
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Action
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80 Chs

Chapter 56: Nina Watson

Abhimanyu struggled to control his descent as he approached the A to Z Transport building. Despite his attempts to slow down his wings, he couldn't manage to land properly. His lack of practice in actual landings, due to spending most of his time in the air, caused him to crash onto the building's roof.

To save himself, Abhimanyu quickly activated his demon technique, shielding his body from harm as he crashed onto the roof. Though he managed to avoid serious injury, the impact caused some damage to the rooftop.

As he landed on the lower floor, he stood up on both feet and deactivated the demon technique. Dust settled around him, and he noticed Samuel sitting nearby.

Samuel asked, "Boss, how did you get here?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and replied, "Think of it as jumping out of a plane without a parachute, but I might have damaged the roof."

Ignoring the minor mishap, Samuel pointed out some people nearby.

Turning to look, Abhimanyu saw a group of martial artists and a girl who seemed surprised by his entrance.

He greeted her, "Hello, you must be Andrews' wife. I'm Abhimanyu, the main boss here."

The girl, Andrews' wife named Nina Watson, sarcastically commented on his dramatic entrance and questioned his intentions.

Abhimanyu assured her that he was willing to hand over 60% of the business to her and set some ground rules regarding the type of business they would conduct.

Nina acknowledged his terms but expressed her reluctance to hand over 60% of the business. Abhimanyu proposed a traditional martial arts fight to determine who would lead the business.

Nina warned Abhimanyu about the formidable martial artists under her command, but Abhimanyu remained confident.

Their banter revealed Nina's past intentions to take over Andrews' business, and Abhimanyu's cheeky remarks amused her.

Before leaving, Nina challenged Abhimanyu to meet her at the underground fighting arena in two hours.

After Nina left, Abhimanyu inquired about Nina and Pathan's status from Samuel, learning that Nina's origins were unknown and that she had suddenly married Andrews before disappearing. Pathan expressed his surprise at learning Abhimanyu's true identity.

Abhimanyu's unexpected arrival had stirred up quite a commotion at A to Z Transport, and now, a martial arts showdown awaited him at the underground arena.

Pathan said, "Brother, were you serious when you said you would hand her over to the entire underground market?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I was completely serious."

Pathan asked, "Then what about Samuel, brother?"

Abhimanyu said, "You don't need to worry about Samuel."

Abhimanyu said, "Let's go to the arena then."

On the way, he asked Samuel softly, "What's your decision? Do you want to stay with me or return to White Dragon?"

Samuel replied, "I can see that you've become more powerful than before, and by following you, I can become stronger too. But I want to return to my tribe; that's where my friends and family are."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, don't worry."

Samuel smiled.

Abhimanyu then arrived at the underground arena, where many powerful business persons of Mumbai were gathered, including Ravish Kapoor, who had learned that today's decision would determine the rule over both legal and illegal markets of Mumbai, and Kunal Desai from the Desai family, who had a significant business in Goa as well.

Besides them, the Khan family and other business executives, along with the underworld dons of Mumbai, were also present. Ridhima was there with Ravish Kapoor.

Then, lights focused on the stage's side, and a very hot and sexy girl with blond hair entered. She sat on the sofa, and behind her stood a fighter who was going to fight today.

There was also a commentator there, entertaining the audience, who was an ordinary sports commentator but was chosen for this match as well. Nina was managing this event.

Then, lights focused on the other side of the stage, and the commentator announced, "And here is today's king of Mumbai," but Samuel, who was standing behind the sofa, didn't come forward. Then Abhimanyu entered wearing a black dress and a demon mask on his face. After his entry, everyone was looking at him, but the commentator didn't dare to say anything to him.

Nina jokingly said, "Are you afraid to show your face?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Only a few special people get to see my face."

Nina asked, "Do you mean I'm special?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Very special."

Nina said, "You'll have to flirt with me after losing."

Nina was saying this when the man standing behind her suddenly jumped onto the stage.

The man seemed very strong.

Abhimanyu then rose from his seat and walked slowly towards the stage, exerting his authority over everyone present.

