yourself, and give it to your future girlfriend, but I'm not that person."

Neha asked, "By the way, Abhimanyu, your family is also rich, and your uncle is a CM, so how much pocket money do you get?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I only get 6000 per month that my mom sends, but I also earn quite a bit from streaming."

Sahil joked, "He really turned out to be a miser!"

Abhimanyu retorted, "Hey, you've said the same line three times already. Can't you come up with something else?"

Sunder asked Nitya, "But what's the problem with me that you're rejecting me? Tell me, I'll change myself."

Nitya replied, "The problem isn't with you, it's with me. I'm scared of getting into any relationship."

Sunder said, "All this is happening because of Abhimanyu, right?"

Neha added, "Yeah, and if not for him, Abhimanyu wouldn't have run away after deceiving you, and now suddenly he's back in your life. With all this happening, she'll definitely say no."

Nitya was angry with Abhimanyu for leaving without saying anything, but that didn't mean she was ready to accept all these accusations against him. She said, "Abhimanyu and I never had anything between us. It was just a drama."

Neha was surprised, "Drama?"

Nitya clarified, "Yes, our engagement was decided by our families, so he's not my boyfriend but my fiancé."

Nitya said this to prevent further discussion and to ensure that no one blamed Abhimanyu for anything.

Neha asked, "Are you lying?"

Nitya replied, "Do you think I'd lie about something so big?"

Priya was also surprised, "But what about Abhimanyu?"

Abhimanyu gestured for her to keep quiet, and she didn't say anything.

Abhimanyu took Priya aside and said, "She's making excuses."

Priya understood everything.

Sunder said, "I understand now, it means I never had a chance."

Nitya apologized, "I am really sorry. I should have told you all this much earlier."

Sahil exclaimed, "So Abhimanyu is going to be the son-in-law of the Kapoor family!"

Sunder was now very angry with Abhimanyu. Then he got an idea and left the room. He called a girl named Hina and told her to meet him at The Lion Club within 10 minutes. Hina arrived at the club, and Sunder approached her. Hina asked if they should go to the room, but Sunder said not today, as he had something else to do.

Hina, an 18-year-old beautiful girl, worked as a prostitute for money. She said the price would depend on what he wanted.

Sunder transferred 20,000 to her and whispered in her ear, "You have to take a guy to the men's bathroom and scream as if he's assaulting you."

Hina replied, "Okay, this will be fun."

Sunder then went back to the cabin and told Abhimanyu that someone was looking for him outside.

Abhimanyu went out and saw a girl motioning to him. As he followed her, he saw her entering the men's bathroom. He followed her inside, and as soon as he entered, she closed the door.

Abhimanyu turned around and asked, "Were you looking for me?"

The girl replied, "You're very handsome. I would feel terrible doing all this with you."

Abhimanyu asked, "Doing what?"

The girl tried to kiss Abhimanyu, but he stopped her lips with his hand and said, "Who gave you permission to touch me?"

She retorted, "What kind of man are you? A girl wants to please you, but you're pushing her away." She was about to scream as she tore her sleeves, but Abhimanyu covered her mouth and held her. She tried to go towards the bathroom gate, but Abhimanyu stopped her and said, "Do I seem like a decent person to you? You're a lone girl, and you came into the bathroom with a boy. Didn't you think you could be in danger? Sometimes, girls like you don't just lose their honor but their lives too. So stop prostitution and find some respectable work where there's no risk to your life." He let her go and started to leave.

She said, "You told me to quit prostitution, but then what should I do? I was 14 when my father sold me. I was exploited in a brothel for a year. After escaping, wherever I worked, the owners had dirty intentions towards me. Once, one of them even assaulted me. After that, I realized that no matter where I work, eventually, my body will be sold. So I made this my profession. Now tell me, what else can I do if I don't do this?"

Abhimanyu said, "Sunder paid you 20,000 to trap me, right?"

Hina asked, "How do you know?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Trapping me isn't that easy. If I want, I can accuse you of trying to seduce a minor because you were attempting all this with a minor. Plus, I've recorded everything that happened here."

