

Emma is a girl who is determined to make it and in the process, she meets Alex Smith the CEO of the highest-ranked jewellery company what would be the fate of Emma and Alex

Pink_Pop_6174 · ファンタジー
16 Chs


It takes courage to grow up and become who you are. – E.E. Cummings


When Emma entered the room, she saw a woman in her late forties who had a cold expression and two men sitting to her right and left respectively

She walked towards the empty sit in front of the woman and sat there

"good morning ma'am" she greeted

The woman gave her a simple glance through her reading glasses

"Miss Emerald Jones right?"

"Yes ma'am" Emma replied with a nod

"I have checked your resume and it says that you studied a bachelor of arts in jewellery design so if you were to get a job here you would be in the designing department" the woman stated

And Emma nodded in affirmation

"So tell us what you know about sparkling beauty," the woman said

"ma'am Sparkling Beauty is a jewellery company which deals with designing jewellery, and manufacturing raw materials like jade, gold, silver and diamonds into finished goods like necklaces, bangles, rings, crowns and many others" Emma replied with confidence

"hmm" the woman nodded

"as you know sparkling beautyputst customer service first, how do you ensure that you put customers' needs first?"

"I ensure that my customer's needs are met by actively listening to them and also asking the right questions, treating others as you want to be treated. It is a good rule to live by" Emma replied without batting an eye

"Okay but why do you want to work for us" the woman asked

Emma cleared her throat

"I want to work for Sparkling Beauty because I love your products and your company's culture seems great too," Emma said

"Okay since you studied jewellery design can you show us one of your designs" the male interviewer at the left said

Emma brought the design out of the file she was holding and handed it over to the female interviewer

She glanced at the design expecting a plain design but what she saw greatly surprised her and showed it to the other two interviewers and they seemed impressed too.

"Miss Emma are you sure that you designed it yourself" the woman asked

"yes ma," Emma said

the interviewers asked Emma many more questions and Emma answered all with confidence which impressed the interviewer

The interviewers discussed amongst themselves and finally came up with a conclusion

Congratulations Miss Emma Jones you got the job, we were supposed to send it through an email but since our company is really in need of a good designer we decided to tell you here, we will give you today to get prepared so you can resume tomorrow," the male interviewer by the right said

"thank you so much. It's a huge honour for me to work with sparkling beauty, I won't disappoint you or give you a cause to complain" Emma said as she stood up and shook the interviewer's hand

"It's our pleasure and we hope that you won't disappoint us, Miss Jones," the woman said

Emma left the office with a calm expression so people began to discuss amongst themselves

"it seems that she didn't get the job" person A said

"Poor girl, with all her hard work she still couldn't get the job" person B said with pity

Many other people discussed amongst themselves and hearing their discussions she was still calm. She wasn't a person to show off because you can never please everyone so she decided to keep a low-key

Hearing the comments made by people Sage who was standing by the door felt satisfied and with a smirk, she approached Emma who just come out of the hall, it was clear that she was waiting for Emma so that she would pick on her.

"tsk tsk tsk Emma I told you that you wouldn't get this job, didn't I? Why do you keep on embarrassing yourself, Looking at you, poverty is written all over you. But don't worry like I said those common companies like Shinning Life and Glittering World would suit your status more so why don't you go there" Sage mocked

" Sage with the way you are talking, it seems like you got the job" Emma said calmly

"Emma, yes I got the job, take a look at the email which I just received," Sage said showing the phone to Emma

"there is no need to be jealous of me, sweetie I'll resume work on the 12th of April which is the day after tomorrow, so Emma why don't you just go home and cry to Mommy I'm sure that she's gonna comfort you like she always does," Sage said with obvious pride

"Well, good for you Sage, congratulations" Emma said and walked away while Sage stood there grinning from ear to ear

"I love to see jealousy in people's eyes," Sage Said to herself with obvious pride


A knock was heard on the door of Jones's residence

"Who is it" Elizabeth asked

"It's me mum" Emma replied

"oh okay, I'm coming" Elizabeth said and walked towards the door

As she opened the door she was greeted by a broad smile from Emma

"Mum, I got the job!" Emma screamed and hugged her mum tightly

"Really?" I knew that you could do it after all you are my smart daughter" Elizabeth said with pride

"So when are you resuming?" Elizabeth asked

"they said that they need a designer so I can start tomorrow" Emma said

"But mum I think that the reason why they told me to come tomorrow was because they liked my design" Emma said looking away in deep thought

"And why do you think so" Elizabeth asked

"Because my coursemate Sage also came for an interview and they told her to resume on the 12th of April," Emma said

"of course dear, they wouldn't want to lose a precious gem like you, and it's a good thing that you have a friend there, you won't be lonely," Elizabeth said

And Emma smiled she didn't want to make her mum worry by telling her that Sage was not a friend but a big trouble that came in the form of a human

"Mum I want to discuss something with you" Emma said leading Elizabeth to the couch

"what is it dear," Elizabeth said giving all her attention to Emma

"Mum as you know my workplace is a little far from our house, I need to find an apartment near Sparkling Beauty so that I won't be late for work I have some money in my account which I have been saving so I'll go in search of an apartment after work hours tomorrow, but after I move out I'll be visiting you every day after work," Emma said

"I knew that this day would come" Elizabeth smiled

"I do understand," Emma said

"Emma I want to tell you something" Elizabeth said seriously facing Emma

While Emma listened with curiosity.

Thank you for choosing my book I'm very grateful please encourage me by voting for my book and please check out my other book THE VAMPIRE's FAIRY BRIDE I may update once in 2 days

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