
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
110 Chs

Chapter 55: Back to mumbai

Abhimanyu and Samarth then reached the lowest level where the hotel owner was talking to two detectives.

The detective asked who had last seen the manager.

The detective had looked at everyone one by one.

A waiter said, "I saw the manager with Meenu. They were checking all the floors."

The detective asked, "Who is Meenu?"

Meenu, a girl, came forward nervously and said, "I am Meenu. I am an assistant manager here. The manager and I were checking the vacant rooms that had become available recently."

"But after checking half of the floors, the manager sent me back to the event and went to check the upper floors himself," Meenu added.

The detective then asked, "Where is the room? Can you show us where his clothes were found?"

The resort owner said, "Yes, come along."

Everyone then went back upstairs. Abhimanyu was observing the girl closely.

Arjun said, "She is lying."

Abhimanyu agreed, "I know she is lying. Let's see what's going on."

Abhimanyu and Samarth followed behind them. Few people paid attention to them. The detective carefully examined everything. On the bed, the manager's clothes were still lying, and the rope was still tied. The manager's other clothes were also lying there, and then the detective noticed bloodstains on the underwear, which were still wet.

The detective asked, "You said there was no record on the CCTV. Why?"

The owner then called one of the security guards and asked why there was no record.

The guard stuttered, "Sir, there was a glitch in the camera, so it stopped working at that time."

The detective pressed, "Did it just stop or did you stop it deliberately? Tell the truth, or else you'll be suspected of the manager's murder."

The guard, trembling, said, "Murder?"

The detective confirmed, "Yes, there is blood on this underwear."

The guard denied, "No, sir, I didn't kill anyone. The manager asked me to turn off the cameras."

"Why would the manager say that?" asked the detective.

The guard explained, "He often asked me to turn off the security cameras. He was very suspicious, and he took advantage of the hotel staff many times. Yesterday, he was planning something similar."

The detective deduced, "Looking at these clothes, it seems like he was up to something. He had tied a girl to the bed and then took off his clothes. After that, I don't know what happened, but whatever happened, only that girl can tell us."

Hearing this, Meenu got scared. She had left the room wearing the clothes and forgotten to take the rope.

The detective looked at Meenu and asked, "Could it have been you?"

Meenu stammered, "How could it be me? I went back to the event when the manager asked me to."

The detective replied, "Okay, let's check the CCTV to see what you were doing."

Everyone went to the CCTV room.

After everyone left, Abhimanyu carefully examined the room. He told Saily, "Show me all the footage from last night with Meenu and the manager."

Samarth warned Abhimanyu, "We shouldn't go to the CCTV room."

Abhimanyu replied, "Let's go, but make sure all the footage of yesterday's event besides the one from the event is deleted quickly."

Saily assured him, "I'm already doing that."

Abhimanyu wondered, "How did I end up in the room directly? I have to investigate this myself."

Arjun advised, "I told you to leave this to the police, but you're getting involved in their case."

Abhimanyu determinedly said, "Whatever happens, I have to solve this case."

When everyone reached the surveillance room, the guard instructed another guard to show the footage from yesterday.

Meenu was trembling with fear, and her hands were shaking, and she was sweating, which the detective noticed, but he didn't say anything. He collected some evidence from the underwear and the room and sent it for forensic analysis. He also called a forensic team to examine the room for hidden details.

The guard, looking at the screen, said, "Where did all the footage go?"

The detective asked, "What happened?"

The guard replied, "Sir, all the footage from yesterday has been deleted from here, and only the footage from after the event is here."

Another guard quickly said to the detective, "Sir, the footage was here until morning. The owner himself saw it, and we've been here since then."

The detective, in anger, looked at the guard and said, "Show me the footage from the venue's gate."

The detective asked Meenu, "When did you arrive at the event?"

Meenu replied hesitantly, "Maybe around 3:30."

The detective instructed her to fast forward to that time. Meenu was shown arriving at 3:40, looking perfectly fine in her uniform.

The detective then asked the waiter, "When did you see Meenu?"

