
Chapter 2

1945 Norway...

"Everyone get Cover!!!" a Lieutenant called to his fellow soldiers as explosion and gunfire were surrounding them, now trapped in a pit everyone had fear across their faces as they were wondering if they will see tomorrow.

they're fear increased as they heard a large roar coming from a monster in the distance, one of the soldiers looked up to see a shell from a mortar coming right on them, "GET DOWN!!!" one of them shouted as everyone started to get cover but boom the ground shook but nothing else happened.

Peeking the lieutenant sees a green light shining on them, he looked up to see a large oval shield covering everybody.

"Is everyone alright" a voice called out surprising everyone including the lieutenant, turning around they saw a blond-haired man flying above, he wore a cape with a high collar and a unicolour tunic which had an emblem of a classic oil lantern and a dark domino mask to concealing his identity.

"Its green lantern!!" One of the soldiers called out while everyone started to cheer as of the day had been saved, the lieutenant then looked forward as multiple enemy soldiers with high tech guns and armour were approaching, but soon a blur was seen as they all started to fall.

The blur stopped showing another had shown up, a blue-eyed man now stood on the battlefield, he wore a red long sleeve shirt emblazoned with an upside-down lightning bolt, blue pants and red boots with small stylized wings on the side, on his head was a tin doughboy helmet that covered his brown hair, the helmet also stylized wings on the side he was The Flash.

"Flash, get any injured behind us, leave none behind." with a quick two-finger salute he was off in a flash, all the soldiers smiled as they knew what this meant.

In the distance where the monsters roar seemed to be, we could see Dr Fate and Wotan in the sky fighting, beams of red and gold flew everywhere.

While on the ground tanks were blowing up and enemy soldiers sent flying, *BOOM* a small crater was made in the crater was a woman in a red leather bodice outlined by a golden eagle, connected to a blue leather skirt held together by a golden belt that resembles a 'W' at the ends had stars on each hanging part.

Her boots looked as if they were made of pure gold and her bracelets bright silver.

This woman was none other than wonder woman, she smiled gripping her sword before getting back up, she glared forward seeing another woman stepping slowly towards her.

"You know 'wonder woman' we could rule this world together." She spoke with a German accent, the woman had short blonde hair like Marilyn Monroe and blue eyes bright blue as the morning sky, she wore a white long sleeve shirt which showed off her shoulders and a red armband on her left arm and two guns in her shoulder holsters, her shirt was also tucked into her leather pants with knee-high leather boots.

"If you join me, women shall take our rightful place," she added, they called her the baroness, Paula von Gunther.

"Not gonna happen, for Hera!!!" Wonder Woman called out before jumping into battle.

On the other side where the roar originated Hourman, Wildcat, Firebrand was fighting a very tall man with pale bluish-grey decomposing skin, patches of white hair on an otherwise bald head, and eyes that are entirely black with glowing yellow irises, no eyebrows and only a few teeth, it was Soloman Grundy.

"Dammit, where's the kid?" Wildcat asked Firebrand as he fell back "The kid better not went off to face him by himself otherwise Imma knock HIM out." he said while knocking out soldiers who tried to sneak upon him.

"You know this is important to him, he'll be here." Firebrand replied who was distracted by grundy,

Wildcat looked annoyed before hearing a motorcycle coming in the distance "Bout goddamn time" just as he said that behind him a motorcycle leapt out the forest going over above him, the rider flipped over the front still holding the handlebars before letting go tossing it towards Grundy sending him flying away before causing the bike to blow up in his face.

"You're late," Hourman told the boy who landed on his feet, the boy had on what looks like a standard military uniform except the helmet was blue instead of green like the rest of his uniform and had an A in the middle of it, covering his eyes is what appears as flight goggles you would see a pilot use.

On his chest above where his heart is was a white star around his gut was red and white strips leading down to his blue utility belt and combat pants, also having a sidearm in a holster that was strapped to his leg. (A:N lookup Ultimate Captain America WW2 it kinda fits the era I think.)

On his back was the famous invulnerable circular shield with the star in the middle with signature red and white stripes leading around.

" I saw a squad pinned down." Cap said in a serious tone, stepping forward overlooking the battlefield on the cliff he sees a castle "He's in there if we stop him here it could lead to this war ending."

"Then shall we." Wildcat declared while cracking his knuckles, Cap then jumps off the cliff before landing on the ground from a great height and sprinted towards the castle at extraordinary speed.

"Damn that kid," Wildcat muttered as Firebrand sighed before following suit.


On the battlefield, Green Lantern and Flash were having a difficult time with 2 other villains .

"This doesn't make any sense why is brainwave here and the others," Flash questioned, Brainwave wasn't known to fight in these conditions not only that he doesn't gain anything.

"I have no idea but we have to hold out until-" as he said that more enemy reinforcements came, each of them holding tech weapons, created by the man with no name "Arghh Goddammit." Lantern groaned as he ready himself for battle.