As he reached the stage, another man jumped onto it. It was none other than Vishwa Nayak.

Abhimanyu said, "Mr. Nayak, do you also want to participate in this match?"

Vishwa Nayak replied, "You know about me, I seem to have become quite famous. Yes, I also want to participate. After all, anyone can challenge anyone, right?"

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, anyone can challenge anyone, but can you come a little later? Let's settle things between us first. I promise it won't take much time."

Vishwa Nayak said, "Alright, I hope you don't weaken by then."

Abhimanyu replied, "I won't. Let's fight first."

The fight between them didn't last long, and the other man was defeated.

Vishwa said, "One down, now it's your turn."

But suddenly, Nina intervened.

Nina said, "I'm still here."

Vishwa gestured for her to come.

Nina suddenly appeared in front of Vishwa, but he managed to dodge her kick and stood up, impressed by her strength.

Nina said, "Yes, I'm strong, but you won't be able to stand for long." She continued to attack him with kicks, and then jumped into the air to deliver a powerful kick to his head. Vishwa fell to the ground, creating a crack in the stage.

After Nina's victory, she looked towards Abhimanyu and said, "Are you ready to become my lover?"

Abhimanyu stood up, signaling that he was ready to fight. He flipped in the air and kicked Nina with his left foot, then followed up with a powerful spiritual kick with his right foot, sending her crashing into the stage. He then approached her and delivered another powerful punch, sending her crashing into the ground.

All of this happened in less than a second.

Nina was surprised by Abhimanyu's strength. Her skin started to change, and she transformed into a large snake, four times the size of a human.

As Nina transformed, some people were taken aback, but others remained calm, knowing about mystical creatures.

Pathan asked nervously, "What is she?"

Samuel, equally tense, said, "She's a mystical creature."

Pathan asked, "Can anything happen like this? Will Abhimanyu boss be able to win?"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "These days, I'm encountering mystical creatures quite often. What's the matter?"

Nina replied, "You still seem quite calm. I must admit, people tremble when they see my true form, especially when I have them in my grasp. Anyway, do you accept defeat?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I haven't even learned to fight yet." He then attempted to break free from her grasp, but Nina threw him to the ground and lifted him back up into the air.

Arjun said, "Give me control of my body. Maybe I can defeat her."

Abhimanyu immediately granted Arjun control.

Nina tried to restrain Abhimanyu with her tail, but he managed to break free and create a demonic aura around himself. He asked in a demonic voice if he could kill her.

Abhimanyu replied, "No, just defeat her."

With a demonic voice, he said, "Alright." He then became even stronger, but Nina was still more powerful. She struck him with her tail, causing him to fall to the ground, making a crack in the stage.

Abhimanyu said, "I thought giving you control would ensure his defeat."

Arjun replied, "If I'm allowed to kill, she won't last a second. But without killing intent, this fight isn't easy."

Abhimanyu said, "Okay," and returned to normal. But Nina caught him again and threw him to the ground once more. His mask was partly broken, revealing half of his face, and one eye had turned snake-like.

Suddenly, he became unconscious.

Nina grabbed him again and threw him down. The impact knocked him out.

Nina looked human again.

The commentator stuttered, "And the winner is Miss Ni."

Abhimanyu suddenly stood up. Half of his face was visible, and the other half was covered by his mask, but one eye had turned snake-like. Suddenly, he became much stronger. He grabbed Nina's head, slammed her to the ground, and then punched her with spiritual energy, knocking her unconscious. She fell to the ground, unable to move.

The commentator announced, "The winner is the mysterious boy who is on Samuel's side. From now on, Samuel will rule over Mumbai. If anyone has any objections, speak now, but after witnessing such an intense fight, no one said anything, so everyone now considers him the king."

Abhimanyu then fainted and was immediately taken to the hospital by Samuel, along with Nina, for medical treatment.

A while later, Abhimanyu woke up in a hospital bed, with Nina lying on the bed next to him. Samuel was also present. Abhimanyu asked if he had lost.