The waiter replied, "I didn't see the time, but it was around 2:30 or 3."

The detective asked Meenu, "How many rooms were checked out yesterday?"

Meenu answered, "There were 15 rooms."

The detective further inquired, "And how long did it take to check one room?"

Meenu replied, "About 2 minutes."

The detective concluded, "Miss Meenu, besides you, no one else saw the manager last. And we know that the manager took a girl to that room and locked her up. So, besides you, who else could it be? Now confess your crime and tell us what happened there."

Meenu was very scared. She was concerned about her reputation, but now mud was being slung at her.

Then a voice intervened, "Don't pressure her too much, officer."

The detective looked at Abhimanyu and said, "It would be better for you to stay out of all these matters."

Abhimanyu replied, "First of all, just because there was a rope tied to the bed doesn't prove that it was a girl; it could have been a boy, or maybe he hired an escort. I mean, it could have been anyone. Maybe his boyfriend, that's why he sent Miss Meenu back."

The guard interrupted, "No, he always took a girl."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Wow, it seems like you know a lot. It looks like you've been hiding their secrets for a long time. Anyway, forget it. Whatever you say, you're definitely going to jail because you motivated the manager to rape girls and even helped him if he wanted to take those girls or even his coworkers by force."

The guard was terrified by all the allegations and started crying, saying, "No, no, the manager took boys, and he was gay."

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Whether he took boys or girls or deleted the footage for his own benefit, he will go to jail for the crime. And your punishment won't be less if you were involved in any way."

The guard broke down in tears.

Abhimanyu turned to the detective and said, "Sir, he is contradicting his own statements. So, on what basis are you saying that it was Miss Meenu who was taken by the manager? And even if we assume she was taken, what do you want to prove?"

The detective replied angrily, "You are obstructing my investigation. I can arrest you for this crime."

Abhimanyu retorted, "You can't pressure anyone without any reason, and a confession given under pressure is not valid, as you should know."

Detective said, "A manager disappears from a very large resort with so much security, no record in any CCTV, and whatever happened has been deleted. Don't you think we need to investigate all this? After all, the Chief Minister's daughter from Bihar is also staying here."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "I'm not stopping you from investigating, but you should understand that making such allegations or questioning a girl can spread rumors, which tarnishes her reputation, regardless of whether something actually happened to her or not."

The detective apologized to Miss Meenu, saying, "I shouldn't have accused you like that, Miss Meenu. And if you cooperate with our investigation, it would be better for you."

Abhimanyu said, "Of course, now I won't say anything."

Then the detective received a call about the forensic report of the clothes.

The detective, while on the phone, said, "So, the blood on the clothes is indeed the manager's."

After a while, the detective said, "Has snake venom been found on the clothes? What kind of snake? Very poisonous?"

The detective asked, "Was the venom applied separately to the clothes? Okay, meaning someone put it in their mouth and then put it on the clothes, and it was very toxic."

The detective instructed the guard to collect all the remaining footage for analysis and then began taking statements from everyone else.

The owner told Meenu to take a break since her shift was over.

Meenu got into the lift to go to her room floor, followed by Abhimanyu and Samarth.

Abhimanyu, with Saily's help, stopped the lift mid-air.

Meenu panicked and pressed the bell button, but it didn't work. Then she tried using her phone, but it also didn't work.

Abhimanyu asked, "What happened in that room last night?"

Meenu replied, "How would I know? I didn't even go to the room."

Abhimanyu continued, "After the 6th floor, no footage was recorded, but it took you about 40 minutes to come down, even though it only took you 2 minutes to enter one room. And there were only 3 rooms upstairs, one of which had the manager's body. So, will you explain why it took you 40 minutes to check just 2 rooms?"

Meenu said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I deleted those footages myself, and I still have them. So, will you tell the truth now?"

Meenu asked, "Who are you people?"

Abhimanyu said, "We're just students investigating mysterious things, and we smell a mystery here."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, will you tell us what happened there?"

Meenu said, "Even if I tell you, you won't believe me."

