
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter thirty four


It rained heavily and everyone had to take shelter and thanks to the rain Claire was able to come out of the pit, Derin and Grexiak took shelter at a rock as they thought of all they did just to smile at each other, Derin couldn't find the words to explain what he felt for this wolf, she was everything and everything was her, since she came back to his life everything else had turned blank he didn't even care about his marriage with the princess anymore.

The king as well as the prince had no place to take shelter as they battled the tiger in the rain, they took it down in the dirty muddy water and went off to their horses to make it back to the palace they had cut an extra bull and the wild cow, it was hard taken them all to the palace but they took what they could and set out to the palace when they arrived at the waiting spot they asked the guards to go get the ones they left on the way, arriving there they saw jazzers team was back too "Oh how pleasant to see you didn't get drenched by the rain." the king said as he kissed the queen's head.

"Hmm we came back once we caught an antelope." Yu yang said as she cleaned the king's face with a towel.

Looking around he asked "What about the rest."

"They're not back yet my king." jazzer informed.

Aliz and Yan stood under a hut which was abandoned, they stared at the rain without saying a word to each other before Yan spoke "I-."

"I'm sorry I blew up earlier I was just stressed." Aliz cut him off quickly "And it doesn't matter if we made a kill or not." and the place became quiet again, she didn't want to hear what he had to say she didn't want to hurt herself anymore.

Yan stared at Aliz before looking forward as the rain poured "I was going to say I'm sorry for leading you on, I never meant to input such feeling or better still I thought avoiding the fling was better as I was afraid that such commitment will cause trouble and I know it wouldn't ever work. I'm sorry I made you feel that way I was saving both of us the stress and I'm glad you have decided to be with Derin, though I wish you would have chosen someone else not him but I'll support you with all your decision as you are smart woman."

Aliz balled her hands into a fist by her side as she tried not to cry anymore "Thanks, let's head home." she said as she stepped out as the rain had stopped pouring. She was beyond pained, she walked quickly as she scoffed "'' A fling? really seems like a child story.""" she said to herself. They all made there way to the palace and thankfully Claire was clean from the mud as the rain had washed it away.

They all had dinner and went to bed due to the rain and how late they had returned zila couldn't go out that day and the day after as he and his father had a lot of things to take care of that whole week was a very stressful one and though Claire didn't come to bug him he knew she hadn't given up. The queen had started the preparation of the celebration of Aliz and Derin's engagement, the whole palace was busy maids carrying thing in and out of the hall which was being decorated. The queen was picking the invitation card design when Zila made his way out, lately he had been feeling void as he felt a part of him was missing the little blonde haired girl, he really wants to see her but with Claire always trailing him he knew it wouldn't be safe, his mom called out to him "zila dear."

"Yes mom."

"Where are you going?."

"I wanted to step out for a minute."

"Please come help me pick a card for your sister."

Zila strolled towards his mother "You know am not good at such things."

"Pick anyone and I'll still choose too."

"Then what's the need?."

"Your Sister hasn't been doing too well these days, this will make her happy knowing you chose one."

"Fine, this one looks good." he picked a creamy blue design with a royal blue seal.

"Oh I had this one my mind too thanks sweetie." she placed her hand on her son's face in admiration, she turned as she called out to the servant who came over to take something from her, Zila went back inside as he noticed Claire outside seemingly waiting for him, he went back into the palace where he saw Muzak who walked towards him as if seeing Claire wasn't enough he thought to himself.

"Hello little vamp." muzak red eyes looked at his black ones

"Hmm I see your free today." zila said as he strolled away. "And so are you mmh don't walk away now it considered rude to walk away from once elders you know." muzak taunted.

"I careless." zila replied. Muzak frowned as he watched zila leave "One day your ego will be utterly destroyed and that day is closer than you think." Muzak said and saw Zila stopped and turned his head to the left and said "I will wait till then brother." he heard zila replied and he was shocked zila had heard what he said.

Since the hunting Aliz hasn't been feeling good and she has been cold she avoided people and mostly Yan, she set her mind towards her upcoming celebration which was a few days from now. Derin and Aliz where together in a room as they spoke "We hardly had time to talk I'm glad I saw you here how do you feel?."

Aliz looked up at the blonde haired man "I feel happy."

"We are going to be getting married Aliz I did tell you at your birthday and you doubted me, but look around you now what I said is coming true." he strolled towards her as held her and gave her a peck "I will make sure you are treated well ones were together my love."

"You had better." stepped in zila who came inside room with a frown said.

"Ah if it isn't my favorite brother-in-law." Derin said as he stepped away from Aliz, "Zee." Aliz called out to her brother but he only smiled at her as he said "I want to have a word with your fiance if you don't mind sweet sister." Aliz nodded understandingly as she stepped out of the room and immediately Zila pushed Derin to the wall as he held his neck "if you dare to make any advancement towards her before marriage I'll not think twice to put you six feet under do you understand?."

"WOW! wow brother in law."

"Do you understand." zila stressed his word.

"yes!." derin said with his both hands up he had been shocked but he covered it "Do you think my father or mother in law will be happy if they saw you right now." Derin said and Zila let him go and smiled faintly "Ofcourse that'll be nice as they would get to see how much I love my sister and maybe I would also be able to tell him about your little fling with that dog or maybe the maids how about that?."

"Calm down, I promise I wouldn't touch her, that the reason I'm spending time with these people you know I would never want to hurt her and once we get married I'll stop all these flings, please your supposed to understand as you are also with my sister and I know you both had s** with each other and see you aren't both married." derin said in fear of being caught

"My sister is innocent unlike your sister who had seen other men even before we had anything with each other at such a young age she was already filthy so don't you dare compare."

"I'm sorry please forgive my words." derin said and he was pushed to the floor as Zila walked out the door derin stared at zila leave and once he was out of sight derin twisted his face in anger "Soon you will be lead to your downfall, stripped from all right you own and then I'll show you how much of a loser you are." he spat and stood up to go to his bed.