
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasy
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69 Chs

chapter forty three

•Post celebration•

Claire gave up as Zila didn't open the door again, she had sat there knocking repeatedly crying and calling out to him but no reply giving up, she made her way out of the corridor while wiping her tears, no man has ever made her suffer this way, she has always gotten anything she wanted so why was this happening to her, she frowned as she remembered the maid she had seen earlier in Zila's arms, she gritted she had to get rid of her at all cost she went to her room and ordered for the butler.

"Hello princess Claire you called for me."

"Where's she?."

"Who my princess?."

"A maid of yours didn't bring the food I had asked her earlier and I had told her to be brought to me."

"Oh I'm sorry my princess it will be delivered to you immediately."

"no there wouldn't be need for that I lost my appetite."

"I'm sorry my princess." the Butler bowed.

"but I'll make sure to report to the king about the inefficiency I witnessed today."

the butler eye widened as he began to plead "Please princess Clare please it won't repeat itself please tell me the maid who did this and she'll be punished."

"Not punished but removed from duty immediately."

"Yes your highness." the butler bowed it would be worth it as if the news got to the king they might be beheaded, if what the miss said was indeed the truth.

"Good." she said as she turned to leave


"What is it?." Claire said irritatedly

"Please who was the maid?." the Butler asked and Claire who had forgotten quickly smiled "Come I'll show you." she took him to the hall the maids cleaning the hall which the party was held before, everyone had left the palace so it was empty and only the maids who cleaned was there Claire pointed at one of the maids, the Butler was shocked as he said "But my princess that maid is only assigned to the crown prince and no one else."

"And who am I to the crown prince huh do you want your head on the floor instead of hers?."

"No no I will call out to her immediately." the butler said and the maid was quickly called out, once the maid stepped out she saw Claire who gave her a smile as she left her and the Butler to talk.

Claire made her way to her room as she began to make plans now that the maid was out of the picture it would be easier to get zila she thought to herself but she would need stronger backing she needed one of Zila's parents and she was going to get it. she went to bed triumphantly as she knew today was the last day she was going to see that maid.


it was morning, the palace was being cleaned of what was left by the maids, everyone in the palace who had attended the palace meeting was sleeping as yesterday was stressful and they were all tired.

zila who woke up earlier decided to head towards Yan's room as they both didn't really have their talk yesterday, he walked towards the corridor and he saw a familiar figure making it way out hurriedly he walked quickly but couldn't catch up with the person so he let it go, he knocked on Yan's door and Yan came to answer and was stunned when he saw Zila at the door.

"Hey buddy we got alot of things to catch up on." zila grinned as he looked towards the way the shadow had left from.


"Umm are you busy?."

"no it just that it's too early zee."

"Well you don't want to be a lazy vamp now do you?."

"Come inside."

but before zila could come in zila was called "My prince the king seeks your presence at once."

"ugh what did I do this time." zila said as he turned to Yan "umm we will catch up later ok."

"yes no problem." Yan said as he watched zila go he closed his door as he rested on the door shit he almost got caught by zila, they were lucky that Aliz had heard footsteps and made a run for it else they'll be in a Huge mess right now he sighed again as he made his way to the bathroom as it would soon be time for breakfast.

Zila made his way to the king's chambers there he saw Claire, her father and his personal maid who Claire had seen with him "Good morning my king." zila said with a little smirk as he already guessed what this was about.

"Morning Zila." the king said as the room became silent after few seconds the king spoke again "is it true you have a relationship with this woman right here."

"Well....." Zila started but was quickly interrupted by his father "Be careful of your choice of words young man as you know how it can affect the life of this maid." the king threatened.

Zila looked at the maid who had tears all over her face, she had made a scene this morning swearing that Claire had made no order of such and the commotion had led to Claire telling her father in other to be at the safe side and her father telling the king "Well father we share a normal relationship." came Zila's unconcerned words

"behead her." the king order the guard that stood on standby.

"as!." zila continue and gained his father's attention again "a master and a slave."

"Have you bedded this maiden zila."

"No father why would I, would you want me to?." Zila threw back the question to his father.

"Zila don't speak to your father that way." the queen who just entered the room said

"Well mom what can I do when I'm being accused here by my lovely father of having a sexual relationship with a maid who has been of diligent and honorable behavior?."

"Accuse? Claire here said she saw her sitting on your laps a day to today zila and not only that she now disobeys order passed on to her by other what else can give a mere maid such authority if she isn't assured of a backing."

"isn't she human? she clearly is only answerable to me as she is my personal maid it doesn't matter if she was bedded or not."

"you know our rules zila! I don't mind you bedding her but making it known!." the king said in annoyance zila has always been a major problem for him it seems with every new age there was a new disgusting and problematic personality but this was surely the last if he doesn't get disciplined he would never learn thought the king.

"I didn't bed her father she fell and was mistakenly pulled in worry of her getting injured and then came Claire through the door who must have read the whole scene wrongly... I am tired of Claire here disturbing and pestering my life, this is clearly a misconception that she is stirring up am I right Claire baby." zila said shamelessly as he stared at Claire. Claire felt ashamed as it was indeed true, the king looked towards Claire and then back at his son "She isn't of your class to even lick your feet zee less sit on your leg mistake or not it's not acceptable this shows her inefficiency in her work and that's judge able by death."

