
Chapter 3: Settling In, Why Are The Neighbors So Weird?

"MOM!!" The sound running rang around the mansion as two tall figures ran towards the door.

"Boys, why are screaming." A gentle clear voice asked. Ru He hid behind Mo Bei, whiles Ru Li stood beside her. "Ru Li what did you do."

"I did nothing plus Ru Jin seems...to be in a....bad..mood" Hesitation was heard in his voice as he looked towards the stairs. "Oh." As soon as the exclamation came out of her mouth Mo Bei rushed outside saying."Call me in when you make it out alive." Before Ru He could rush away with his mother a chilly voice rang out.

"Where're you going 'big brother', you look like you're being chased by a demon?" Ru He slowly turned as he forced his signature smile. "O-oh Ru J-jin." Ru He laughed nervously as he tried to avoid eye contact with Ru Jin who was smiling brightly.

"Oh well...." Before he could make up an excuse the doorbell rang dividing Ru Jin's attention, noticing it was his chance ran towards the door thinking,' So this is the legendary saying 'saved by the bell' thank goodness.'

"Hello, how may I help you?" Ru He smiled at three figures in front of him.

"Hello you must be the new neighbour, we would like to greet you and your family." A childish voice sounded out, confused Ru He looked around but saw nothing."Hey!! look down!"

"Oh well nice to meet you what's your name?" Ru He asked, surprised as he squatted down, looking at the 10-year-old standing in front of the three tall figures.

"I'm Si Nan, nice to meet you." Ru He smiled as rubbed little Nan's hair.

"I'm Ru He, come in." He said and got up walking in. Si Nan pouted as he followed with the three people behind him.

Before Ru He could relax he heard the most frightening voice he wished he could forget. "Brother who are they?"

"Oh, they're our neighbours." Ru He broke out in cold sweat remembering his sister did not like strangers."Oh." She replied as walked towards the kitchen. "Is that your little brother?" Si Nan asked as he looked at Ru Jin, making her look back at him before leaving. " No."

"They why did he call you brother?" Si Nan scratched his hair in puzzlement.

"She's my sister." Ru He laughed as if he was used to the question. "What... bu-but she looks like a he!"

"Don't worry about it anyways who are these people behind you?" Ru He changed the subject as he asked Si Nan.

"Oh, the one on the right is our other neighbour Han Xi, the one on the left is Nan Mo, and my brother Si Yan." He introduced himself as walked around the mansion.

Without realizing someone was in front of him, he knocked into Ru Jin. "You must not aimlessly walk around someone else's house, you know." Si Nan looked up only to meet deep blue eyes filled with amazement. "Your pretty I have acknowledged you as my sister."

"Oh really?" Ru Jin smirked as she bent down to Si Nan's height.

"Hey, little man stay away from my sister." Both Ru He and Ru Li's voices rang out. "So you've stopped hiding?" Ru Jin asked with amusement. "l was not hiding."

"Sure." Ru Jin rolled her eyes as she said. "Big sister, do you have a boyfriend?" Before she could answer, Si Yan pulled Si Nan away as he said sorry before leaving with the other two neighbours, who waved goodbye.

"Why are the neighbours so weird?" Ru Li asked as he shut the door with force. Ru Jin walked up the stairs shaking her head with amusement, saying. "If they're weird I wonder what you are."

"RU JIN" Ru Li shouted in outrage as he chased after her