
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter thirty five


Some weeks later Zila came to the sea side and waited for Bianca as this was the usual place she always spends her time, Bianca made her way on the sea side and she saw Zila who stood tall as he looked straight at the moon but as soon as he sensed her presence he turned to her and smiled faintly "Hey." at first Bianca ignored him and went on to seat at the sea side, Zila chuckled at her childishness and walked towards her "Are you ignoring me rabbit?."

"Do you always come here?." Bianca said as she looked everywhere apart from where he was, Zila smiled it was really nice to see her jealous "Well what do you think?."

"You haven't been here for a while now have you?."

"What if I have?."Zila said and Bianca immediately stood up to leave but was dragged back down, she stared at him before saying "Answer me!."

"Did you see me yesterday?."

"No, but-."

"Then you got your answer, I see you waited for me hmm, seems this little rabbit has desires towards me huh." Zila taunted as he spoke slowly. Bianca tried to control the smiled that threatened to slip up but her red cheeks gave her away

"How are you doing Bianca?."

"I'm fine, you seem different." she said as she looked at him it wasn't about his appearance but he's emotions he looked unhappy but she wouldn't want to point that out as she was aware he wouldn't want to talk about it.

"do I?." he raised a brow, "Did you always have piercings?." she changed her intended question which Zila didn't fail to notice "Smart girl I see you take note of my appearance that's a gift from my father." Bianca stared at the crystal in his ears which wasn't too noticable "It's beautiful."

"Not as much as you."

Bianca chuckled softly " How come your father has such a quality earring to gift you hmm."

"He occupies a high position in the palace."

"like a councilman."

"Hmm you could say so." zila said as they both stared at each other in an awkward way, they decided to take a stroll around the beach, they joked around and got more familiar but Zila still didn't tell who he was,

"what's staying in the palace like?."

"Umm casual like living in a house."

"with the prince at the castle? well there are two princes but the queen, the king, everything and you call it casual?."

"There are three prince's actually."


"Yes the third is little and not here."

"I know but the small one isn't the crown prince, I met him after we met that day."

"That prince is a horrible prince." he said as he realized she was speaking about muzak.


"Yes." zila said with disgust as he didn't want her thinking about that guy "You should never go close to him."

Bianca scoffed "like you could order me around." she murmured but Zila heard her well enough he stopped walking and so did Bianca as she looked up to him with a questionable look to why he had stopped walking.

"Get into the water Bianca." zila said calmly yet his eyes said otherwise.

"Wait what? but I'll drown."

"I'll save you, now go in I wouldn't want to throw you in there myself."

"Wait is this about my comment earlier?."

"Bianca." zila called out as his patience was wearing off.

"But I didn't mean what I said!." she stared at the water and back at the guy, seeing he wasn't joking she took off her sandals to step into the water before zila dragged her back.

"Your quit dumb I thought you said I couldn't order you around huh."

"You threatened to throw me in yourself."

"And so you planned to go in what if you drowned."

"You said you would save me." she frowned.

"You trust people blindly." he said as his beautiful black eyes stared down at her he lend down and asked her "How old are you Bianca?." feeling uncomfortable about the closure she stepped back before saying "I'm 14+."

"Hmm that means you'll be 15 soon." he said as he studied her face as he thought to himself "You shouldn't trust strangers blindly you know."

"Strangers? I thought you said we were friends?."

"I never said that, I asked if you had any? are this dumb."

Bianca stared at him as her face grew red in embarrassment "ha!." she scoffed as she turned to leave and zila watched her walk away but before she could go further she got pulled back by him who brought her close to him "I was joking." he said to feel Bianca shaking helplessly in tears. "But you did say that." she stared at him

" I didn't Bianca."

"You did."

"Why are you so weak."

"But but."

"I never said so, I don't make friends."

"Then why are you being nice to me? I told you everything about me I even listened to your advice and we always meet up here so why....why say that? and why come here to meet me." Zila smiled as he held her chin as he said "If you say we are friends then we are but i'ld like to ruin our friendship."