Abhimanyu replied, "Try and see, maybe we'll believe you. I promise we won't ask another question, and we'll delete these footages too."

Meenu said, "That monster was about to attack me when a snake suddenly appeared and saved me."

Abhimanyu asked, "What kind of snake was it?"

Meenu replied, "It was green in color and changed its size, becoming smaller than a finger and bigger than a person, and it saved me by cutting the rope and then disappeared out the window."

Abhimanyu said, "That's enough; you should have told us this earlier. Now, let's see what else we can find in this resort."

Samarth asked, "How did you control the lift?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I have my own ways, but what should we do about those bites?"

Samarth said, "What can we do? It seems like a magical creature. Besides, it did a good thing, so what's the harm?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Okay, but maybe that manager had already eaten enough, so he didn't eat Meenu."

Samarth said, "But he came to save her by cutting the ropes."

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Maybe he's in love with that girl."

Samarth asked, "But why did you delete the footage?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I was missing from the venue, and there was no trace of me in the footage, but in the morning, I was seen coming straight out of my room. If the detective had noticed this, he would have suspected me too."

Samarth asked, "But what were you doing, and how did you make that mistake? You're the best among us young soldiers."

Abhimanyu said, "I don't remember; maybe I was doing something in my sleep, but when I woke up, I was on my bed."

Just then, Vikrant appeared. As soon as he arrived, he said, "We still have plenty of time; let's go down to the garden and play a dual match."

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm already much stronger than you."

Vikrant said, "I know, but I still want to compare myself."

Abhimanyu agreed, and they started descending the stairs.

Abhimanyu said to Samarth, "Do you want to race?"

Samarth agreed, and they started racing down the stairs. Samarth slid down, Vikrant jumped around, and Abhimanyu grabbed the railing and smoothly landed on the ground, then started running towards the garden. Just then, a forensic team was coming from that direction. Abhimanyu saw them and made a long leap, landing on a wall, then used it to push off and jump even further, grabbing an iron bar and swinging forward before landing on the ground and running towards the garden. Samarth and Vikrant followed, dodging the forensic team.

In the garden, there was a volleyball court with a net, and some school kids were playing there. They invited Abhimanyu and the others to play, and they all agreed. They played until the afternoon without getting tired.

Abhimanyu said, "Now, let me show you how to serve," and he hit a powerful shot that Vikrant struggled to return, finally managing to stop the ball, but then Samarth leaped and sent it back over the net, winning another set. After this, they were all exhausted.

They enjoyed various activities in the resort until evening, and then everyone boarded their school buses.

Abhimanyu went back to the driver's cabin and fell asleep again, while Tina and Kashmira were also there.

When they reached Delhi, Tina hugged Abhimanyu, who was still sleeping like a teddy bear. Kashmira remarked, "She won't change."

Tina, with tired, red eyes, couldn't muster the energy to wake up and went back to sleep.

Kashmira chuckled, saying, "No, she won't change."

Abhimanyu, however, moved away from Tina and sat up, fully awake.

Abhimanyu sat up and said to Kashmira, "I need a week off."

Kashmira asked, "Why again?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It's urgent."

Kashmira insisted, "I won't agree until I know the reason."

Abhimanyu explained, "I have a business in Mumbai, and there's a problem I need to solve."

Kashmira demanded, "What's the name of your company?"

Abhimanyu replied, "A to Z Transport."

Kashmira agreed but made him promise to keep up with his studies.

Abhimanyu then mentioned, "Ramesh Bhai is fine; nothing happened."

Just then, the sound of gunfire was heard, and a car collided with a pole, injuring two people.

Abhimanyu recognized them as Delhi liberals from their attire. Some armed men started firing at them.

Abhimanyu quickly accelerated the bus and maneuvered it to protect the liberals from the gunmen's aim. Then, he slowed down and opened the door for them to board. The gunmen retreated, realizing they couldn't create chaos on a school bus.

Ramesh questioned Abhimanyu's actions, but he didn't reveal the liberals' identity, simply instructing Ramesh to drive the bus. Abhimanyu then went to the cabin where the liberals were seated.