Hina asked, "What do you ultimately want?"

Abhimanyu didn't say anything; your plan was to defame me, but now you have to do the same with Sunder."

Hina said, "His background is very powerful. If I try anything with him, he won't let me go. I heard his father killed many girls just because they couldn't satisfy him. So imagine if I do something with his son, what will he do to me?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You know my background too. Take this 1 crore and either turn it into 100 crores, spend it, or destroy it. It's up to you. I don't care. And remember, Kunal Desai doesn't have the stature to touch even my hair. Nothing will happen to you."

Hina couldn't believe someone could just deposit 1 crore like that. She realized Abhimanyu wasn't an ordinary guy. Abhimanyu went back to the cabin, surprising Sunder, who didn't understand what happened. Hina came out of the bathroom, and her sleeves were torn. She went to Abhimanyu, and he asked what happened to her clothes.

Hina slapped him and screamed for help. Abhimanyu's friends and others rushed out. Abhimanyu and his friends arrived there too. Abhimanyu said to Sunder, "Did you also drink beer? That's why you're doing such disgusting things. Nitya, these are your friends."

Nitya didn't understand what he meant.

People around said, "He looks like a spoiled brat. Look at how he's ruining a girl's reputation in broad daylight."

A girl said, "Call the police."

Another said, "He should be charged with rape."

Sunder said, "Stop your nonsense. She was pulling me, and she was dragging me towards the bathroom."

Abhimanyu said, "Why are you lying? Would any girl publicly humiliate herself like this?"

Sunder said, "She's a prostitute. She doesn't care about respect."

A girl slapped Sunder and said, "Aren't you ashamed? First, you harass a girl, and then you insult her."

Abhimanyu said, "I didn't expect you to stoop so low."

Then, some waiters arrived and said, "What's happening here? Everyone, move away. We'll handle the rest."

The boys said, "Why should we leave? We also want to see what you'll do."

A waiter gestured towards the CCTV and said, "We can easily find out who's telling the truth and who's lying."

Hina got scared after seeing that and looked at Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu gestured for her to stay calm and said, "Yes, let's see who's telling the truth and who's lying."

Everyone then went to the manager's office, but all the footage related to Hina had been deleted.

The assistant manager said, "There's no recording."

Sunder looked at him angrily.

Abhimanyu said to Hina, "We can't prove that he did anything to you. Plus, everyone arrived there before anything could happen. So why don't you forgive him? Sunder is ready to apologize on his knees."

Hina looked at Abhimanyu.

Sunder said, "Should I apologize to this prostitute? She herself has slept with me many times. I swear, there were many photos on my phone, but now they're gone."

Abhimanyu said, "Oh, there were photos? Why aren't they there anymore? This is your phone, right? Except for you, who else can access it?"

Abhimanyu, looking at Nitya, said, "Do you really want to maintain friendship with someone like this?"

Nitya was glaring at Sunder.

Sunder then looked at Sahil and said, "Bro, you know I'm telling the truth. I even showed you her photo."

Sahil confirmed, "Yes, he's telling the truth. This girl's name is Hina, and she works as a prostitute with some other girls. Many witnesses can be found."

Abhimanyu questioned, "Have you already booked them? How do you know all this?"

Neha noticed Sahil's suspicious behavior.

Sahil glanced at Neha and said, "No, Sunder told me all this. He has booked her many times, and he even lost his virginity to her."

Abhimanyu looked at Hina and remarked, "These people are selfish and only here to enjoy the spectacle. If you stay here any longer, they'll turn you into a prostitute too."

Sunder interrupted, "Shut up! This is all your doing. You and Neha are involved with this girl."

Another guy chimed in, "Yeah, now I remember. I've heard about this Hina. She's famous and expensive."

Sunder insisted, "I told you I'm telling the truth. She's a prostitute."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Fine, let's say she's a prostitute. But is it a crime to violate her dignity?"

This remark drew laughter from many around.

One guy said, "What nonsense are you talking? What does it matter to a prostitute? It's their job, that's all. What dignity?"

