
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · Teen
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26 Chs


It have been many days since Mei Ying and Li Hua talked to each other. It have been very awkward between them. But Mei Ying have decide to make up it up for them because she don't want to lose a good friend. Mei Ying waited until lunch time to clear things up with Li Hua.

The bell rings and everyone leave to the cafeteria. Mei Ying quickly walk to Li Hua before she go out the door and said, "Li Hua, wait!" Li Hua turn around to see Mei Ying standing behind her.

With a big smile, Li Hua replied, "What do you need." Meiying stutter before saying, "Can we talk?" Li Hua nodd yes. They go up to the roof top as usual.

"Li Hua, I'm sorry about that day. I was too angry at the moment. I just want you to know that I didn't meant to do or say any of those things to you. I'm really sorry." Mei Ying said lowering her head. Li Hua begin to giggle and Mei Ying shot her head up to look at Li Hua's laughing face.

Li Hua responded, "I know Mei Ying. I know you won't ever purposely do that to me. I'm sorry too for what I did." Mei Ying show a face with a big smile and hug Li Hua tight. They continue to talk and enjoy their lunch together.

After returning to class, the teacher announce that there will be a trip next week. A 3 day camping trip. Their class and two other class will be going together. The teacher told the students what they will be doing and to prepare for the trip.

A week have gone by and it's the day before the trip. The teacher called everyone to make sure they arrive at the bus station at 9am.

Mei Ying woke up extra early the next day to make sure she have everything she need. By 8:30am, Mei Ying's mom drive Mei Ying and Li Hua to the bus station. They got to the bus station in time as other students start to arrive too.

Mei Ying and Li Hua got into the bus decide to sit toward the end of the bus. Mei Ying pick a seat to sit and thought Li Hua will be sitting next to her but she see Li Hua sit on the seat across from her.

Mei Ying ask, "Are you not sitting with me?" Li Hua smile as she replied, "I'm sitting with Jian Yu." Li Hua begin to blush.

"I see what my friend is trying to do." Mei Ying said and smirk at Li Hua. A couple of minutes later, Jian Yu come in the bus and come straight to Li Hua. He took the seat next to Li Hua. After that, Gui Feng comes in and go straight toward to the seat behind Li Hua and Jian Yu. Then Jia Hui comes in, and go straight to sit by Gui Feng.

Mei Ying notice that so she keep looking out the window trying to avoid Gui Feng and Jia Hui. Suddenly, someone tap on Mei Ying's shoulder. She turn to see who it is.

"Hi Mei Ying, may I sit with you?" Qing Wei ask. Mei Ying smile and let him sit next to her. The teacher announced, "This will be a one hour ride so you all can take a rest." After the teachers check all the students in, the buses are ready to leave.

During the ride, most students sleep and some students eat snacks to keep them awake. Since Mei Ying woke up extra early, she is quite tired. But she don't want to sleep because Qing Wei is sitting next to her.

Mei Ying keep yawning and Qing Wei notice that Mei Ying is tired. Mei Ying's eye lids become heavy and her head keep falling forward. She rest her head next to the window and her eyes begin to close. The bus suddenly press hard on the break making everyone jolt forward. Mei Ying about to fall forward but Qing Wei catches her before she hit the seat in front of her.

Qing Wei slowly place her head on her his shoulder. Mei Ying sleep on his shoulder through the whole ride.

One hour pass by and they're finally at the camp site. Everyone unload their things and bring it to the cabin they're staying in.

The teachers led the students to the cabins. Girls have their own cabins and boys have their own cabins. The cabins have three bunk beds so each cabin will have six students. Mei Ying and Li Hua are roommates with four other girls. Everyone unpack their things in their cabin.

A teacher announced, "Listen up! After unpacking, you all feel free and hangout until noon. At noon, we will have lunch then do our first activity of the day after lunch. Everyone got that?" All students answer, "YES!"

With that everyone just hang out until lunch time.

Li Hua finish unpacking and went out to be with Jian Yu. The other four girls also finished unpacking. Mei Ying is quite tired so she's taking her time. She sit on the floor, back facing the door, unpacking her things onto her bed.

"BOO!" Qing Wei scared Mei Ying. With a scared face, she yelled, "AHH!" Qing Wei laugh at Mei Ying nonstop.

"Hey! You scared me!" Mei Ying said while she hit his leg.

"Look at that face you just made. It's so funny." Qing Wei said.

"Mei Ying replied, "Never do that again." She continues unpacking. Qing Wei stops laughing and lean on the bed latter looking at Mei Ying.

Mei Ying then remembered something and said, "Hey, boys aren't allowed in a girl's cabin." Qing Wei sit on the bed and replied, "Shhh, I just want to hangout with you." Mei Ying look back to see if the door is closed.

"We can hangout outside after I finish unpacking. You better get out before someone comes in." Mei Ying said. Qing Wei lean back on the bed.

Qing Wei command Mei Ying, "Come here, I need to tell you something." Mei Ying have her eyes fixed in Qing Wei to see if it's something serious he wants to tell her. She stands up and walk over to him.

As Mei Ying approached Qing Wei, he quickly pull her onto himself. She now lays on top of him while he hug her on the waist.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked surprisingly. Qing Wei smile and answered, "I just want to hug you."

Mei Ying froze at what he just said.

As she try to get up, she says, "That's enough. Get out before someone comes in." He denied and hug her tighter but now his face go near her neck and smell her scent. Mei Ying freak out.

"Hey! W-what are y-" Mei Ying haven't finish what she's saying, the door flung open. Mei Ying and Qing Wei both look at the door way and sees Li Hua standing there with wide eyes.

"Am I disturbing you two?" She ask. Mei Ying quickly get up and run toward Li Hua to explain what had happened. Li Hua narrowed her eyes at Qing Wei. Mei Ying then walk over to Qing Wei and drag him out of her bed and out the door.

Mei Ying take a deep breath. Mei Ying then continue to unpack with the help of Li Hua. After unpacking, they go out to get ready for lunch.

"Students! Gather up! It's time for lunch!" One of the teacher announced. Every students gather up and have lunch.