The children were surprised to see two strangers suddenly board the bus. Abhimanyu approached the one with an injured hand, and Samarth joined him. The two liberals recognized Abhimanyu but remained silent.

Karishma approached them, looking concerned.

The injured liberal said, "Thank you for saving our lives."

Abhimanyu asked them who they were.

The liberal explained that they were being chased by a gang of Delhi liberals because they had destroyed one of their hideouts. The Dean suggested handing them over to the police, but Abhimanyu signaled to hold back.

Suddenly, the injured liberal threatened Abhimanyu with a knife, but Abhimanyu remained calm, assuring him that he was only trying to help. Ramesh stopped the bus as instructed.

The liberals demanded the gate be opened, and Ramesh complied. They left with Abhimanyu, Samarth, and Karishma.

Samarth looked worried, but Abhimanyu reassured him.

Once in a secluded area, Abhimanyu pulled them aside. The injured liberal showed Abhimanyu the bullet lodged in his hand. Abhimanyu used his spiritual energy to remove it and gave him a painkiller.

The liberal was surprised and asked if Abhimanyu was part of a special team.

Abhimanyu replied, "I used to be, but now I'm the Night Demon."

The liberal expressed admiration but doubted he could achieve such a status.

Abhimanyu warned them not to be seen openly again, or they risked ruining their lives. He advised them to change clothes and leave.

They thanked Abhimanyu and left. Abhimanyu collected their uniforms and weapons and returned to the bus.

The Dean asked if he was okay, and Abhimanyu assured him, saying the two were not criminals but needed help.

Ramesh grumbled, blaming Abhimanyu for every problem.

Abhimanyu replied calmly, "If I didn't help them, they would've been killed."

Ramesh argued, "They're part of a gang. Why should we care?"

Abhimanyu simply said, "It's not our place to decide their fate."

As the bus continued its journey, Abhimanyu reflected on his actions and the complexities of morality in a world filled with danger.

Abhimanyu's sudden entry into the room caught everyone's attention.

A boy remarked, "Why are you so worried about them? Are you also part of their gang?"

A girl added, "Yes, I saw it. This guy gave them a knife."

Dean intervened, stating that everyone would be investigated for endangering the students' lives. When Karishma tried to say something, Abhimanyu gestured for her not to speak.

Dean then instructed, "From now on, you will never sit in the cabin. Karishma, go to the cabin, and Abhimanyu, sit with Samarth."

The bus resumed its journey, and soon everyone reached their respective homes.

Upon reaching home, Abhimanyu informed everyone that he would be going away for a few days.

Jasmine offered to accompany him, but Abhimanyu declined, saying that Tripathi works for him, and he has more shares. He suggested that Jasmine start a company named Singh Empire and hire talented individuals to help expand their business.

Jasmine agreed to the plan, and Abhimanyu emphasized the importance of keeping the team's salary and facilities budget-friendly and environmentally friendly.

As Abhimanyu left, Maya and Arjun expressed their excitement about his flying abilities. Abhimanyu then transformed his appearance, sprouted wings, and flew off into the sky.

Ramika, who was building a house nearby, was surprised to see him and commented on his unusual behavior.

Abhimanyu tried to control his wings and flew for a while before landing back on the ground. He continued practicing his flying abilities for two weeks, mastering various techniques, including the angel and demon sword techniques.

Feeling confident in his abilities, Abhimanyu finally arrived in Mumbai. He sent the dragon back into the map and flew to the A to Z Transport building.

A girl sat on a sofa surrounded by guards, including Samuel who was seating in the CEO's chair and a man named Ratik Pathan standing behind him.

The girl questioned, "Where is your Boss? Isn't he said he would be here today."

Samuel tried to call Abhimanyu, but he was unreachable.

Pathan, feeling the pressure, was sweating due to the presence of the powerful martial artists than samual itself guarding the girl.

Suddenly the ceiling of the room get burst and Abhimanyu entered into the room and said while standing, "I should work on the landing."