Samuel replied, "You won, and then you fainted. Nina lost."

Nina also woke up and, upon seeing Abhimanyu, asked, "Who are you really? Sometimes, I sense a demonic vibe from you, and sometimes, you seem like someone close. Who are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You will have the chance to get to know me better from now on because you are my slave."

Abhimanyu then asked Samuel how long he had been unconscious.

Samuel replied, "Only 10 minutes. They are still waiting for some announcement."

Abhimanyu said to Bina, "Let's go and inform them of our rules."

After a while, there was only one throne left in the room, and everyone was engaged in conversation. Suddenly, a spotlight illuminated the throne, and Abhimanyu entered wearing a mask. He took his place on the throne, with Samuel and Nina standing behind it.

Nina explained Abhimanyu's new rules and regulations. He would receive 60% of all earnings from underground businesses and would shut down several illegal operations. Moreover, certain white-collar businesses would require his permission, and he would also receive shares from specific departments, such as the sea creature restaurant, and individuals involved in illegal activities, like gold and diamond smuggling, would have to share profits with Abhimanyu.

After Nina outlined all the rules and laws, Samuel stepped forward and declared Nina as the queen of Mumbai. He announced that from now on, everyone would report to her.

Following this, Abhimanyu and Nina had a conversation, where Abhimanyu proposed a deal, offering Nina 40% of everything, while he would take 60%. Nina accepted and even sat on Abhimanyu's lap, giving her approval.

Later, in a meeting room, Samuel, Nina, and some martial artists gathered, including the fighter who had fought Vishwa. Unexpectedly, Ravish Kapoor was also present. Kapoor seemed puzzled about why he was there.

Abhimanyu then entered wearing his demon mask and engaged Kapoor in a discussion about a potent energy pill Kapoor was rumored to be producing. Abhimanyu offered Kapoor a deal to distribute his body refining pills in exchange for shares in Kapoor's energy pill business. Kapoor agreed reluctantly.

Abhimanyu then turned to Vishwa Nayak and offered him shares in exchange for security services. After some negotiation, Nayak accepted.

Abhimanyu discussed similar deals with Kapoor and Nayak, each accepting in their own way.

Later, Abhimanyu proposed another deal to Kapoor, offering him shares in exchange for distributing his body refining pills. Kapoor agreed after some consideration.

After some time, Kapoor began to experience the effects of the pill, visibly improving his health and appearance.

Impressed, Kapoor agreed to the deal, and Abhimanyu also offered shares to Nayak in exchange for security services.

After some discussion and negotiation, agreements were reached, and everyone left the room, leaving only Samuel, Nina, and Abhimanyu behind.

Samuel announced his departure, leaving Nina and Abhimanyu alone.

Abhimanyu then asked Nina to share her story.

Nina said, "I used to be an ordinary girl, no martial arts skills or powers, just an ordinary girl. I am the daughter of the late Don Micheal, whom Andrews killed five years ago. My father kept me away from all of this in London, but when I found out, I didn't immediately seek revenge because I knew that in this business, anyone could die at any time. But later, I found out that Andrews was working for them all along. He had secretly allied with the Mexican Mafia and started doing terrible things. He started a racket involving girls, which my father found out about. Because of this, my father thought of getting rid of him, but by then, he had already taken control of the whole gang and was killed deceitfully. I wasn't angry that my father was killed, but that he was killed because he tried to stop these evil deeds. So when I found out about all this, I tried to gather all the evidence against him. That's why I approached Andrews and proposed marriage straight away. I don't know what got into him, whether he took it seriously or not, but he agreed. Then he took me to his villa where there were only girls. I drugged him and made him unconscious. Then I went to his laptop, transferred all the evidence to my pendrive, and stole a boat from there and escaped. By morning, Andrews knew everything. I was about to go to the commissioner's office with the pendrive when Andrews saw me from outside and gave chase. I ran and ended up in a deserted area where he shot me. I fell down, and he came close, put me in his car, took the pendrive from me, and threw me into the sea from the car, then drove away. I don't know what happened next, but when I woke up, my wound had healed, and I had gained these powers, but it took me a long time to learn about these powers. Then I found out that Samuel had deceived Andrews and taken control of Mumbai and Goa. But he had implemented new rules opposite to Andrews, following the principles of human values. That's why I decided to meet Samuel. I was thinking along these lines when he caught Andrews. You could say I fell in love with his ideology. Then I gathered some martial artists from the martial world, even more powerful than Samuel. In the end, when I met him, I found out that this was someone else's ideology, and he was just his servant. When I met you, I couldn't believe that a child was the Don of the city, but you challenged me, and then we fought, and now I'm here."

