
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · 若者
26 Chs

Time To Time

"Finally it's the weekend." Meiying murmured. She lay in bed with one arm covering her face.

Her mom yell from downstairs; "MEIYING!" And she quickly open the door and reply, "What!"

"Come take these fruits to Guifeng's mom." Her mom replied back.

"I'm busy, I'm not going." Then her mom go check up on her to see what is keeping her busy. She sees Meiying sitting on her desk reading a book. Her mom remove the book from her and throws it on the bed.

"Mom, I told you I'm not going." She said. Her mom replies, "His mom is quite sick, bring these fruits to her." Her eyes open wide looking at what her mom just said.

"Are you for real?" She ask. Her mom nod. Her mom give her the address to his house then she grab the basket of fruits and left to Guifeng's house.

She got there and she is surprise by how big and nice it is. She take a deep breath before ringing the door bell.


She waited but no one open the door. Then she ring it again. A couple of minutes later, the door is open by a little boy.

"Hello?" The little boy said quietly. She crouch down to the same level as the little boy.

"Is anyone home with you?" She ask the little boy but he only hide behind the door. She then enter the house and closes the door.

"Where is everyone?" She ask again to the little boy. He start walking to the living room and she follows behind him. There she sees Guifeng's mom laying on the couch.

"Auntie Chen...," She said. She is shock by how sick Guifeng's mom is. His mom slowly open her eyes and sees Meiying standing holding a basket on fruits. Meiying kneel next to auntie Chen.

"Are you really Meiying?" Auntie Chen ask reaching her hand out to touch Meiying's face. She grab onto auntie Chen's hand and place it to her cheek.

"I'm Meiying." She replied back. A tear escape from auntie Chen's eye.

"I haven't see you in a long time. You've grown into a beautiful lady." Auntie Chen said quietly. Meiying show her a big smile.

"Who is this little boy? And why is he here? She ask. Auntie Chen wave her hand to her son to come over.

Auntie Chen reply, "His name is Heyang. He is my son." She look at Auntie Chen with a surprise face.

"When did you have him?" Auntie Chen giggle at her surprise face.

"I have him 4 years ago. Uncle Chen passed away after we move. Then I remarried and move back here. When I'm going through divorce with my second husband, I have Heyang in my belly." Auntie Chen said as tears come down. Meiying reply, "Sorry for your loss. Knowing that you're sick, where did Guifeng go?"

"He's been taking care of me all day so I told him to go get some fresh air." Auntie Chen said.

"Let me go cook some porridge for you." Meiying head to the kitchen to cook. Not long after some time, the porridge is done. She bring a bowl of porridge to feed auntie Chen. After eating, she give auntie Chen medicine and help clean the house before she go home.

"Auntie, I've been here for a while and it's quite late now, I'll need to go home." Auntie Chen get up from the couch and hug Meiying.

"Thank you and go home safe." Meiying smile at her and wave goodbye to Heyang then leave.

On her way to the bus stop, she feel like someone is following her. She pick up her pace but she can feel that the person is also picking up it's pace too. She decide to go pass the bus stop and find any store near for help. She finally found a convenience store around the corner and decide to run to it. She enter the store panting hard. She look outside to see if there's anyone and there she sees a man wearing all black with a blue cap. The man is standing next to a building across from the convenience store looking toward the store.

She is stuck inside the store, don't know what to do. Her phone suddenly rings and it is from her mom.

Her mom said through the phone; "Are you coming home yet? I have prepare dinner, just waiting for you."

"I'm on my way home mom, don't worry." She replied. The call end. She want to ask the cashier to walk her to the bus stop but he's still helping costumers checkout. So she stayed in the store for 10 more minutes to see if the man will leave but the man haven't even move at all. He is still there looking toward the store.

At this point Meiying is really afraid, don't know if she will make it home safe. She decide that she can't stay here any longer. So she plan to run back to her bus stop and if he tries to do anything then she will have to fight him off. She told herself to count to 3 then run as fast as she can to the bus stop.

"1....2....3!" But as she open the door about to run, she sees Guifeng walking towards the convenience store. Her plan quickly change to running toward him and ask for help even though she hate him so much. She look at the man and she can tell that the man is staring straight back at her. On the count of 3, she run as fast as she can toward Guifeng.

As she approach him, she immediately said, "Hug me! Hug me!" She command Guifeng. Guifeng froze and confuse at how and why she is here.

"Hug me! Guifeng, I need your help. Hold me tight, please..." She beg, hugging Guifeng as tight as she can. Then slowly, Guifeng's arms wrap around her. She closes her eyes and feel the warmth between them. In his arms, she feels safe.

"Is he gone?" She ask. Guifeng look around and sees no one.

"Who?" Guifeng look around them. She replied, "The man wearing all black with a blue cap." He then tightened his hug around her. Guifeng look around again but sees no one dressing like that.

"No one is here." Guifeng said as he stop hugging her. While still hugging him, she look around to see if the man is still anywhere near her but she sees no one.

"Why are you here?" He ask her. He push her away from him.

"My mom told me to bring some fruits to your mom." She said. Without saying anything, Guifeng start to walk away but Meiying hold onto his shirt pulling him back.

"What are you doing? Let go of my shirt." He said annoyed. But all she did is shake her head side to side.

"Take me to the bus stop." She command him again. He chuckled.

"I thought you hate me. Why do you need my help now, huh." He said.

"You're so annoying." That's all she said and lead the way to the bus while dragging Guifeng behind her.

She made it to the bus stop in time for another bus coming it's way. The bus stop and she hop onto the bus. Guifeng watches her get on the bus and then head home.