
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · ファンタジー
69 Chs

Chapter forty two


Once derin and Aliz were done dancing, they went back to their parents and watched the performance, Aliz couldn't contain her anger as she just realized she had made a huge mistake, she hadn't thought this through properly she was blinded by jealousy, she excused herself from her parents presence as she claimed to have a sharp pain so she was dismissed, she walked back to the main palace as she began to feel pain in her chest, she held on to the top part of her dress as she cried bitterly on the hallway as she walked further she made her way passed Yan's room she couldn't explain why but she knocked on the door and although she knew he was at the celebration she just felt like she needed comforting she leaned on the door and shut her eyes in tears but it suddenly opened and she looked up to see Yan who was shocked and worried to see her in her present state "What's wrong aliz?."

"Yan I don't want to continue with this I don't." she stared at him and his door which was halfly closed behind him "I'm sorry to bug you I think I'll just leave..." aliz said wiping her tears as she realized what she was doing the man she had been ignoring was who she was disturbing.

"No no don't do that aliz you wouldn't want anyone seeing you look like this come, come on in." with that they went in Yan offered her a handkerchief to wipe her face and went to his table to pour a glass of water. Aliz kept staring at his movement, he was shirtless as he had just stepped in few minutes ago before the knock, when he handed her the water she took a few sips and gave it back to him he kept it by the side of the bed and looked at her in worry "How are you feeling now?."

Aliz just stared at him as she wondered how he could still be nice towards her after all she had said and done to him lost in his eyes, aliz dragged him in for a kiss, Yan tried to pull off but with the feeling he got right now and the cold inviting touch of her little hands on his face and the feeling of pressure and demand as both their hearts raced, they deepened the kiss aliz trailed her little finger on his broad chest as she held his hands and placed it on her face, she trailed her hand downwards and Yan's eyes snapped open, showing how alert he was aliz looked down to her hands which he held in restriction and he gently called "Aliz."

"please Yan." aliz said as she looked back up with teary eyes, she needed nothing else, she had dreamt of nothing else than being with him and she was tired of holding back.

"Are you sure about this?." Yan asked as he was worried this was all the effect of the drink she had as he smelt little alcohol on her. Not giving him an answer she pulled him in as she found her way to his lips again, while they got rid of each others clothing, they could hear the loud sound of music from the ball room as it alighted the passion in them, they both moved in sync as the beat of there heart felt as one.

There wasn't any going back now and they both knew but didn't regret anything.


The celebration was bustling as the elites ate, drank and gossiped, Thea and his pack who arrived wasn't an exception as they enjoyed all the presentations, they waited to met muzak, Thea looked around as he smiled inwardly soon enough all these would belong to him and all these people would bow to him alone, he picked a glass as he tried to blend in, Grexiak who happened to be very next to the place the drink was served saw her father and approach him. "Father."

"How are you doing my dear." Thea turned to look at his daughter with not much excitement.

"I'm fine papa."

"Where's he?."

"umm his with his father."

"Go get him." Thea said as he had a last sip of his drink and walked away, he had no concern for her infact he would kill her if she wasn't his, he knew all she did she was a loose woman like her mother who left him for another but she was his blood.

Minutes later Muzak appeared, Thea was happy to see him unlike when he saw his daughter he hugged him shortly as he wouldn't want to raise question as he felt piercing gaze at them, he walked into the crowd with the young man as they discussed, once they where done talking thea handed a black bottle which could be mistaken for perfume but was potion, muzak looked confused as he stared at the black bottle in his hands "What's this for father?."

"Muzak you must put this little by little in every drink the king have, slowly the king will begin to find favour in you it's from salmon village and it took alot to obtain it."

"Are you sure father but he's already acknowledging me...." muzak said as he felt a sense of betrayal.

"Don't be silly my boy don't let there act fool you, don't stop once you have started giving him this drugs I'll take my leave as I have a war to plan." Thea said as he signaled the rest of his people including his daughter for all of them to leave.

"Alright father." Muzak whispered but Thea heard him and gave a nod.

The king watched Muzak and Thea speak as he was seated at his throne, the movement looked suspicious but he saw nothing, the wolves were not people to play with to be honest the wolves were more stronger than them but not as smart oncetge king looked away to find zila but the young man was no where near the ball room he sighed as he turned back to look at Muzak again but now the man stood alone in the crowd and there was no sight of that wolf.