After taking out the soldiers on the way Cap finally reached the front of the castle where old ruins laid, Cap notices it became quiet, not a sound could be heard until he gets a scent....of metal "Crap." he spoke while grinding his teeth he quickly raising his shield before blocking a blue beam sending him into an old brick wall.

A seemingly large soldier in an Exo-skeleton suit starts to step towards the large broken wall where Cap was blasted into, out from cover many followed suit "He must be dead from that blast." one of the soldiers from the back spoke in German.

"Get the cannon ready." The large one spoke in a commanding voice, they all rushed to set up cannon that was as big as a normal man held on a stand aiming at the hole where Captain America was thrown into.

As the large commanding officer walked slowly he heard rocks crumble "HE'S STILL ALIV-" before he could warn the troops, the circular shield smashed against his face destroying his protective goggles, the shield then proceeded to fly in the air.

Just as the Juggernaut of a soldier was falling backwards, Cap appears from the shadow using him as a springboard, leaping I to the air catching his shield, the soldiers began to panic trying to turn one the cannon.

"FIRE, FIRE." One of the other soldiers called out before getting shot in the shoulder and chest by a flying Captain America.

Landing on ground Cap proceeds to take out as many as he can before getting cover, he then starts going through his belt grabbing a small grenade before throwing it into a crowd of soldiers who are firing.

Smoke then immersed the field causing the soldiers to panic, one of the soldier's point-of-view he could hear the screams of his comrades and gunfire, his heart, felt as if it was going to explode.

Stepping backwards he was stopped by what felt like a wall his heart stopped in that instant, turning around he gets a glimpse of Cap before getting put into a sleeper hold.

Moments later smoke started to clear with multiple bodies on the ground, some had been shot by they're own while others were knocked out, the only ones standing were Cap and 3 soldiers."

It was a standstill until a grin appeared on Caps face, all three ready themselves for what was to come by aiming their guns at him wait for the slightest movement.

Suddenly one of the soldiers felt a tap on his soldier, turning around he saw a man that was known as wearing a black unitard and a mask with tiny cat ears, a front resembling a cat's nose, long ear flaps extending to his chest, it was Wildcat starting at him "Hey how ya doin" before getting punched in the face destroying the soldier's protective mask.

The soldier felt the fist that felt as strong as iron crashing into his face.

One of the soldiers turn to fire only to get blasted away by fire, Firebrand was following Wildcats example by taking out the other soldiers.

"Polly is still taking out blondie but she'll be here." Wildcat told Cap finally reaching his side.

"Wheres hourman?" Cap asked.

"He went to help Flash and lantern." Firebrand reported to Cap, she looked at the castle that haunted the field "Are you ready for this? You about to see him again after-" Fireband stopped her words after seeing Caps dark expression.

"Its time let's go." Cap said before continuing forward to the castle but then stops "Get outta the way!!!" he yelled before tackling the both of them away from where they stood,

A large slam appeared in front of them from something that fell from the sky, growling could be heard in the settling dust, before showing grundy finally had recuperated and returned.

"Dam he really doesn't stay down." Wildcat wisecracked.

"This is unusual even for grundy." Cap spoke as he was trying to figure it out, raising his shield once again for battle.

"Doesn't Grundy seem more...focused to you?" Firebrand said confused realizing something was also different.

that's when it hit Cap "DAMMIT." He then rushed towards Grundy jumping while raising his shield barging into his head before springboarding off going behind him, he then started racing into the castle.

"KID WAIT!!!!!!" Wildcat called out while seeing him runoff on his own towards the castle, Wildcat tried following only to be stopped by a rising grundy, with one last glimpse of Cap he was already gone.





65 years later....

In a lab, two men in lab coats stood talking in front of a large pod with all the windows completely blurred out thanks to the frost that was inside.

"What do you think he's dreaming about?" One of them asked, staring a the pod in fascination.

"Probably the old days" he replied, the man didn't bother to look up, only continuing writing down on his clipboard "I don't know and honestly don't care we need to prep him for his next mission".

The second continued to observe the pod, until walking up close and wiping the glass to see what's inside more clearly, only to see a man in a sleep-like status, wearing PU leather tactical armour with a patcher on his right side, a red star.

But on the glass was the words "Project Winter Soldier".

"Well I suppose its time to wake him up." One of the scientists said in a serious tone.

My purpose of this was to show cap is pretty resourceful without being Op like I had soo many young justice ideas like transmigrated into project match or Thor in Young justice but they would be too powerful and I honestly hate cocky op Mcs so I thought why not the opposite.

And this series will have a lot going on with cap meaning he will be the main focus for a bit I try to think of this as comic kinda

Oh p.s the Cap you know is a little different than the one you know as Steve rogers

techashicreators' thoughts