Abhimanyu muttered to himself, "I just wanted to know where this power came from, but it seems she doesn't know." Then he said, "Alright, now you go to your spot."

Nina replied, "This is my spot."

Abhimanyu hesitated and said, "Okay, I'll leave then."

Nina swiftly moved towards him, saying, "This is your spot too."

Abhimanyu questioned her, "What are you doing?"

Nina replied, "Don't you remember? I'm your mistress." She removed her top, approached Abhimanyu, and said, "I love you, and I want to be with you."

Abhimanyu sternly responded, "Stay away from me. That's an order."

Nina insisted, "It's a mistress's duty to please her master." Her eyes suddenly turned snake-like, and her tongue became serpent-like.

Abhimanyu, mesmerized by her eyes, let out a groan, and his body also transformed, resembling that of a snake. Nina gazed at his eyes in amazement, Suddenly, Karishma appeared in front of Abhimanyu, sitting beside him on the bed. She was dressed like a princess, while Abhimanyu was clothed like a warrior.

Karishma said, "My love, come to me."

Abhimanyu approached her and sat beside her.

Karishma asked, "Will you really stay by my side?"

Abhimanyu swore, "I swear on my life, if I betray you, I'll kill myself."

Karishma smiled, began to undress, and then both of them lost themselves in the night.

When Abhimanyu woke up, it was already 11 a.m. He noticed he was naked under the covers, and Nina was lying beside him, also naked. Abhimanyu rubbed his face and muttered to himself about Arjun, questioning why he did something like that.

Arjun responded, "I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is her seducing you."

Maya added, "That's all I remember too."

Saily chimed in, "Yesterday, you kept me locked in a box after the A to Z Transport office, so I don't know anything either."

Nina woke up, kissed Abhimanyu, and started recounting their night. Abhimanyu, still confused, asked what happened last night?

Nina explained, "You have the power of a snake too, but you were more powerful than me. I could sense it. Perhaps you get these powers recently, and that's why you don't remember anything. When I got these powers, I couldn't remember anything either. It lasted for about a week, but one day, I recorded myself, and that's how I found out. Then slowly, I started gaining control over these powers, and now, the snake and I have become one."

Abhimanyu suddenly remembered his hidden powers, like the demon and angel techniques he used to perform. He looked in the mirror and saw his eyes resembling those of a snake, and the surroundings seemed different, as if he could see heat waves.

Abhimanyu's eyes returned to normal, confirming what the ancient snake had said.

Abhimanyu, who now wanted to avoid thinking about it and take a break. Now that everything had already happened between them, he didn't feel guilty anymore; perhaps his mind had become stronger and more mature.

Abhimanyu spent some time with Nina until 6 p.m., then got up to the bathroom and then moved to the ring He found himself in a world where oats had fallen under the exes, numbering around 100, gathered by animals.

Maya explained, "These parties will completely remove impurities from your body. You can even eat them raw if you want."

Abhimanyu consumed around 10 leaves, and within an hour, black mud started coming out of his body.

Maya said, "You've eaten nearly 10 leaves, so it's obvious this much would come out. Now, go take a bath. This was the last time. You just have to keep eating these leaves regularly, and gradually, your body will become stronger."

Abhimanyu then left the area and returned to Nina, saying, "I'm going to Delhi now."

Nina asked, "So soon?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'll be back next week. I have to launch my medicine there."