Bianca and zila laid there as they struggled with each other, Bianca shut her eyes in fear as she pleaded with the prince "You have to stop this my prince, why are you doing all this are you happy with this?."

"I don't do things if it doesn't bring me the outmost joy sweet pie." zila said as he smiled at how his little rabbit's neck was filled with his marks he smiled as his eyes glittered Bianca has grown up in this few weeks of being apart and her growth brought a lot of feminine features her waist became slender and her bossom stood beneath the dress perfectly he felt the urge to rip it off and show her real pleasure but it wasn't time yet he knew he could wait a while longer.

suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his hand as the little thing bit him he chuckled as he heard her scream "let me go... please."

"If I do I'll never see you again, you and I know that." he grinned at her as he waited for her denial but instead she said "of course, why would we be seeing each other you are the prince and I'm a mere maid we can't see each other as we are highly different individuals of different caliber?."

Zila's eye darkened at her work as he sucked on his teeth "Well my sweet girl you aren't leaving here tonight." his hands circled her tiny waist as he trailed his long nose on her neck making it hard for her to breathe he chuckled and whispered in her ears "Breathe Bianca."

Bianca who was lost in his eyes quickly took a sharp breathe, she didn't know what was wrong but it felt like he had hypnotized her she couldn't think straight she shook her head as she looked away from him "What do you mean! let me go! your acting different even the color of your eyes seem different who are you?."

Zila chuckled as he replied " if I were to tell you, you wouldn't believe but I'm me sweetie and I am not letting you go if I'm not assured of seeing you again."

"Please people will see us like this and it wouldn't be good for me or you."

"Well let them see."

"What?." she scoffed at Zila's stubbornness "What else do you want..my prince or should I say the royal king to be who lied of being a guard? huh it has all been a lie from the start hasn't it."

"I never lied little pea I just didn't say."

"Then why didn't you find it important to tell me what I was getting myself into."

"Because you never asked." came the sarcastic words from zila as he pushed some strands of hair behind her ear. "Ha you got to be kidding me, I didn't ask?."

"What I'm just being honest, did you?."

"Just let me go I beg you."

"You'll just end up going round in the same circle sweetie you are not leaving."

"What do you want? what has come over you?."

"I want you, I want to see you Again!." he said as he stressed the last word.

"Fine you'll see me."


"Well at the sea side where else - but firstly you have to promise me something too."


"promise you won't do this again."

"do what?."

"this.... this thing .....this behavior-."

"What thing?." came the interruption.

"you know what I mean."

"I don't." said zila as he smiled but seeing the little thing frowned he gave in "Why?."

"What do you mean why? am engaged! son to be married and I have heard rumors of you having a wife to be."

"I have no one so i don't agree."

"Then you won't see me ever again."

Zila's hand tightened as he said through gritted teeth "Fine then i'll just have you stay here for everyone to see including him." he meant bianca's fiance, feeling scared as Zila looked angry and serious with his word, Bianca said "Fine! fine, ok see we get to talk about this later but please don't make me regret meeting you in life, this will be a question of my character not yours if we were to be seen together like this I beg you."

"Fine." zila said as he stared at her and then both of them stared at her hands which he held in place "then let me go." Bianca said as she struggled to get away from zila, zila pulled her in for the last kiss but Bianca struggled to pull away although he was just too strong "Please..I beg ahhwu!!." she received a bite that help zila gain access to her mouth, she was shivering as it felt like she was going to loose her breath anytime soon she pushed again as she pleaded with her eye, zila smiled in satisfaction as he saw her lip looking pumped "Better now there's only traces of myself." he said before letting her go they both stood up just for Bianca to fall but luckily was held by zila who had his legs in between hers as that was how he waged her and due to the many layer of her dress he couldn't get any close to feeling anything feminine, they both look down at the place his leg was and back at each other, Bianca who didn't trust him was the first to speak "You promised."

"I know, I know your legs are weak so I'm trying to wage you, you should be thankful." he rolled his eyes.

"Well thank you your highness." she said finally after some few seconds she felt her strength back so she pushed zila as he wouldn't let her move she walked towards the door but Zila followed.

"What are you doing? why are you still following me." Bianca said a bit frustrated, she never knew this man who barely spoke was this annoying.

"Well you don't know your way around now do you?." zila said as he grinned at her, he's eyes had a tinge of tears and we're a bit red any experienced person could tell he was a bit drunk.

