
Chapter 2: Why Me

"Hey, guys Mom wants you to help Dad with the cars, oh and Ru...Jin? hey guys where's Jin?" A young man walked with a big smile on his face, but noticing the grim pressure in the air the young man's (Ru He) smile slowly dimmed.

"Ru Jin did it again didn't he... I mean she, man, she shows no sign of being feminine." Ru He said as he dropped down on the couch.

"Don't worry about it, anyways I thought Ru Si was helping Dad?"

"Oh, he ran away as soon as he heard Ru Yu shouting at Ru Jin." Ru He sold Ru Si without a second thought.

"Coward!" Ru Li tsked in disappointment realizing that Ru Si figured out he was going to use him. Ru Li turned towards Ru He smiling like a devil ready to steal a soul.

"Big brother?" Ru He called fearfully. 'Brother is gonna cause trouble.' Ru He immediately tried running away only to freeze in dred as Ru Li held his collar before dragging him upstairs towards Ru Jin's room.

"Brother please, I beg...you... don't do this I...don't...want...to... die!" Ru He cried as Ru Li dragged him.

"Don't act so cowardly, your older than her, be brave plus you're a man, she's not, remember what Dad said."

"We...are...stronger...than... girls." Ru He hiccupped as he repeated what Ru Li said. Before Ru Li could smile his pupils shrank.

"Oh, Dad said so." Ru Jin's voice rang out with a tinge of laughter and mischief. 'Oh oh.' Ru Li and Ru He thought at the same time

"RUN!" Ru He ran as soon as he heard Ru Li's voice, Ru Li was not any slower.

"We're you going, I promise I won't hurt you." Ru Jin's head tilted to the side as she walked slowly towards the direction her older brothers ran making them run faster.