
Chapter 3

February 12.2010

In the lab, the two scientists were working looking through microscopes and making different tech like a mask that was on display.

Before long the door opened up revealing a man in a generals uniform with two fellow soldiers following close behind, immediately the scientists stopped what they were doing and stood in line, as they knew this man as General James Ross in charge of the S.H.I.E.L.D Division.

The Division was made back in 1978 when field researchers in Antarctica came across something that benefits the army once again, under strict supervision even under the president's nose the government kept this closely guarded secret.

"How is he looking." The General asked immediately paying close attention towards the pod which held project winter soldier.

One of the scientists stepped forward excitedly "All vitals are normal like always and-" before he could finish explaining he caught the glare of the general "Oh...yes the chip is still working."

"Good." The general then began to walk away. "Get him ready, there's a new mission."

"Yes sir." the scientists stood still until the door finally closed leaving them alone before finally releasing their breath.

"Finally he's gone." one said finally feeling the relief of breathing.

"Don't you think this morally wrong?" The Scientist asked looking at the pod, "He's just a kid, even though he has no idea what or who he is..still."

"Apparently that doesn't matter to his file...Hurry up we gotta wake him." The Other scientist that was known as Stan dismissed, even though his face told what he really thought.

"What do you think he is dreaming about?" The second scientist's named Miles asked, curious as to always seeing in frozen status.


1942 Gotham...

In the west slums of Gotham, the sounds of the busy streets could be heard reigning through, while one boy at the age of 14 could be seen walking home, he was only 5'3 in height and what looks to be a mere 95 lbs.

He continued to walk up some stairs that appear to lead to his apartment "Steve." Looking up the scrawny kid sees another teen in a military suit who seems to be 18, "Sorry dad couldn't come to her-"

"Don't worry about it Damon didn't expect anything from him." Steve said walking past Damon to his door, "I'm guessing as dad didn't approve of you being here either." he added continuing going through his keys to open the door.

"Screw dad I came to check up on you...after the funeral, you just vanished," Damon said worriedly as he stared at his brother who stood still.

"I had to get out of there, it was too painful," Steve said as his voice started shaking.

Damon saw his brothers hand starting to shake before grabbing him and pulling him in for a hug before saying "She'll always be here with you never forget that."

"I know, it's just hard knowing I won't see her again." Steve's voice continued shaking as his brother held him close.

Pulling away Damon stared into his eyes before asking "Why not move in with me and dad you need to stay somewhere."

"No, with him there ill probably just get kicked out" Steve spoke, soon Damon realised what their father was like "and I rather stay somewhere I feel safe."

Knowing how Steve is, Damon backed away instead of fighting with him, there was no changing his mind plus it's Gotham "Fine but ill be coming by every day until I leave okay."

"Okay..." Steve spoke softly but at the same time, fear and sadness filled it knowing his brother was being shipped off to war in a few weeks.

"Now let's go inside," Damon said with a smile finally letting go letting Steve open it by himself.

"Fine but you're cooking," Steve said with a grin before getting slapped in the head and pushed inside, before turning around and punching Damon in the gut then putting him in a headlock.

"Haha, you gotta do better than that." Damon laughed while continuing to annoy him as they were walking inside.


In the lab, the scientists finished gathering the gear for the mission, two guns and multiple knives with a utility belt, smoke bombs, gas pellets, zip wire etc. And a half mask with pair of black tinted bulletproof goggles.

Dr. Miles walked towards a dashboard next to the capsule and pressed multiple buttons before a click could be heard, the capsule then started releasing cold air from the sides while the ice started melting from the inside.

The two scientists waited a few minutes before the door opened showing a 16-year-old teen in a sleep-like state.

"Code 14-76-30 wake." Stan recited, as the blue eyes of the teen opened he looked around trying to process where he is.

Unable to move as he was still strapped in the chamber by metal braces holding in place, a confused look appeared on the boy before miles clicked a button on a computer.

His once-bright blue eyes turn darker while his face gave a blank look.

"Free him," Stan ordered as miles began pressing more keyboard binds making the latches release making the winter soldier completely free.

"Well looks like another day at the office" Stan quipped.


Gotham 2 days later...

On the rooftops of Gotham, three men could be seen running with a bag on his back, sweat rolled down their face's as it was filled with fear but they continued running until one of them tripped over.

All of them stopped to help their friend but a swoosh could be heard and laughter echoed until a second later a sound could be heard that would be described as a knife stabbed into can one of them turned to see a bat-shaped boomerang was stuck into a brick wall beside them.

Their hearts beating louder and louder as they all pulled out their guns readying themselves.

"Hey what are you guys doing at this fine hour." A mocking voice quipped as they all turn around again where the brick wall was and looked up to see a 13-year-old boy in a red vest and a cape over his shoulders that was black on the outside and pale yellow on the inside. On the left side of his chest, he had a yellow stylized "R" symbol.

"THE BATS SIDEKICK KILL HIM." They all began firing at his position but before the bullets reached Robin jumped over them doing while doing a flip.

"You know usually shooting a kid is considered bad manners." Robin jested while in mid-air before throwing one of his bird ranges in one of thugs guns blowing it up before landing and doing a slide kick making one of them fall.

"Got you now" A gun reached his face, but Robin just smiled as the thug could no longer speak as arms appeared outta the darkness and covered his mouth before pulling him in.

"Now...were we," A smiling Robin said while cracking his knuckles as all you can hear is laughter afterwards.


A few minutes later

A man stood next to the taken thug who was crying by himself he appeared to be having an anxiety attack, the man was looking at a screen that was projecting from his wrist wears he wore a dark grey costume with the symbol of a bat spread over the chest with gloves with fins on the outer side, black trunks, boots and a black cape with a unique pattern.

"Batman they're all tied up and ready to be shipped off to Gordon." Robin called out before jumping down from above.

"hm" Batman groaned as he continued looking at his screen not taking his eyes off it.

"Something wrong?" Robin asked curiously as to what has batmans and attention.

"Stealing some computer chip isn't two faces style it doesn't make-" Batman then was cut off by the voice of Alfred the loyal butler of Batman over the comms.

"Sir it appears Star Labs in Gotham is currently under attack." Batman's eyes widened.

"Call Gordon tell him I'm on my way." Batman gritted his teeth realizing this gonna be a long night "Robin!!!" Called out catching his attention before jumping off the building.


Star labs....

Meanwhile, at Star labs, multiple bodies of guards on the floor can be seen through a hallway, while a red light overhead could be seen flashing and sirens ringing through the facility.

Following the hallways path bodies keeping increasing before entering a room where a man with a mask can be seen at the computer.

Next to him, a scientist was knocked out "help." he mumbled having no energy to speak up more.

Btw he's around 16-17 rn for everyone who wanna know

techashicreators' thoughts
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