"W..what? why?." she asked him as she was confused, zila wasn't someone who spoke clearly, his words always have different meaning and it was hard to know which meaning it held. she stared at him with a confused look. "We should be lovers instead." he said with a little smirk, Bianca eye widened as he pulled her close and kissed her cheek. Bianca was beyond shocked by how she had been pulled into a kiss, she froze as she stared at him in shock she had never been treated in such a way she coughed loudly "I..I think I should leave." she said as she blinked a couple times before turning to leave but Zila tugged at her as he stared at her deeply as she fought to free herself, ' what a sily girl he thought to himself.' she looked up to him to see his eye had a little of gold highlights in it must be the lights "w..what are you doing let me go." but Zila paid no heed as he enjoyed seeing the embarrassment on her face. "What are you doing?.'' she said as she struggled to release her hand but he seemed too strong and seemed to be enjoying her pain.

"She said let her go!." suddenly a voice came from behind, Bianca turned and saw Fred but Zila didn't bother to look. Fred had just gotten home from his task at the other village and he was told Bianca was out to her normal spot at the sea he quickly made his way there as he had missed her quite alot, this past few months he had gone through the highs and the lows he was more mature than he was when he had left now he knew how to speak up and do things maturely. When he got to the sea side he saw a tall slender yet well built man holding her, the girl he has been looking forward to seeing, she looked scared or was it confused he hurried to her as he felt it was one of the village boy who loved to bully people.

"Fred." Bianca called him in suprise as he had been away for some weeks now. Zila who noticed the change in bianca's attention, followed her line of sight and saw a guy which seemed familiar he loosened his grip and Bianca made her way towards Fred who came close and held Bianca by the hand.

"When did you return." she said in suprise.

"few hours ago." Fred said as he tried to get the face of the person but it was dark and he couldn't see properly.

"What are you doing here? you know it's quite dark and dangerous and who was that?."

"I ...." Bianca's eye trailed off looking for who she has been with.

"Let's head home."

"huh what?."

"let's go home." he said a bit louder as he held on to her dragging her back home, when she turned back she still couldn't find zila there anymore so she left.

All night she stayed up thinking about zila he was few of the good looking guys in the village and she didn't know what he actually did today but it made her feel different she turned side to side as she couldn't sleep feeling frustrated she scoffed and sat up to go get water from the kitchen, coming down from the bed she went to the mirror to study her cheeks where he had kissed her cheek was as red as tomatoes she sighed and went to the door. Getting out of her room she heard people talking and she didn't mean to eavesdrop but she heard quit alot and it sounded like the whole family was there well apart from her she was sad but she was already used to the treatment especially since she and Becky went off in the wrong foot.

"I think we might be at big lose if this keeps going on." Fred said with worry.

"What about your father is he doing ok." Fred mom said with worry on her face.

"He's fine but the bridge which is of use now will be a major change in the income received and that's why he chose to stay there and only return home when things are settled." Fred said.

"That doesn't make any sense Fred what are you hiding." Becky said

"Becky!." the mother called out to her

"What mom we are family so why is he hiding things from us? do you think we aren't aware?." Becky said angrily.


"Dad has been the talk of the town, we heard of the illegal transport of weapons from the sate region to the blue valley so we are aware he's just in hiding for what he did. I wonder why he would stood that low." she snorted


"What!." Becky said as she still remember how everyone took bianca's side including her father.

"He's your father." Fred said

"And He's your too." Becky said angrily.

"That's enough the both of you." the mother said as she turned her focus to her son "How is he? does he feed well."

"Hm he already saw this coming immediately he found out about the sinking ships he knew it will bring the council as well as the king's attention, he knew they will dig up his dirty, so he made plans ahead of time, he is doing well and is safe."

"Well that's a relief I think we should go to bed we wouldn't want to wake grandma or the girl or get her to hear us." her mom smiled

"Huff." Becky scoff "who cares we'll soon send her away anyway so she wouldn't make any sense with the information, only a miracle can keep her here."

"That's enough you wouldn't want grandma hearing it either." her mom said worriedly

"how's grandma health." fred asked

"she isn't going to make it." Becky blurted

Bianca held her breath with the information she just heard she quickly made her way to her room as she crouch down on the ground and sobbed she needs to leave she wasn't welcomed here she stood up to her bed and held onto her pillow the memory of zila and the kiss quickly disappeared from her head as it was filled with pain of how her only family was about to die.