"Dismissed father not death, you can't kill her for such little thing."

"You are in no place to make a decision here."the king said as he felt zila felt something for the maid and it aggregated him.

"Well then I should be punished as well, as I was clearly involved as she."

"That you will."

"Father then hers should be reduced."

"Everyone leave I'll tell zike to inform you about your punishment zila."

"Please my king." Claire pleaded as the plan she had, wasn't to have zila punished, but she was silenced by her father as she had no right to opine in the royal matters. Everyone left apart from jazzer who just arrived.

the king looked so please to see his trusted man "What took you so long?."

"Alot has happened my king."

"well am ready to hear it all, speak."

"Thea attacked the witches and took the oldest and most powerful demons who were locked in, he planned to use it but according to my half sister When the box broke the demons sensed ram but weren't satisfied with his attributes but immediately they sensed zila they quickly entered him that day at our border, they both began to fight who will be the one to take his body but with time they adjusted to live as one this is to say that the event that took place years ago was beyond what we viewed that's why zila went on a rampage that day and the leader of the witch clan who has been missing is sensed at the wolf camp so seemingly Thea has captured and is torturing her, he seems to have a very dirty plan off his sleeve we had mistaken him to for a good version unlike his father but we were wrong."

"What does this mean?."

"I think the crown prince isn't a mere human but possess the will of a demon my highness, and it might endanger his life."

"This isn't good we can't risk the safety of the people and we can't afford to lose the crown prince so what do we do he might cause a huge problem for us or worst die."

"My king but the prince hasn't done anything wrong yet and he looks healthy."

" This is bad, so are we waiting for him too? you know the stories we were told you know how the demons aren't welcomed this is not a good information jazzer you know how hard the heavenly realm fought to send them away but how come how where they able to still live after the heavenly bidding." the king said with fear, pain, anger and rage.

"The land of the witches were invaded and the leader was kidnapped and so was other members with great abilities it seems Thea is up to something my king and we need to stop him the prince could be tamed."

"What could that be, what does Thea wants."

"I don't know my king but I think we need to be careful, and we should be watchful of the boy which Thea has placed here he might be watching us."

"No muzak is blood.... we'll talk about this later go freshen up you must have had a long journey returning back here." the king left his chambers and went for a walk along the passages of the palace, he was very worried he knew he had years ahead of him but if he was to keep ruling there would be suspicions coming from the villagers. He took a left turn to the terrace and there he looked at the garden he took a deep breath as he thought to himself 'how could this happen to him, why was it the crown prince, he could not let the life of humans be placed in danger because of his son, this was all Thea's doing, he has to be a step ahead if he wants to find a way out of this he really had to.

"Father." the king's thought was interrupted by a call he turned and there muzak stood with two cups in his hands "I've been searching for you father."

"Why is that?."

" I want to discuss about the salom kingdom with you." muzak said as he looked at his father calculatedly.

"What about them?." the king said as he stared at his son, memories of the gruesome death of his late family resurfaced.

"I was told that they were one of the best portion Brewers and yet they fell so easily why?."

"It takes wisdom my boy, I myself don't know how they fell but which ever way it's a good thing." the king said with less interest

"But why ? have this dad." muzak handed a cup to his father.

The king stared at the cup of blood a bit longer and then back to muzak the tension around them was a bit choked as the king looked a bit upset and suspicious, muzak was scared it felt as though he had been caught "Because they studied dangerous magic and death potions. muzak." the king called out to him slowly with narrowed eyes

"Y-yes father." muzak replied in fear as sweat broke out.

"Do you trust me."

"Ofcourse I do father."

"Then what's their plan?."

"who's plan dad?."

"Thea, you have lived with them so long so I'm very sure you must know some things, don't be scared you are with me and no harm can come to you so tell me what do you know." the king said with an eye filled with affection, muzak felt relieved as he saw his father take a sip of the blood handed to him "Father I was never interested in the plans of the wolves as I felt I never fitted in but I did know that Thea wanted to make a change, he wants a better future for his kingdom."

"Are you sure you speak the truth boy, this kingdom depends on your statement today."

"I'm absolutely sure dad."

"Hmm alright thanks for this." the king raised his hand which held the cup and walked away the king went to his room and there Yu yang was she was staring outside the window but with the sound of the door she turned to look "Come see my love." she called out to the king who adhered to her call he stood next to her as he stared at the scenery he could feel the cold breeze that caressed his face as he smiled "It's going to rain Yu yang."

"hmm do you remember?."

"I do Yu yang I do this used to be our favorite weather till we lost him." the king said sadly, Yu yang looked up at him with her eyes that looked a bit stressed "hmm... you've been working to hard lately my king, I could see stress and fatigue you need to take a break and let the officials do their jobs."

"I know my love but you know I can't be at rest leaving others in charge we have a lot to hide."

"I don't want to loose you."

"You ain't loosing anyone my love, you ain't and I'll make sure of that with my life." the king said as he hugged his wife lovingly. Way before the birth of Zila and his sister they had a son who died due to a case that isn't freely spoken about back then humans lived in harmony with others creatures but that event drew the line ...