Abhimanyu looked at him and asked, "Is she your girlfriend?" The guy was 28 years old, and his girlfriend, who was 27, was with him.

The guy, annoyed, responded, "What do you want?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes or no, just answer what I asked."

The guy replied, "Yes, she's my girlfriend." She was wearing a very short one-piece dress, which showed her cleavage quite well.

Abhimanyu, smiling, asked, "How many times have you both been intimate?"

The guy retorted, "Hey, you're getting too personal, man."

Abhimanyu continued, "Okay, fine, let's say you've been intimate several times. But if she doesn't want to, can you force her just because she's your girlfriend or because you've been intimate before?"

The guy said, "I never force her nor can I."

Abhimanyu intervened, addressing the assistant manager and the others present. He pointed out that just like the young man wouldn't force anyone, no one could force a prostitute either. He then turned to the assistant manager and accused him of fabricating excuses, suggesting that he and the young woman were in cahoots to extort money.

The assistant manager's derogatory remarks about Hina's body and his indecent proposal further embarrassed her. Abhimanyu noticed her distress and realized that despite being a prostitute, she didn't deserve the humiliation she was facing.

Abhimanyu decided to take action to stop the injustice and defend Hina's dignity.

Abhimanyu, seeing the situation escalate, grabbed the assistant manager's tie and repeatedly slammed his head onto the table, eventually breaking it. He spat on him and said, "You talk too much!" The guards and waiters present there were furious and rushed to attack Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu swiftly dealt with them, knocking down those who tried to harm him.

Amidst the chaos, the assistant manager reached for his gun and aimed it at Abhimanyu's head.

Abhimanyu: "You just summoned your death."

Assistant Manager: "What do you mean?"

But before he could hear the answer, a gunshot was heard, and a bullet hit the assistant manager's forehead, coming from outside the gate. A man in traditional attire with a red mark on his forehead and wearing dark sunglasses entered. He held a gun in one hand and a red scarf in the other.

The mysterious man entered and shot the assistant manager in the forehead, causing chaos among the crowd.

The assistant manager fell to the ground, blood pooling beneath him. The guards and Abhimanyu were also covered in blood, and even Abhimanyu's clothes were stained, with blood splattered on the floor. Abhimanyu's friends and the others present were terrified, as most of them had never witnessed a murder before.

Sahil, trembling with fear, whispered, "He's the club manager, Shukla. He probably works for Nina Watson. He's a whimsical person; it's the first time I've seen someone murder someone right in front of me."

Neha, also trembling, asked, "Isn't he afraid of the police?"

Sahil replied, "Speak softly. If he hears, you'll be next."

Abhimanyu, looking at him, said, "Shukla, you and in Mumbai..."

Shukla interrupted, "Sir, we've settled here now. Please forgive us; your clothes got ruined. We'll see to that. And that old man standing there with the gun, we just wanted to show him his place."

Abhimanyu retorted, "This isn't Bihar where you can openly commit murder."

Shukla responded, "Of course, sir. Understood," and then ordered his men to clean up. He then turned to the waiters and guards and said, "Why are you just standing there? Clean up this mess!" Afterward, he aimed his gun upwards.

Abhimanyu stopped him and said, "Stop shedding blood in my name. Do as I say."

Shukla complied, and then addressed the waiters and guards, "Abhimanyu sir has spared your lives. Apologize to him."

All the waiters and guards followed suit.

Abhimanyu then looked at Sunder and said, "You also need to apologize to someone. You witnessed Hina's situation."

Sunder, shaken by the experience of witnessing a murder for the first time, immediately knelt down and apologized to Hina.

Abhimanyu praised him, "Very good." Then, he told Hina, "You can leave now."

Hina left the place.

Abhimanyu turned to Nitya and asked, "Do you want to go home? It's not good to stay in such a place." He then held Nitya's hand and escorted her away from the scene. Priya and the rest of their friends followed them out of the club, finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Rihana asked Abhimanyu, "How do you know that Shukla?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Just because he's from Bihar."

Rihana said, "You only know him because he's from Bihar?"

Sahil added, "Oh, his uncle is the CM, right? So Shukla might be afraid of him too."