"I'll find my way out myself please."

"Fine." zila said as he opened the door Bianca stepped out as she put on her mask back, zila stared at her as she walked away, once she was out of sight he placed his hands on his beating chest as he smiled "Who ever said vampires had no heart sure did lie." he chuckled as he closed his doors with a deep sigh as he missed her already.

Bianca walked further away from the room as she thanked her stars that zila had let her go, she was so scared who would have thought that the prince had disguise himself as a guard that day she was so lucky he had let her go scott free that day at the garden while she was thinking she mistakenly bumped into someone "Ahh."

"Don't you have eye!." screamed Claire who was making her way to Zila's room.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm very sorry miss." Bianca bowed

"Whatever." Claire said as she walked away just to stop and turn back once a familiar scent crossed her nose "Hey stop there." she ordered.

"Yes ma'am." Bianca halted as she tightened her eyes in frustration opening them back she turned back to the woman.

"Where are you coming from?."

"umm I was ..." Bianca hesitated


"I went in search of the bathroom."

Claire looked at her suspiciously as she knew this hall lead to only Zila's room and the ballroom was further away from here, she stepped closer to Bianca who stepped backwards "Next time when you are looking for a place learn to ask direction than moving about, I'm letting you go as I can tell it's an honest mistake but that wont be the case next time, now scramp your husband is waiting for you at the corridor on the left." said Claire as she has already fixed the puzzle that this was the lady the man she met earlier was looking for and she was also sure as a married woman she would have a little decency.

Bianca bowed as she left the place and went as directed, she saw Fred worriedly searching for her and she went towards him "Fred." she called out in a low yet audible tone.

"Oh my goodness Bianca where were you I've been looking for you?." Fred widened his eyes in worry.

"I got lost."

"You shouldn't wonder off alone." Fred said as he stepped closer but Bianca stepped back, Fred sighed as he understood that she was overwhelmed that he had tried to kiss her earlier "I'm sorry for what I did earlier bee I was driven by affection, that is what people do when they care about each other."

"mm." Bianca whispered as little did fred know that right now the failed kiss was the least of her worries, she just mistakenly got herself entangled with the prince of all people, she had a lot of thought running through her mind right now, like what was the prince doing in the woods that night, why did he always choose to come at night, and what did he want with her why had he kissed and did all those disgusting things why did he feel different, she really hoped she wouldn't be seeing him again, she rather live her life as Mrs Fred ray than get involved with the royal family that is a big no as although it was a joke and not yet proving the villagers of the kingdom has spoken of ungodly things that exist in the royal home.

"Come let's go it's time to leave." Fred said as he held bianca's hand and they made their way out.

• Claire stood at Zila's door as she knocked, zila opened the door immediately which was rare as he never does that "Are you back ra-." he stopped as he saw who was at the door "oh what are you doing here?."

"Can I come in?."

"umm no I'm kinda sleepy so maybe tomorrow.''

Claire moved close to him as she placed her hand on him and the halfly closed door "Don't be this way my prince you know I love you right let me in, I could tell your stress let me ease up that stress, I promise to leave immediately am done." Claire had just one job to do now and that was to enter this room once she gets in it's all finished she would officially be the fiance of the prince and the soon to be mother of his child.

"Well I don't Claire... I don't love you and I don't need you to ease my stress."

"What do you mean zee I've been your love for a very long time your just saying stuff because your drunk."

zila irritatedly held her hand which was resting on his chest as he said "I'm in love with another Claire and you can never be her, why do you keep doing this to yourself huh why can't you just get the message I belong to another."

"what-what are you saying zee is it the maid from that day you know you can't marry a mere slave zee it's me your love, let's talk inside my love." Claire said as she slowly pushed the door but it didn't budge as Zila's body held it firmly. "Your not her and you can never be Claire I don't know how else to tell you this."

"Come on zee your just saying stuff you don't mean come on you do love me don't you let me in?."

zila pushed her lightly as he closed the door, he ignored her continuous banging on the door as he went straight to his bed and laid there he smiled as he reminisced what happened earlier with Bianca, he couldn't wait for tomorrow he wasn't going to shy away from his feelings for her anymore she belonged to him, he didn't care if she was anything or if she was trying to manipulate him, all he cared about was her and he was sure about his feelings towards her.